šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

that didnā€™t work

Did you add state_color: true ?

that worked now thank you!!!`

Hi. Could you please help me out with this code? Iā€™m trying to add style to a slider-entity-row (knob and progress bar)

- type: custom:mod-card
  debug_cardmod: true
            $: |
              .slider-knob {
                background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
                $: |
                  div#progressContainer {
                    background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
                  div#primaryProgress {
                    background-color: rgb(0,255,0);

Itā€™s working separately (or the knob or the bar) but not at the same time. Thank you for your help.

I could use a litle help. Iā€™m trying to change font-color of floated-label-placeholder in paper-input.vacuum floated-label-placeholder

Hi @thomasloven,

First of all thank you so much for this great work! Iā€™ve been using card-mod for a while and itā€™s awesome :+1: I recently wanted to try the new theme styling feature from release 13. I have the latest release (13) installed from HACS and running Home Assistant 0.108.3 The styling in the theme does not at all reflect in my cards. Is this feature broken for now? Is anyone else having this issue?

Thanks again!

Interesting, it refers to card-mod-themes.yaml but there is no such fileā€¦

because you have 2 identical $ keys under ha-slider.
this works for me

              '#sliderContainer': |
                .slider-knob {background-color: rgb(255,255,255)}
                $: >
                  #progressContainer {background-color: rgb(255,0,0)}
                  #primaryProgress {background-color: rgb(0,255,0)}

should be paper-input-container.

Thank you @AhmadK. I didnā€™t know how to put the second $ selector into work. You saved my day. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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how about this (untested)?

                  $: |
                    .floated-label-placeholder {
                      font-size: 16px !important;
                      --primary-text-color: black !important;

btw, no need to use quotes around keys unless they have . or #

youā€™re welcome. I didnā€™t know, too. Now I do :wink:
actually, it was more about how to ā€œbranchā€ the map at a certain level.

Thank You AhmadK for pointing me in right direction. The trick was to style just the input_select not the card. The right way to do it was:

        - type: entities
            image: '/local/custom-lovelace/custom_ui/vacuum.png'
            style: |
              ha-card {
                background-image: url("/local/custom-lovelace/custom_ui/vacuumlist.png");
              - entity: input_select.vacuum_room
                image: '/local/custom-lovelace/images/vacuumicon.png'
                          paper-input-container: |
                             label {
                               font-size: 16px;
                               color: white;
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actually, there was at least one more problem - you tried to style labelā€™s placeholder instead of the label :wink:
when you do styling, try adding a styling bit in your browser first to see if it works, make it look as you want and only then use the styling in card-mod.


Can you elaborate please?
How do you add styling in the browser?

open Inspector, in the opened pane you can see and add data

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Well! I never knew you could do that!

Can someone please help? I have been trying for days to find the right combo to remove the padding in the header from fold-entity-row

I found that it is this style i need to mod but what is the correct card-mod style?

Please help me anyone?

it would be great to see your cardā€™s config and your styling.

Is this what you want?

type: entities
style: |
    $: |
      .card-content {
        padding: 0px !important;
  - type: 'custom:fold-entity-row'
    style: |
        $: |
          .card-content {
            padding: 0px !important;
      type: 'custom:banner-card'
      color: '#5F9BEA'
        - 'mdi:home'
        - Nomhus
      - type: 'custom:layout-card'
        layout: vertical
          - type: 'custom:layout-card'
            column_num: 6
            layout: horizontal
# Theme based on Google app dark theme
# Creater: Juan - @juanmtech
# Website: https://www.juanmtech.com
# YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/juanmtech
# My Home Assistant Config files: https://github.com/JuanMTech/Home_Assistant_files
Google Dark Theme:
  # Header:
  app-header-background-color: "#171717"
  app-header-text-color: "#BDC1C6"
  # Main Interface Colors
  primary-color: "#5F9BEA"
  light-primary-color: var(--primary-color)
  primary-background-color: "#171717"
  secondary-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  divider-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  # Text
  primary-text-color: "#BDC1C6"
  secondary-text-color: "#5F9BEA"
  text-primary-color: "#FFFFFF"
  disabled-text-color: "#717171"
  # Sidebar Menu
  sidebar-icon-color: var(--app-header-text-color)
  sidebar-text-color: '#BDC1C6'
  sidebar-background-color: "#202124"
  sidebar-selected-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  sidebar-selected-icon-color: "#5F9BEA"
  sidebar-selected-text-color: var(--sidebar-selected-icon-color))
  # States and Badges
  state-icon-color: "#5F6267"
  state-icon-active-color: "#5F9BEA"
  state-icon-unavailable-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
  # Sliders
  paper-slider-knob-color: "#5F9BEA"
  paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-pin-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-active-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--light-primary-color)
  # Labels
  label-badge-background-color: "#202124"
  label-badge-text-color: "#BDC1C6"
  label-badge-red: "#D06568"
  label-badge-green: "#80C884"
  label-badge-blue: "#5F9BEA"
  label-badge-yellow: "#DFC271"
  label-badge-gray: "#5F6267"
  # Cards
  ha-card-border-radius: "15px"
  ha-card-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 0px rgb(12, 12, 14)
  paper-card-background-color: "#202124"
  paper-listbox-background-color: "#202124"
  # Switches
  switch-checked-button-color: "#5F9BEA"
  switch-checked-track-color: "#404D64"
  switch-unchecked-button-color: "#636466"
  switch-unchecked-track-color: "#636466"
  # Toggles
  paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: var(--switch-checked-button-color)
  paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: var(--switch-checked-track-color)
  paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: var(--switch-unchecked-button-color)
  paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: var(--switch-unchecked-track-color)
  # Table
  table-row-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  table-row-alternative-background-color: var(--secondary-background-color)
  data-table-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)

Hi, can you please help me to add backgroud-color to slider-entity-row? .wrapper div should be enough. Then Iā€™d like also to change colors of progress bar to make it the same all along the bar, regardless the position of the pin.

Dear all,

I was searching here in the forum but did not find any solution for this. I tried what the dev told me but my problem is that my Pop-up size will never apply no matter what i do:

This is my config if someone could give me a hand?

name: Vacuum
icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
template: rooms_child
show_state: false
  action: call-service
  service: browser_mod.popup
    large: false
    title: Vacuum
    style: |
      ha-card {
        color: grey;
        opacity: 0.4;
        width: 50%
        background-color: var(--primary-background-color);
        border-radius: 15px;
      # type: iframe
      # url: ''
      # aspect_ratio: 159%
      type: vertical-stack

I f i change width and height it wonā€™t be taken into account somehowā€¦
