šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

I always suggest to open the devtools and see where it is set.
And then you ā€œdirectlyā€ see, that you have to overwrite this.
Itā€™s faster than to wait that the prepared solution is flying in. :wink:

type: entities
  - entity: input_number.musikbox
          $: |
            input[type="range"] {
              pointer-events: none;

Have you tried it that way and it worked for you? Because I had tried it before posting and it didnā€™t work for me.
It does work if you uncheck the " pointer-events" in Devtools, but the code is not applying.

Yes. Tested and working. I cannot use the slider then anymore as set to none. Please try it one to one with my code or post yours where it is not working.

Hi everyone,

trying to use some of Ildarā€™s great glance code to modify my card but I cannot get it to work with my card.

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: grid
  columns: 4
  square: false
  title: Xiaomi Battery
card_param: cards
  method: friendly_name
  template: |-
    {% set ns = namespace(list=[]) %}  

        {% for item in states.sensor | selectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'xiaomi.*battery', ignorecase=True) %}
          {% set ns.list = ns.list + [ item ] %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% for item in ns.list -%}
          "type": "glance",
          "card_mod": [
                $: |
                  .card-header {
                    color: red  !important;
          "entities": [ 
            "entity": item.entity_id,
            "name": (area_name(item.entity_id).split()[0][:2] + (area_name(item.entity_id).split()[1][:2]) if area_name(item.entity_id).split()|length > 1 else area_name(item.entity_id)[:4]),
          "show_icon": false,
      {%- endfor %}

Would it need to go into the for loop?

How is that related to card-mod? )

I modified my post to show the card mode attempt, sorry for that.
I think it belongs in the for loop but I am not sure if the placement is wrong or syntax.

Cannot test it now, but this is obviously wrong.
ā€œcard_modā€ is not a list.
Also, you cannot use ā€œ|ā€ here.
This should be presented as json.
Go here: link - > a link about ā€œhow to quickly create templatesā€

I will search for more info in your link, thank you! Looks interesting once again :slight_smile:

Okay, found your info

                  'style': ':host { {%- if states(config.entity) == "unknown" -%}
                                    --paper-item-icon-color: brown;
                                    {%- elif states(config.entity) | float <= states("input_number.battery_level_critical") | float -%}
                                    --paper-item-icon-color: red;
                                    {%- elif states(config.entity) | float <= states("input_number.battery_level_warning") | float -%}
                                    --paper-item-icon-color: rgb(250,218,67);
                                    {%- else -%}
                                    --paper-item-icon-color: green;
                                    {%- endif %} }'
                } }},

Will try to apply it

Try this:

"card_mod": {
  "style": "ha-card {color: red}"

Ah, that works.
But I was trying to do it for the title and I think that should be .card-header and there it was not working for me

"card_mod": {
  "style": ".card-header {color: red}"

1st create a working card-mod style w/o auto-entities.
Then make it json for auto-entites.

That I already tried:

type: glance
title: Colored title
    $: |
      .card-header {
        color: red  !important;
  - entity: sensor.xiaomi_dining_room_battery

Same as

    '$': 'card-header { color: red  !important; }'

and as experienced user you now create a json)

If the $ is important, then it should be

          "card_mod": {
            "style": {
              "$": "card-header { color: red !important; }"

which does nothing.
But ha-card worked without the $, yet card-header will not. So still stuck :frowning:

Also tried

          "card_mod": {
            "style": {
              "'$'": ".card-header { color: red !important; }"

just in caseā€¦

Since I also wanted to add your line breaking, I tried a different property of the card but that also failed.

          "card_mod": {
            "style": {
              ".entities": {
                ".entity": ".name { text-overflow: unset !important; white-space: unset !important; }"

I think the json ison itself is formatted correctly. So I am assuming my mistake is elsewhere, more general :frowning:

Check this:

  template: |-
    {% for item in states.sun -%}
        "type": "glance",
        "title": "xxx",
        "card_mod": {
          "style": {
            "$": ".card-header { color: red  !important;}",
            ".": "ha-card {color: cyan}"
        "entities": [ 
          {"entity": item.entity_id}
        "show_icon": false,
    {%- endfor %}


1 Like

Fascinating. I adopted one of your other glance examples (the multirow names) and took me 10 min to get it right.

Now I will try to figure out how to mod a grid card (well, auto-entites with template and grid). Just want to modifiy the grid cardā€™s title :slight_smile:

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: grid
  columns: 4
  title: Xiaomi Battery
card_param: cards
  template: |-

I have started down the rabbit hole, but before I get stuck:
is the card type custom:card-mod needed for grid cards or was that just an example of yours?
I thought that card-mod was kind of available without making it a card-mod card.
From one of your excellent example posts

type: custom:mod-card
  type: grid
  title: some title

Baby steps. Glance card is being modded but the title of the grid itself is not being changed yet.
But at least no error message.
Or does the type: custom:mod-card have to be directly above the grid card rather than turning it all into a card-mod?

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:auto-entities
    type: grid
    columns: 4
    square: false
    title: Xiaomi Battery
        ':first-child $': |
          .card-header {
            color: red !important;
  card_param: cards
    template: |-
...#and then the rest of the template I posted previously

Is there a way of removing the rectangles from the mushroom-person-card so I only get the circles?


This is what I have:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
      - type: custom:mushroom-person-card
        entity: person.ignacio_martinez
        icon_type: entity-picture
        name: Ignacio
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
        fill_container: true
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: '#ignacio'
          action: call-service
          service: script.unmute_ignacios_pixel_5
          data: {}
          target: {}
            mushroom-shape-avatar$: |
              .picture {
                display: flex;
                border-radius: 50%;
                {% if states('switch.ignacio') == 'on' %}
                  animation: pinggreen 2s infinite;
                {% else %}
                  animation: pingred 2s infinite;
                {% endif %}
              @keyframes pinggreen {
                0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-green), 0.9);}
                100% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px transparent;}
              @keyframes pingred {
                0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-red), 0.9);}
              .container {
                --icon-size: 80px !important;
              ha-card {
                background-color: transparent;
                box-shadow: none;
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
      - type: custom:mushroom-person-card
        entity: person.ignacio_martinez
        icon_type: entity-picture
        name: Ignacio
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
        fill_container: true
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: '#ignacio'
          action: call-service
          service: script.unmute_ignacios_pixel_5
          data: {}
          target: {}
            mushroom-shape-avatar$: |
              .picture {
                display: flex;
                border-radius: 50%;
                {% if states('switch.ignacio') == 'on' %}
                  animation: pinggreen 2s infinite;
                {% else %}
                  animation: pingred 2s infinite;
                {% endif %}
              @keyframes pinggreen {
                0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-green), 0.9);}
                100% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px transparent;}
              @keyframes pingred {
                0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-red), 0.9);}
              .container {
                --icon-size: 80px !important;
              ha-card {
                background-color: transparent;
                box-shadow: none;

Thanks for the help!

Iā€™ll like to chnage vertical slider style in more-info light dialog.
Can i do that with card-mod ?

Tried this, but not working:

	action: more-info
	   body>home-assistant$ha-more-info-dialog$ha-dialog>div>ha-more-info-info$div>div>more-info-content$more-info-light$div.controls>ha-state-control-light-brightness$ha-control-slider: |
                max-height: 200px; /*	

Dont fully understand why you are using any stack-in-card in the first place. There is only 1 card in each stack-in-card.

But this should do it:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-person-card
    entity: person.ignacio_martinez
    icon_type: entity-picture
    name: Ignacio
    primary_info: none
    secondary_info: none
    fill_container: true
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: '#ignacio'
      action: call-service
      service: script.unmute_ignacios_pixel_5
      data: {}
      target: {}
        mushroom-shape-avatar$: |
          .picture {
            display: flex;
            border-radius: 50%;
            {% if states('switch.ignacio') == 'on' %}
              animation: pinggreen 2s infinite;
            {% else %}
              animation: pingred 2s infinite;
            {% endif %}
          @keyframes pinggreen {
            0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-green), 0.9);}
            100% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px transparent;}
          @keyframes pingred {
            0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-red), 0.9);}
          .container {
            --icon-size: 80px !important;
        .: |
          ha-card {
            background-color: transparent;
            box-shadow: none;
            width: fit-content !important;
  - type: custom:mushroom-person-card
    entity: person.ignacio_martinez
    icon_type: entity-picture
    name: Ignacio
    primary_info: none
    secondary_info: none
    fill_container: true
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: '#ignacio'
      action: call-service
      service: script.unmute_ignacios_pixel_5
      data: {}
      target: {}
        mushroom-shape-avatar$: |
          .picture {
            display: flex;
            border-radius: 50%;
            {% if states('switch.ignacio') == 'on' %}
              animation: pinggreen 2s infinite;
            {% else %}
              animation: pingred 2s infinite;
            {% endif %}
          @keyframes pinggreen {
            0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-green), 0.9);}
            100% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px transparent;}
          @keyframes pingred {
            0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-red), 0.9);}
          .container {
            --icon-size: 80px !important;
        .: |
          ha-card {
            background-color: transparent;
            box-shadow: none;
            width: fit-content !important;

Thanks! That was pure ignorance + copy and paste. Iā€™m a slow learner :slight_smile:

One more @dimitri.landerloos . The background is transparent but I can see the border of the box as light gray. How do I make that transparent too?

          ha-card {
            background-color: transparent;
            box-shadow: none;
            width: fit-content !important;
            border: none !important;
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