🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

I sure is (though be careful).

would you know how to set the background of the badge?
we can set background on that state-display, but not yet found the correct element to colorize the badges background completely

on hui-entity-badge ha-badge .badge

as usual - 1st post → … → badges 2024.8
but it needs a “hack”

This is working on chrome, but not Firefox and Fully Kiosk Browser. Any idea how to achieve this into these two? At least in FKB, would be great.

aarghh, had hoped to be able to do with mod-card in Arganto style…

and the config.entity, do we have another variable here too (like the other day in the row entity)?

          hui-generic-entity-row {
            {% set alert = states(config.row.entity)|int(0) %}
              mdi:{{'shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}};
              var(--{{'ok' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}}-color);

looking for the badge entity…

e.g. (short way via variables)

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:hui-entity-badge
  show_name: false
  show_state: true
  show_icon: true
  entity: sensor.processor_use_percent
  color: amber
      $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          --mdc-icon-size : 50px;
    .: |
      hui-entity-badge {
        --ha-card-background: red;
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Erm, what is a difference? Either use mod-card, or apply card-mod directly.
Also, with a hack you can use themes with “card-mod-badge”:

  card-mod-theme: test_badge
  card-mod-badge-yaml: |
    ha-badge $: |
      span.label {
        color: magenta;
      .badge {
        background-color: lightblue !important;
        border: 2px solid red !important;
    .: |
      :host {
        --primary-color: green;
      state-display {
        color: blue;


type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:hui-entity-badge
  show_name: true
  show_state: true
  show_icon: true
  entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
  name: xxxx
      $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          {% if is_state(config.card.entity,'on') -%}
          --mdc-icon-size: 28px;
          {%- else -%}
          --mdc-icon-size: 8px;
          {%- endif %}



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bingo! thx

          $: |
            ha-state-icon {
              --mdc-icon-size: 28px;
              color: {{'var(--success-color)' if states(config.card.entity)|int(0) < 24
                       else 'var(--error-color)'}};

is what I was after
getting better now…

only looking for the border element now

on that same .badge element


    .: |
       hui-entity-badge {
        --ha-card-background: {{'var(--success-color)'
          if is_state('binary_sensor.werkdag','off') else 'var(--card-background-color)'}};
        border: 2px solid red;

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-19 om 12.32.07

how peculiar :wink:


    .: |
       ha-card {
         border: 2px solid red;
         border-radius: 24px;

seems to work, but I had hoped to find the element so that I dont have to also set the border radius again

       ha-card {
         border: 2px solid purple;
         border-radius: 24px;
         --ha-card-background: green;
         --primary-text-color: white;
         --icon-primary-color: black;

all seem to work, and even --card-mod-icon-color: black; for that matter

a summary post, commented mods also work, but I’ve moved all except icon size to the generic ha-card, mainly because it is so much easier.

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:hui-entity-badge
  entity: sensor.vandaag
      $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          --mdc-icon-size: 28px;
          /*color: {{'var(--warning-color)'
            if is_state('binary_sensor.werkdag','on')}};*/
        state-display {
          font-size: 24px;
          /*color: {{'var(--warning-color)' if is_state('binary_sensor.werkdag','on')}};*/
    .: |
       /*hui-entity-badge {
        --ha-card-background: {{'var(--success-color)'
          if is_state('binary_sensor.werkdag','off') else 'var(--card-background-color)'}};

       ha-card {
         border: 2px solid {{'var(--success-color)' if
                             is_state('binary_sensor.werkdag','off') else
         border-radius: 24px;
         --ha-card-background: gray;
         --primary-text-color: white;
         --card-mod-icon-color: {{'var(--success-color)' if
                             is_state('binary_sensor.werkdag','off') else
                             'var(--error-color)'}}; /*--icon-primary-color:*/

but the border isnt right yet. Note the difference here:

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-19 om 14.35.00

the orange is set on the ha-card with the above card-mod, and the red inner border is set in Inspector, on the .badge element.

that would be my preference, because right now the oranges makes the card size go out of sync with others, and also has a different box-shadow

separate post for this:
because of the card_mod (with mod-card, idk) there is an ugly effect on reload of the view.

in my main theme I have a ha-card-border-radius: 0.

recently ha-badge-border-radius was added to the styles of the badges, and that’s great, because we can set the radius in our themes now.

I have ha-badge-border-radius: 24px in my main theme.

any badge in the dashboard that has any mod-card/card-mod set (and even without any mod itself), shows the squared border-radius 0 for a moment, and then loads the actual styling.

Nov-19-2024 15-52-14

left 2 badges have a mod, the most right badge has not…

btw, same happens with the new type: heading when card-mod is set:

Check the Host system info
Nov-19-2024 15-56-04

From where is this? And do you see a difference to address from there and not - as “standard” - from card-mod-view-yaml?

  card-mod-view-yaml: |
                .: |
                  ha-state-icon {
                    --mdc-icon-size : 24px;
                  $: |
                    .content {
                      font-size: 14px !important;

This is a standard card-mod-themes thing.

Sorry, could you elaborate?

O.k. Only already did it coming from the view-level (see my lines of code) and not from badge as you did above.

Did you ever get a reply or solution for this?

Nope I just learnt to live with it.

I might log it officially on github.

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ok so this might be a bit of a challenge, if at all possible

I like my card headers to show like


and with some conditional colors:

Ive configured a card_mod theme class with:

        ha-card.class-header-margin .card-header {
          background: var(--background-color-off);
          font-weight: 400;
          font-size: 20px;
          color: var(--text-color-off);
          padding: 0px 12px;
          margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px;

I found my way to do this with apexcharts-card, using:

  style: |
    .wrapper div#header {
       background: var(--background-color-off);
       padding: 12px;
    .wrapper div#header div#header__title {
      font-weight: 400;
      font-size: 20px;
      color: var(--text-color-off);

a local mod in a card can be like

  $: |
    .card-header {
       background: var(--background-color-off);
       font-weight: 400 !important;
       font-size: 20px !important;
       color: var(--text-color-off) !important;
       padding: 0px 12px !important;
       margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px !important;
  .: |
    .card-header ha-icon-button {
      --card-mod-icon-color: var(--primary-color);
      {{'display: none' if is_state('input_boolean.hide_history_graph_link','on')}};

the apexchart mod works fine with a simple header without states:

however, when states are shown, like here:

my mod has this effect:

the issue is obvious: the states are in the header and are inside the margins/paddings…

would there be an obvious way to exclude those?

the only other way I could fix this would be to not show the header in the apex, and add it inside a stack/entities with a custom:button-card…


type: custom:mod-card
card_mod: !include /config/dashboard/card_mods/stack_card_gap.yaml
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: heading
        class: class-section-heading
      heading: Energie verbruik
      heading_style: title
        action: navigate
        navigation_path: /ui-data/energie
    - type: custom:apexcharts-card

Functional, though awfully convoluted as you can see, so, for this challenge, I’d like to try the mod on the apex charts-card itself, and keep the card config to just the apexcharts with a mod

please have a look?

expanding the card_mod options for the new badge:

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:hui-entity-badge
  entity: sensor.meteoalarm_brabant_headline
  - condition: state
    entity: binary_sensor.meteoalarm_brabant
    state: 'on'
      $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          --mdc-icon-size: 24px;
          color: {{states('sensor.weer_alarm_kleur')}};
          --card-mod-icon: {{states('sensor.meteoalarm_icon')}};
    .: |
       ha-card {
         border: 2px solid {{states('sensor.weer_alarm_kleur')}};
         border-radius: 24px;

--card-mod-icon also works on the ha-state-icon

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-20 om 14.30.43

alerting the meteoalarm color a bit more:

      $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          --mdc-icon-size: 24px;
          --card-mod-icon: {{states('sensor.meteoalarm_icon')}};
    .: |
       hui-entity-badge {
        --ha-card-background: {{states('sensor.weer_alarm_kleur')}}
       ha-card {
         border: 2px solid var(--primary-color);
         border-radius: 24px;
         animation: blink 2s ease infinite;
        @keyframes blink {
          50% {opacity: 0.2;}

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-20 om 14.33.14

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Well, I am not using apexcharts.
Give me a SHORT example of this card to play with.

haha, yes, well, that is the thing, no such thing as a short apexcharts card…

the show_states: true option. makes the states show in the header. maybe cut a few of them would make it shorter

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  title: Apexcharts
  show: true
  show_states: true
  - entity: sensor.luchtvochtigheid_woonkamer
  - entity: sensor.temperatuur_woonkamer

suppose this could work for testing purposes

I checked this.
The “states” thing is a part of a “header”.
Do not see obvious simple ways to colorize a “header” except “states”.
Ofc there are ways like “do not style the header, style the title” - but this needs playing with many properties → not worth it.
Suggest to use a separate header card…

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