đŸ”č Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Thanks for your reply, Thomas!
I also tried this and the mod-card takes the full height but then the vertical-stack inside still doesn’t apply a height of 100%.
I’ve now tried this:

          - type: custom:mod-card
            gridcol: 1 / 2
            gridrow: 1 / 2
            style: "ha-card { height: 100%; }"
              type: vertical-stack
              - type: horizontal-stack

From the documentation:

When exploring the cards using the element inspector, you might run into something called a shadow-root and notice that you can’t apply styles to anything inside that.

Each card is in a shadow-root, so you need to specifically set the height of every card.

This is what I have now:

          - type: custom:mod-card
            gridcol: 1 / 2
            gridrow: 1 / 2
            style: "ha-card { height: 100%; }"
              type: vertical-stack
              - type: custom:mod-card
                style: "ha-card { height: 100%; }"
                  type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: light.storage
                    show_entity_picture: true
                    show_name: false
                    color_type: card
                    icon: "mdi:television"
                        - border-radius: 10%
                        - height: 100%
                        - border-radius: 15%
                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: light.storage
                    show_entity_picture: true
                    show_name: false
                    color_type: card
                    icon: "mdi:radio"
                        - border-radius: 10%
                        - height: 100%
                        - border-radius: 15%

but still it looks like this:

Should I also set another style to get this working?

I’m using this successfully with some entity-filter cards (doors/locks/windows/etc). However, when my front door is unlocked, the card pops up with a red background , so I know the door is unlocked - but the font color on the “LOCK” text next to it is blue, because of my theme. It looks horrible with blue font on red background. I went through the documentation, but can’t seem to find a config or parameter to put that will change the font color of an action/button that gets displayed to click. Any ideas?


How do I add styles to more-info overrides? I have tried this:

    title: Fuel BMW
      type: history-graph
      style: |
        ha-card {
          width: 500px;
      hours_to_show: 120 
        - sensor.330i_remaining_fuel

And it does set the width of the card, but the outer html, is fixed width so all I get is a horizontal scroll-bar.

What am I missing?

There’s another style parameter:

    title: Title
      popup_window: styles
      go: here
      note: the different format
      type: entities
      style: |
        ha-card {
          embedded-card: styles go here;

Well I’m ALMOST finished with my Lovelace Panel for my tablet but I can’t seem to get a horizontal stack card to increase it’s height. The card contains two gauges and no matter what I do they won’t stretch out the tile? Any help???

              - type: gauge
                min: 0
                max: 120
                theme: default
                entity: sensor.battery_level
                name: Water Filter
                style: 'ha-card { height: 187px; }'

Thanks for responding super fast :).

I’m still missing something - which selector do I use for popup_window? ha-card doesn’t work (to be expected), but I tried using all the tags under the “ha-more-info-dialog” tag inkluding “ha-more-info-dialog” itself.

I tried:

    title: BrÊndstof pÄ BMW
      popup_window: |
        ha-card {
          width: 500px;
      type: history-graph
      style: |
        ha-card {
          width: 500px;

and also:

    title: BrÊndstof pÄ BMW
        style: |
          ha-card {
            width: 500px;
      type: history-graph
      style: |
        ha-card {
          width: 500px;

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Is it possible to hide an entity icon when using the Entity card panel in lovelace? I’ve tried show_icon: false and it doesn’t seem to take. Any ideas?

I use that for hidding icons:

style: |
  state-badge {
    display: none;

Nope that didn’t work
Doesn’t seem like it should be this hard! lol

I’m afraid it’s even harder than that ! :joy:

  - type: entities
      - sensor.temperature_salon
      - sensor.temperature_bureau
      "#states div":
              $: |
                .flex .info {
                  margin-top: -20px;
                state-badge {


Thanks! But now I’m even more confused
I assume the “hui-sensor-entity-row” and “hui-generic-entity-row” are specific to your entity types. Where do I find those variables in my card??

It’s true for hui-sensor-entity-row. It will depend on your entity type. Hui-generic-entity-row is generic and common whatever types you use, you’ll have one for each entity row.

You need to use the « Inspect element « tool over(or just next below) the entity element you want to know. It will show you the html DOM, then you’ll have to drill down a bit to find the element block name.

Or just past your card here, you might get some more help

This is part of a HA Wall Tablet setup with just a pretty simple entity card. I was hoping to remove the volume icon on the entity line and make the volume slider a little bigger for those of us with big fingers in my household who want to turn down the volume on the kids music. lol. See below:

          - entities:
              - entity: input_select.chromecast_radio_station
              - entity: input_select.chromecast_radio_speakers
              - entity: input_number.volume_radio
              - action_name: Play
                entity: script.play_chromecast_radio
              - action_name: Stop
                entity: script.stop_chromecast_radio
            gridcol: 2 / 3
            gridrow: 3 / 4
            style: 'ha-card { height: 310px; }'
            type: entities

How can I make the height smaller and remove the ‘Product Group’ title from the card?

Thx for the help

Simulating with existing input_select i already have and an input_number created, i think that would be what you want :

  - type: entities
      - entity: input_select.heater_mode
      - entity: input_select.set_heater_room_ref
      - entity: input_number.volume_radio
      "#states div":
              $: |
                .info {
                  flex: 0  auto !important;
                state-badge {
                .flex {
                  margin-left:0px !important
      ".card-content div":
            hui-generic-entity-row: |
              .flex { 
                  transform: scale(1.9);
              .state {
                font-size: 8px;
                min-width: 0px !important;

The above sample is Desktop friendly but please note that changing scale size can have side effect on smaller screen devices, on my iPhone SE, scale 1.4 is a maximum.
Also if you want to change that, you might need to adapt font-size according to the scale you set. Bigger scale means smaller font-size as scaling as effect on font size size too.

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I have no idea what all that jibberish means
but it WORKS! Thank you!!! @olijouve

One last question
Any idea where I can sneak in the following line that was part of the original code:

style: ‘ha-card { height: 310px; }’

The style parameter of the popup does not take CSS, as the readme will tell you.

Your question is missing a few, quite important, elements; such as

  • what have you tried
  • what’s your reasoning behind what you tried
  • when that didn’t work, how did it fail
  • what did you try to do to fix it, and why?