đŸ”č Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card


  • First of all, if you show me a screenshot of a message, I’ll assume your question is related to the message. I am not a mind reader.
  • Second, if your question is about why your code does not work, post the code, not a picture of a small piece of the code.
  • Third, again, I am not a mind reader, but - just guessing from the single screenshot and nothing else you’ve provided - I’ll assume your “problem” is because you have configured the background to be green when the light is turned on, and to not change when it’s turned off - and your light is currently turned off.
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thomas, i am sorry for beeing a noob

so i will try to focus one question at the time

my 1st goal would be to change

background: 'radial-gradient(lightgray, green)'
  - entity: sensor.planta_conductivity
    name: Condutividade
  - entity: sensor.planta_moisture
    name: Humidade
  - entity: sensor.planta_temperature
    name: Temperatura
  - entity: sensor.planta_light_intensity
    name: Luz
heading: "\U0001F33F Ficus Benjamina"
link: /lovelace/bathroom
panel: true
row_size: 4
type: 'custom:banner-card'

into red text if for example sensor.planta_conductivity is <400

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First you need to find the css and/or js path of the part you wish to modify. The element inspector of your browser can help with this, but you also need to know your way around HTML, javascript and CSS.
I don’t use banner-card myself, so I can’t help, unfortunately, but just scanning the code for it on github, I’d think you’d end up with something like:

something something .overlay-strip .entities .entity_state:n-th-of-type(1) .entity-value

Similar to the advanced example in the readme.

Then you need a template for the color, something like
color: [[ if(sensor.planta_conductivity < 1000, "red", "black") ]]
should do it. Play around, and start with a simpler example - like the button you tried first.

Need help for:

$document.querySelector(“body > home-assistant”).shadowRoot.querySelector(“home-assistant-main”).shadowRoot.querySelector(“app-drawer-layout > partial-panel-resolver > ha-panel-lovelace”).shadowRoot.querySelector(“hui-root”).shadowRoot.querySelector("#view > hui-view").shadowRoot.querySelector("#columns > div:nth-child(2) > hui-vertical-stack-card").shadowRoot.querySelector("#root > hui-vertical-stack-card:nth-child(2)").shadowRoot.querySelector("#root > hui-horizontal-stack-card:nth-child(2)")

I try with:

              - type: horizontal-stack
                style: |
                  "#states div":
                          $: |
                            #root {
                              display: none;

It is not working.

Hmm, I like the idea of this card, but it’s too confusing
 The old card-modder worked great.

Ok, so trying to hide a box-shadow on a custom:vertical-stack-in-card. I’m not sure if I got things right or not. Any help would be appreciated. This is what I have copied from the GUI card editor.

  - type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
      .: ''
      '#states div:nth-child(1)':
        $: |
          vertical-stack-in-card: {
            box-shadow: none;

This is the selector:

#states > div:nth-child(1) > vertical-stack-in-card

I don’t understand what’s going on.

Is there a way to increase the size of the icons/entity picture of a person entity in an entities card? I have two entities as below however I would like the pictures to be larger if possible. I added a regular entity with an icon and was able to enlarge that using card modder but id didn’t enlarge the person pictures for some reason


I am trying to change the header of a fold-entity-row from normal to bold font-weight.

This fold-entity-row is populated through an auto-entities custom-card.

I have tried inspecting the element in my browser, attempted many different ways to get this done through Card-Mod, but do not succeed.

My yaml code:

        - type: custom:auto-entities
              - entity_id: "cover.gelijkvloers_bureau*"
          show-empty: false
            type: custom:fold-entity-row
              type: section
              label: Bureau
#         style:  ?????????

A desperate guy looking for some guidance, a solution, 

I am sorry, i have the same question
 i still do not understand what this mean
how can i use if and else?

@keyframes blink {
50% {
background: [[ if(states.binary_sensor.meteoalarm.attributes.severity == “Moderate”, “yellow”, “”) else if (states.binary_sensor.meteoalarm.attributes.severity == “High”, “red”, “”)]];
ha-card {
animation: blink 10s linear infinite;

Actually i wanna 3 color , when battery lower then 40 yello, lower then 20 red, then normal is black.

You mean pretty much exactly like the example in the documentation?

auto-entities is not a card and has no ha-card component.
You’ll have to apply the styles from the entities card.

Thanks for the feedback, Thomas.

Does this mean that what I want to achieve cannot be done ?

Here is how I style my lovelace-fold-entity-row's to get this:

                - type: custom:card-modder
                  <<: *darrentintstyles
                    type: entities
                      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                          type: section
                          label: Areas
                        padding: 0px
                          - type: 'custom:hui-glance-card'

and the anchor with the styles:

  darren_tint_styles: &darrentintstyles
      background: rgba(0,0,0,0.35)
      border-radius: 15px
      "--primary-text-color": "#f2f2f2"
      "--paper-card-background-color": 'rgba(0, 0, 0,0.65)'
      font-weight: bold
      font-size: 1.55em
      text-transform: capitalize
      font-variant: small-caps
      text-shadow: "1px 1px 2px black, 0 0 25px green, 0 0 5px darkgreen"
      "--paper-item-icon-color": lime
      "--iron-icon-stroke-color": green
      "--iron-icon-height": 41px
      "--iron-icon-width": 41px

No. It means


type: entities
  - whatever

Use the object inspector in your browser to find the correct path for the styling, starting from the <hui-entities-card> tag.

Trying to hide part of more-info-card but IDK if it’s even possible.

This is more-info-card of climate entity, I’m trying to hide graph part:

In Chrome>Inspect if I add display: none to state-history-charts it works but when adding to HA config it is not hiding, my config:

  - type: custom:more-info-card
    entity: climate.ac
    style: |
      state-history-charts {
        display: none;
        height: 0px;

also tried with state-history-chart-line and ha-chart-base and another options found in Chrome>Inspect without success

Is it possible?

I’m trying to change the color of the header.
Where is my mistake?

("#states > div:nth-child(1) > fold-entity-row").shadowRoot.querySelector("#head > entity-row-maker > hui-section-row").shadowRoot.querySelector("div.label")
- type: entities
    .: |
    "#states div":
        $: |
                    $: |
                      .label {
                        color: var(--accent-color);
    - type: custom:fold-entity-row
        type: section
        label: Test

#head doesn’t have a shadowroot, so there should’t be a $ there.

There are shadowroots in your way. Look at the post below yours. That’s a great example on how to dissect a selector path.

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I still do not understand.
Could you help me?
I deleted $ from #head, but nothing has changed, I can’t get to .label

- title: Test Card Mod
    - type: entities
        .: |
          ha-card {
            border-radius: 10px;
        "#states div":
            $: |
                    $: |
                      .label {
                        color: #FFFFFF;
        - type: custom:fold-entity-row
            type: section
            label: Test
            - light.bedroom
            - light.kitchen
            - light.hall

I can’t really say what’s wrong, but I can give you a tip for finding the problem.

Try one step at a time, i.e. start with

  "#states div": |
    whatever {
      color: red;

Then open up the object inspector and make sure the following is added inside the correct <div> tag.

<style class="card-mod-style">whatever {
  color: red;

Then you move on to

  "#states div": 
    fold-entity-row: |
      whatever {
        color: red;

and so on