šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card


Card mod no longer working on mini media player card?

I recently upgraded from 2023.10 to 2024.6. I also updated to the latest releases of card-mod and mushroom. Iā€™ve tried to change the margins to extreme values, but to no avail.

When upgrading like this, itā€™s always worth checking the release notes:


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Hey Card-mod peeps, - dont know whether I should open a new thread or just post hereā€¦

I am casting a dashboard to a Google Chromecast and am having trouble with getting card_mod to translate over all the changes to the card, esp when it comes to fonts.

In the case below, Amatic SC is displayed correctly in a browser, but not on the chromecast. The margin: offsets work correctly on both the browser and the chromecast.

However, if the font is defined in a theme, it works correctly on the chromecast.

Anyone know how to get font-family to translate into a chromecast???

I sort of remember seeing a post somewhere suggesting that there is an alternate way of making sure that card_mod always translates (caching/module/resources) - I just cant seem to find the post

  - type: markdown
    content: <h1><center>BACKYARD</h1>
        .: |
          ha-card {
            margin: -40px 0px -130px -60px  !important;
            text-align: center !important;
            font-family: Amatic SC;
            font-size: 25px;

Worth testing quotes around Amatic SC and adding serif

font-family: "Amatic SC", serif;

        .: |
          ha-card {

The code above can be changed to

      style: |
          ha-card {

It may also be beneficial to describe what method are you using to cast. Does the font still change if casting from Chrome to Chromecast?

Thank you! I totally didnā€™t see I was missing the card-mod: itself.

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Iā€™m trying to change the padding for the header on a todo list card, but itā€™s in a shadow root and I canā€™t figure it out, could someone please give me a hand?
My card so far:

type: todo-list
entity: todo.grocery
  position: sidebar
title: Grocery List
    .: |
      ha-card.type-todo-list$ {
        color: red !important
      ha-card.type-todo-list div.header {
        display: none;
      ha-card.type-todo-list div.addRow {
        padding: 0px 16px;
      ha-check-list-item.editRow.completed {
        display: none;
      :host {
        --mdc-checkbox-ripple-size: 33px;
      ha-check-list-item {
        min-height: 28px !important;
      ha-card {
        --mdc-typography-subtitle1-font-size: 17px;
      ha-icon-button.addButton {
        margin-top: -35px !important;
      .divider {
        display: none;

The dev tools


  style: |
      .has-header {
       color: red;
       padding: 10px;

I didnā€™t check the remainder of your code, but you should be able to remove ha-card from mods like this

ha-card.type-todo-list div.header {
        display: none;

This should work the sameā€¦

  style: |
      .has-header {
        color: red;
        padding: 10px;
      div.header {
         display: none;
      div.addRow {
         padding: 0px 16px;
      .completed {
         display: none;
      .addButton {
        margin-top: -35px !important;
      .divider {
        display: none;
      ha-card {
        --mdc-typography-subtitle1-font-size: 17px;

Shadow-root => $ as always

    $: |
      .card-header {
        color: red !important;
    .: |
      ha-card.type-todo-list$ {
        color: red !important

The code you posted does not work. I think you meanā€¦

    $: |
      .card-header {
        color: red !important;
    .: |
      .type-todo-list {
        color: red !important;

I didnā€™t correct and donā€™t care other errors. I only added, was has to be added to style the card-header, as this was the question and yours above is not taking care about the shadow-root.

Only left the rest, because of the follow-up question, how to combine shadow-root and not shdow-root items.

Yet the code I posted worksā€¦

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I am going down the rabit hole of trying to create better Lovelace page anchors,

The issue I have is using the current anchor-card, when the card is added it creates a massive empty space in my dashboard, Ideally, what I want is the ability to add a lovelave HTML page anchor to any card, something like

<h1 id="my_anchor"></h1>

Then the ability to call said anchor with


Would this be possible to achieve with card-mod?


that works to change the text color, but I still canā€™t get rid of the padding for some reason.

    .: |
      .type-todo-list {
        color: green !important;
        padding: 0px
    $: |
      .card-header {
        color: red !important;
        padding: 0px; !important


The ; at padding is at the wrong place.

Dā€™oh youā€™re right, thank you!

It depends how you are defining working. :wink:

Yes, it is red and yes there are paddings.But you are not modding the card-header (though that was the question) but the div around the card-header (and in this case the whole card). So you are setting the padding there.


instead of here


And the color is only working by chance, because it is passed in this case (inherited) in the shadow-root, what is normally not the case. And the color is here set not only to the text, but to the + and other elements as well.


So I would recommend the style the card-header the way I posted.

    $: |
      .card-header {
         color: red !important;
         padding: 10px !important;

But of course, everyone can do, whatever is fitting to the requirements.

trying to ā€˜replicateā€™ certain styles of custom:bar-card, which has been abandoned for 3 years now sadly, I came up with 2 versions. One using the core type: entity card

    - type: entity
      entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_2d
        style: |
          ha-card {
            {% set perc = states(config.entity)|float(0) %}
            {% set rest = 100 - perc %}
            {{'linear-gradient(90deg,ivory ' ~ perc ~ '%, gold ' ~ rest ~ '%)'}};
            color: var(--primary-color);

but to my surprise (caused by lack of css masteryā€¦) the gradient went the wrong wayā€¦ I want the 30% to be gold, starting on the left)

So I experimented some more and nested the entity cards in a vertical-stack, changing the gradient to ā€˜to leftā€™:

    - type: vertical-stack
      title: Zonkans
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_1d
          <<: &chance
            type: entity
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  {% set perc = states(config.entity)|float(0) %}
                  {% set rest = 100 - perc %}
                  {{'linear-gradient(to left,ivory ' ~ rest ~ '%,gold ' ~ perc ~ '%)'}};
                  color: var(--primary-color);
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_2d
          <<: *chance
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_3d
          <<: *chance
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_4d
          <<: *chance
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_5d
          <<: *chance

which was already much better:

still very big, (well theyā€™re entity cards so what did I expect), and I admit to have been looking for something to use in the core entities card, and finally made it into this:

    - type: entities
      title: Zonkans
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_1d
          <<: &style
              style: |
                hui-generic-entity-row {
                  padding-right: 16px;
                  margin: 0px -16px;
                    {% set perc = states(config.entity)|float(0) %}
                    {% set rest = 100 - perc %}
                    {{'linear-gradient(to left,ivory ' ~ rest ~ '%,gold ' ~ perc ~ '%)'}};
                  color: var(--primary-color);
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_2d
          <<: *style
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_3d
          <<: *style
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_4d
          <<: *style
        - entity: sensor.buienradar_sunchance_5d
          <<: *style

which is getting closer to what I had hoped for:

this is the bar-card:

I might still need to do something with the background of the wrapping card, or, separate the entities a bit more by not wrapping them at all. Not sure yet.

Id love to hear suggestions to make this better.
(the jinja template feels a bit verbose / hacky too, so do have a look there)

linear-gradient(to left,ivory {{rest}}%, gold {{perc}}%);

might be a bit more robust

Thinking of changing the color based on the % level (like we can do with the bar-card).

Anyways, since I couldnā€™t find a post on dynamically changing the background color in an entities card, I figured this would be a useful addition to this thread.

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Iā€™ve used a negative integer to flip the direction.

{{'linear-gradient(-90deg,ivory ' ~ perc ~ '%, gold ' ~ rest ~ '%)'}};

Ive tried that before, but it doesnt change the colorization:

gold showing 70% here :wink: (I wish)

btw, if youā€™d like to have a toggle flip its colors:

    - type: entities
        - entity: input_boolean.test
        style: |
          ha-card {
            background: {{'linear-gradient(90deg,ivory 50%, gold 50%)'
                          if is_state('input_boolean.test','on') else
                          'linear-gradient(90deg,gainsboro 50%, silver 50%)'}}

Seems like the second value in the linear gradient is impacting the color spread

{%  set perc =  state_attr('light.pc_lights','brightness') | multiply(1/2.55) |round(0) %}
      {% set rest = (100 - perc) -100 %}
      {{'linear-gradient(90deg, gold ' ~ perc ~ '%, ivory ' ~ rest ~ '%)'}};
      color: var(--primary-color);


{%  set perc =  state_attr('light.pc_lights','brightness') | multiply(1/2.55) |round(0) %}
      {% set rest = (0 - perc)  %}
      {{'linear-gradient(90deg, gold ' ~ perc ~ '%, ivory ' ~ rest ~ '%)'}};
      color: var(--primary-color);