šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Thank you after many deleting en installed the card-mod everthing works now.

Anyone know how to resolve that ?


type: custom:more-info-card
entity: media_player.sonos_kinderzimmer
    .: |
      state-card-content { display: none; }
          $: |
            .basic-controls { display: none !important; }
            .volume { display: none  !important; }

But you should start to poste code as well, so that volounteers and copy&paste and work on it.

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Thank you so much

But you should start to poste code as well, so that volounteers and copy&paste and work on it.

Yes sure you are right sorry for that

In this example you adjust the height. It works fine for me but one problem that Iā€™ve always had and could never figure out is why the height: variable doesnā€™t accept a percentage value but width does? This is the same when using other cards like the custom:button-card. Is there a way for percentage to work with height?

Iā€™ve searched the topic before and from what I understand the container the card is in needs to have a height or width set for the percentage to be based on. So Iā€™m assuming since screens scroll up and down there usually isnā€™t a height set to base the percentage on opposed to the width which is usually constrained by the screen size. If this is true, do I have any other options?

What Iā€™m trying to do, is make my dashboard responsive to resizing of the browser window. I mostly use the custom:grid-layout and either the custom-stack-in-card or custom:vertical-stack-in-card so everything appears as part of one card. Iā€™m trying to do the same with the custom:picture-element card. However, the problem I had before with the stack-in cards is the same problem Iā€™m having now with the picture element card. I canā€™t adjust the height to make everything fit better and still have it remain responsive because percentage doesnā€™t work. The only thing that does work to adjust the height is using px (which I had to do in the past) but this sets a fixed height which makes it unresponsive.

Is there another way or better way to go about doing this?

Just a heads up, the custom:button-card uses itā€™s own internal styling and card_mod use really isnā€™t necessary for most applications. Have you experimented with the custom:layout-card in grid mode?

Providing an example with card code may expedite a solution.

@LiQuid_cOOled yes but that only affects whatā€™s in the card.

Yes, I do understand that. I was only pointing out that height: canā€™t be styled using a percentage value with that card either.

What Iā€™m trying to figure out is if this is a limitation of all the HA cards or just some? And depending on that answer, is there a way to adjust the height of the picture-element card with a percentage value (height: 10%) opposed to pixels (height: 50px)?

I can show you the difference in response using the width. In the below gif, the top card is using a fixed pixel value for width and the bottom card is using a percentage. You can see the difference in they way the respond to resizing the browser window.


The issue Iā€™m having is when I need to adjust the height of a card that (which is normally responsive) I have to use a fixed pixel value which makes in unresponsive. Depending on the spacing, when the browser window is made smaller the fixed value cards remain the same size and overlap instead of shrink so everything fits.

To avoid this, when setting the width of a card I use a percentage value but for whatever reason I canā€™t do the same with the height. For whatever reason, the percentage value has no affect on the height of the card. I could use the flexbox option of max-height which would work however if I make the browser window larger the max-height value would stop it from expanding. Using a percentage value allows both but it only works with width, not height.

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I guess that a height measured in percentage works only inside some container. A cardā€™s height does not seem to be controlled by an outer container. Ofc I could be wrong since not an expert in Css and merely share my experience. Sorry, cannot reply with with more details since rather far from civilized world.

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some crossposting :frowning:


          style: |
            ha-card {
              height: 60px !important;
            hui-generic-entity-row $: |
              state-badge {
                display: none;
            ha-textfield $: |
              .mdc-line-ripple::after {
                border-bottom-style: none !important;
            .: |
              :host {
                    --mdc-text-field-fill-color: disable;

how can I remove the brighter grey and the white line ?

1st post - link at the bottom - styling input select, combining $ and .

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            ha-textfield $: |
              .mdc-text-field {
                height: 40px !important;
              .mdc-text-field__input {
                align-self: end;
              .mdc-line-ripple::before {
                border-bottom-style: none !important;
            .: |
              ha-textfield {
                height: 40px;
              :host {
                --mdc-text-field-fill-color: transparent;
              ha-card {
                height: 60px !important;

@Faecon There may be other ways to consolidate, but you should definitely be able to combining the code below under .mdc-text-field {

 ha-textfield {
                height: 40px;
              :host {
                --mdc-text-field-fill-color: transparent;

Like this

            ha-textfield $: |
              .mdc-text-field {
                height: 40px !important;
                --mdc-text-field-fill-color: transparent;
              .mdc-text-field__input {
                align-self: end;
              .mdc-line-ripple::before {
                border-bottom-style: none !important; 
            .: |
              ha-card {
                height: 60px !important;
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Hello volks!

I am having trouble centering the green and red buttons (Mushroom cards). I would like the text ā€œLED-Beleuchtungā€, the red button, the green button, and the icon to be aligned on a horizontal line.

Another thing is the grid. I used a1, b1, c1, d1 for the colums, so the red button should be left, the green one should be right. But itā€™s the oppositeā€¦ Why?

So hereā€™s what I have now:

And here is my code.
I tried several things to align the cards, but didnā€™ succeed.

type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: grid
  grid-template-columns: auto 15% 15% 10%
  grid-template-rows: auto
  grid-template-areas: |
    "a1 b1 c1 d1"

  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor1
    name: Einstellungen
      grid-area: d1
    icon: mdi:cog
    icon_color: grey
    icon_type: icon
    fill_container: false
    primary_info: none
    secondary_info: none
    layout: horizontal
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background-color: transparent;
          box-shadow: none;
          border: none
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor2
    name: LED-Beleuchtung
      grid_area: a1
    fill_container: false
    secondary_info: false
    primary_info: name
    icon_type: icon
    icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
    icon_color: yellow
    layout: horizontal
      style: |
        ha-card {
        font-variant: small-caps;
        background-color: transparent;
        border: none
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor3
    name: Auto
      grid_area: c1
    icon_type: none
    fill_container: false
    secondary_info: none
    layout: horizontal
      style: |
        ha-card {
          height: 40px !important;
          background-color: green;
          font-variant: small-caps;
          --card-primary-color: white;
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor4
    name: Hand
      grid_area: b1
    fill_container: false
    secondary_info: none
    icon_type: none
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background-color: red;
          height: 40px !important;
          font-variant: small-caps;
          --card-primary-color: black;

I hope you can help me, Iā€™ve been trying to do this for several days now :wink:

You need to set the same height across all cards to center them.

The grid settings worked for me with this code as well.

type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: custom:grid-layout
 grid-template-columns: auto 20% 20% 15%
 grid-template-rows: auto
 grid-template-areas: |  
     "a1 b1 c1 d1"
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor1
    name: LED-Beleuchtung
     grid-area: a1
    fill_container: false
    secondary_info: false
    primary_info: name
    icon_type: icon
    icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
    icon_color: yellow
      style: |
        ha-card {
        height: 40px !important;
        font-variant: small-caps;
        background-color: transparent;
        border: none
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor2
    name: Hand
     grid-area: b1

    fill_container: false
    secondary_info: none
    icon_type: none
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background-color: red;
          height: 40px !important;
          font-variant: small-caps;
          --card-primary-color: black;
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor3
    name: Auto
     grid-area: c1 
    icon_type: none
    fill_container: false
    secondary_info: none
    layout: horizontal
      style: |
        ha-card {
          height: 40px !important;
          background-color: green;
          font-variant: small-caps;
          --card-primary-color: white;
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.sensor4
    name: Einstellungen
     grid-area: d1
    icon: mdi:cog
    icon_color: grey
    icon_type: icon
    fill_container: false
    primary_info: none
    secondary_info: none
    layout: horizontal
      style: |
        ha-card {
          height: 40px !important;
          background-color: transparent;
          box-shadow: none;
          border: none

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Thanks! That worked! :blush:

I have a little question, and I think I will probably need to use card mod for this. Iā€™m using the below fold-entity-row for this list of alarms, and what I would like to have is the ā€œparentā€ alarm icon be highlighted (like the state_color option on an entities card) if any of the alarms below are enabled. Any suggestions how this might be done? Thanks.

I would not do it via card_mod directly and try it in another way first:

  • create a group with any-on-option (see documentation)
  • use this entity in the fold-card header


  • no card-mod
  • you can use the group for other purposes as well, have a history, ā€¦

Exspektation/to be check

  • is state of this group taken to color the header entity icon as well. If no: you can still use card_mod and second best option.

Super useful & super needed methods to replace icons for features for Tile & Thermostat:




Thanks! The group suggestion worked perfectly :slight_smile:


Hoping someone can help me with this as I canā€™t find a solution.

Iā€™ve made a picture-elements card for my car with and use a state-icon to show charging status, currently I have the icon green when charging and white when charging is complete, however I would like to have the icon blinking green when charging and solid green when complete.

Problem is I canā€™t work out how to make the icon blink based on state, my current code is below.


            # Charger
            - type: state-icon
              entity: lock.[[car]]_charge_cable_lock
              icon: iq:tesla-plug
                style: |
                  :host {
                      {% if is_state('sensor.[[car]]_charging', 'disconnected') %}
                      {% elif is_state('sensor.[[car]]_charging', 'starting') %}
                      {% elif is_state('sensor.[[car]]_charging', 'charging') %}
                      {% elif is_state('sensor.[[car]]_charging', 'complete') %}
                      {% elif is_state('sensor.[[car]]_charging', 'stopped') %}
                      {% elif is_state('sensor.[[car]]_charging', 'no_power') %}
                      {% endif %}
              state_color: no
                action: toggle
                top: 88%
                left: 90%