šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Iā€™ve worked out how to change the text, but just canā€™t fathom how to conditionally change the text colourā€¦

type: entities
  - entity: input_number.heating_lounge_target_temperature
    name: Lounge Target Temperature
    icon: mdi:sofa
  - entity: input_boolean.heating_lounge_boost
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Lounge Boost
    toggle: true
    state_color: true
      style: |
        .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(1) div::before {
          color: orange;
          content: {%if is_state('switch.lounge_neo_standby','on') -%} "test on\A" {%- else -%} "test off\A" {%- endif %};
          line-height: var(--mdc-typography-body1-line-height, 1.5rem);
        .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(1) div {
          color: transparent;
          line-height: 0px;
      - entity: switch.lounge_neo_standby
        name: Standby
      - entity: input_datetime.heating_lounge_boost_start
        name: start
      - entity: input_datetime.heating_lounge_boost_stop
        name: stop


Hi lads,
Iā€™ve tried to vertically align the content of my mushroomcar, but i canā€™t seem to do it:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Spot
secondary: ''
icon: mdi:spotlight
entity: light.eetkamer_spot_midden
  grid_columns: 1
  grid_rows: 1
layout: vertical
fill_container: true
  style: |
    {% if is_state(config.entity,'on') %}
     :host {
       --ha-card-background: var(--blue-grey-color);
    {% endif %}
      border-radius: 0px;
      vertical-align: middle;
      --card-primary-font-size: 46px !important;
      --card-primary-line-height: 46px !important;
    mushroom-shape-icon {
        --icon-size: 90px;

this strangly enough looks like this:

is there a way to lower the icon and text to the center?

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fwiw, Ive added that exact yaml to my test dashboard, and it scrolls along unfortunatelyā€¦

@Mariusthvdb please check out this thread and try again.

Someone had the same problem and tried my second code and it worked for him. Maybe it will help you.

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yeah, well, tbh, I only tried this for testing purposes.

Iā€™ve added your second yaml suggestion

only to try what you reported, and unfortunately that did not work in my regular view.

I cant use the config in the link with the stack-in-card:

type: custom:mod-card
  style: |
    :host {
      position: sticky;
      top: 0;
      z-index: 1;
  type: custom:stack-in-card
  cards: []

because I donā€™t use that custom card. For me personally, no need to start using it for the Sticky :wink:

as a matter of fact, I am also hoping to be able to delete the layout-card, in my quest to use as few custom cards as possible.

I moved to single cards masonry (default), or sections where possible, only using the layout card in those views where core track cards have unexplained gapsā€¦ or on views where I need the background to fill the full desktop view and show beyond the actual section space.

Does anybody know how to create a rule with card-mod to change the input[type=ā€œrangeā€] for a custom:slider-entity-row ? I need to add ā€œpointer-events: none;ā€
This is the code I need to add with card-mod:

    style: |
      input[type="range"] {
        pointer-events: none;

But I donā€™t know where and how to add itā€¦
Many thanks

so I didnt notice this before, but somehow the card_mod styling to this sensor entity is Not applied when I use the entity in a conditional row, when the styling is completely correct as a regular entity

Was this already noticed, and do we have a reason?

  - entity: sensor.gdacs_alerts
      style: |
        :host {
          {% set alert = states(config.entity)|int(0) %}
            {{'mdi:shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'mdi:alert'}};
            {{'var(--ok-color)' if alert == 0 else 'var(--alert-color)'}};
  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.gdacs_alerts
        state: 'off'
      entity: sensor.gdacs_alerts
        style: |
          :host {
            {% set alert = states(config.entity)|int(0) %}
              {{'mdi:shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'mdi:alert'}};
              {{'var(--ok-color)' if alert == 0 else 'var(--alert-color)'}};

Marius, styles should be set for the conditional row, not for the inner row.

right, I found this now:

sorry, should have looked that up firstā€¦


howeverā€¦ I can make color: red work so that proves the right structure, but when doing:

  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.gdacs_alerts
        state: 'off'
      entity: sensor.gdacs_alerts
        hui-sensor-entity-row $: |
          hui-generic-entity-row {
              {% set alert = states(config.entity)|int(0) %}
              {{'mdi:shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'mdi:alert'}};
              {% set alert = states(config.entity)|int(0) %}
              {{'var(--ok-color)' if alert == 0 else 'var(--alert-color)'}};

the card-mod-icon and -color are not effective.

needs more researchā€¦

so given Styles may NOT be applied to Conditional row/element Ā· Issue #201 Ā· thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod Ā· GitHub my templates would seem fine. However, Ive found the config.entity is not seen but the conditional row apparently, and need to change to the actual entity hard coded:

  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.gdacs_alerts
        state: 'off'
      entity: sensor.gdacs_alerts
        hui-sensor-entity-row $: |
          hui-generic-entity-row {
              {% set alert = states('sensor.gdacs_alerts')|int(0) %}
              {{'mdi:shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'mdi:alert'}};
              {% set alert = states('sensor.gdacs_alerts')|int(0) %}
              {{'var(--ok-color)' if alert == 0 else 'var(--alert-color)'}};

to get the icon and icon-color to change as I want them

made it a bit shorter with:

        hui-sensor-entity-row $: |
          hui-generic-entity-row {
            {% set alert = states('sensor.gdacs_alerts')|int(0) %}
              mdi:{{'shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}};
              var(--{{'ok' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}}-color);

too bad that config.,entity cant be used there, but if that is what it takesā€¦


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color: {% if is_state('switch.lounge_neo_standby','on') %} green {% else %} red {% endif %} !important;

I think that should work

try this:

type: entities
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    entity: light.test-light-dimmer
        ha-slider$: |
          div.container > input {
            pointer-events: none;

would you believe after all these years, Ive never known about thatā€¦
was this ever mentioned in this thread at all?
might be worth an addition to your main post on the conditional row

for reference and completeness:

type: entities
title: Mod regular entity and same entity in a conditional row
  - entity: sensor.gdacs_alerts
      style: |
        :host {
          {% set alert = states(config.entity)|int(0) %}
            mdi:{{'shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}};
            var(--{{'ok' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}}-color);

  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.gdacs_alerts
        state: 'on'
      entity: sensor.gdacs_alerts
        hui-sensor-entity-row $: |
          hui-generic-entity-row {
            {% set alert = states(config.row.entity)|int(0) %}
              mdi:{{'shield-check' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}};
              var(--{{'ok' if alert == 0 else 'alert'}}-color);

Looking for some assistance. I have used card mod on other dashboard but canā€™t get it working as desired with glance card. I am trying to reduce the white space to condense the height of the card. Here is the yaml and card showing no impact. Where am I going wrong?

not sure this will be the cause (didnt check the main post on Glance card), but its !important

@sebbaT Many thanks for your suggestion, unfortunately it doesnā€™t work ?
Iā€™m not an expert at all about styles nor HASS, sorry. The following is a screen capture of the google Chrome inspector:

If I manually add ā€œpointer-events: none;ā€ as a declaration inside the input[type=ā€œrangeā€]{} it worksā€¦
I tried the following code, but it doesnā€™t work either:

            ha-slider $: |
              div.container > input[type="range"] {
                pointer-events: none;

Many thanks!

You need to have the custom:slider-entity-row within an entities card, or use custom:mod-card:

Within an Entities Card:

type: entities
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    entity: light.test-light-dimmer
        ha-slider$: |
          div.container > input {
            pointer-events: none;

Within Mod Card:

type: custom:mod-card
  type: custom:slider-entity-row
  entity: light.test-light-dimmer
      ha-slider$: |
        div.container > input {
          pointer-events: none;

I need a hint - how to animate the icon within a tile card? I found a lot of examples for mushroom cards but not for the ā€œvanillaā€ home assistant tile card.

Thanks. Iā€™ve tried removing the ā€œimportantā€ but it hasnā€™t changed anything.

my post was not directed to removing the important, but instead, adding the ! and use !important.

Having said that, did you check the main post on styling the margins on the Glance cards in Ildars overview?