šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

yes, I get that.
sorry for being daft, by why do we need the mod-card in the first place?
the decluttering, nor the template-entity-row require that?
weā€™re not targeting the ha-card element are we?

is it because they now are nested that makes the mod-card a requirement?

If template-entity-row does not have ha-card - then mod-card is needed.
Far away from PC, cannot check.

ok so with mod-card:

  type: custom:mod-card
    style: '[[style]]'
    type: custom:template-entity-row
    entity: '[[entity]]'

and adapted style:

                - style:
                    template-entity-row $:
                        state-badge $: |
                          ha-state-icon {
                            color: red !important;
                        .: |
                          .state {
                            color: magenta;
                          .info {
                            color: cyan;
                          .info .secondary {
                            color: orange;

this kicks in :wink:

well, I cant test the icon yet as my rows have an entity_picture, but I take it we can assume it will work.

Both as stand alone entity, or as auto-entities card.

next step is to check wether the config.entity can be used, as that would be crucial.


nope, no such luck yet, with either config.entity or this.entity_id:

                        .: |
                          .state {
                            color: {{'magenta' if states(this.entity_id)|int(-2) == 0}};

templating itself works fine

                        .: |
                          .state {
                            color: {{'magenta' if  2 < 3}};


                          .state {
                              {% if states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 %} red
                              {% else %} yellow
                              {% endif %}

works perfectly :wink: as does:

                        .: |
                          .state {
                              {{'red' if states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 }}

after some fiddling with the compound card_mod; this finally is the full code for a auto-entities filled card with decluttering templated template-entity-rows . Animated entity_picture and colored name, state and secondary info based on state :wink:

Click for Yaml config
  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
        style: |
          ha-card {
            box-shadow: none;
            margin: -8px 0px -16px 0px;
        - entity_id: sensor.*_verjaar*
          <<: &options
              type: custom:decluttering-card
              template: verjaardag
                - entity: this.entity_id
                - style:
                    template-entity-row $:
                      div#wrapper: |
                        state-badge {
                              {{'rotation 1.5s linear infinite' 
                                 if states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 }}
                          @keyframes rotation {
                            0% {
                              transform: rotate(0deg);
                            100% {
                              transform: rotate(360deg);
                      .: |
                        .state {
                            {{'red' if states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 }}
                        .info {
                          color: {{'cyan' if states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 }};
                        .info .secondary {
                          color: {{'orange' if states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 }};
Or a bit shorter
                - style:
                    template-entity-row $:
                      div#wrapper: |
                        {% set feest = states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 %}
                        state-badge {
                              {{'rotation 1.5s linear infinite' if feest }}
                          @keyframes rotation {
                            0% {
                              transform: rotate(0deg);
                            100% {
                              transform: rotate(360deg);
                      .: |
                        {% set feest = states['this.entity_id'].state|int(-2) == 0 %}
                        .undefined {
                          background: {{'lightgray' if feest }};
                        .state {
                            {{'darkorange' if feest }};
                        .info {
                          color: {{'var(--alert-color)' if feest }};
                        .info .secondary {
                          color: {{'orange' if feest }};

Marius, check if config.card.config.entity works )

Ok. Below is what I found by using the code inspector. I hope this screenshot is enough for others to be able to help. Essentially I was just wanting to change the room name to yellow.

My current code is below:

type: custom:minimalistic-area-card
    .buttons ha-icon-button:not(.state-on):
      state-badge $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          color: black !important;
title: Back Deck
area: back_deck
shadow: true
hide_unavailable: true
state_color: true
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /dashboard-automatic/back-porch
  - entity: light.all_back_deck_lights
  - entity: switch.back_deck_fountain
  - entity: switch.back_deck_speaker_power

It seems pretty simple because the header is not inside a shadow root. Try with this:

type: custom:minimalistic-area-card
    .: |
        .card-header {
            color: yellow !important;
    .buttons ha-icon-button:not(.state-on):
      state-badge $: |
        ha-state-icon {
          color: black !important;

Thank you for helping me with this!! It worked great! So appreciative!!

Thank you again!

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Following various guides here Iā€™m trying to update this card type so that when binary sensor status is Away (off) then the Home is bold and red
Iā€™d also like to grey the image

Iā€™ve got some way towards it, but having a couple of issues;

  1. I only seem to be able to apply it to the whole thing - not just the status
  2. I canā€™t find a way to grey the image - Iā€™m assuming this is adding opacity: 30% or something but again it hits the whole entity including text

Are you able to assist at all?

      - entity: binary_sensor.harley
          action: call-service
          service: input_button.press
            entity_id: input_button.cats_harley_toggle_location
          style: >
            :host {
            font-weight: {% if is_state('binary_sensor.harley', 'on') %} normal {% else
            %} bold {% endif %};     
            color: {% if is_state('binary_sensor.harley', 'off') %} #df4c1e {% endif %};

What type of card are those? Could you post the structure of the HTML of your cards? Just like @wtstreetglow did before. Maybe looking at the HTML I can give you some tips.

I was actually planning to do that but was struggling to grab it when I posted

This is what i can grab, iā€™m not sure what is actually useful here!

    --material-shadow-elevation-2dp: 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    --material-shadow-elevation-3dp: 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    --material-shadow-elevation-4dp: 0 4px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    --material-shadow-elevation-6dp: 0 6px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 18px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 3px 5px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    --material-shadow-elevation-8dp: 0 8px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 3px 14px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 5px 5px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    --material-shadow-elevation-12dp: 0 12px 16px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 4px 22px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 6px 7px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    --material-shadow-elevation-16dp: 0 16px 24px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 6px 30px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    --material-shadow-elevation-24dp: 0 24px 38px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 9px 46px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 11px 15px -7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
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    --energy-grid-consumption-color: #488fc2;
    --energy-solar-color: #ff9800;
    --energy-non-fossil-color: #0f9d58;
    --energy-battery-out-color: #4db6ac;
    --energy-battery-in-color: #f06292;
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    --light-green-color: #8bc34a;
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    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_custom_bypass-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_home-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_night-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_vacation-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-arming-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-disarming-color: var(--orange-color);
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    --state-alarm_control_panel-triggered-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alert-off-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alert-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-active-color: var(--amber-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-battery-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-carbon_monoxide-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-gas-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-heat-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-lock-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-moisture-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-problem-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-safety-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-smoke-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-sound-on-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-binary_sensor-tamper-on-color: var(--red-color);
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    --state-climate-cool-color: var(--blue-color);
    --state-climate-dry-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-climate-fan_only-color: var(--cyan-color);
    --state-climate-heat-color: var(--deep-orange-color);
    --state-climate-heat-cool-color: var(--amber-color);
    --state-cover-active-color: var(--purple-color);
    --state-device_tracker-active-color: var(--blue-color);
    --state-device_tracker-home-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-fan-active-color: var(--cyan-color);
    --state-humidifier-on-color: var(--blue-color);
    --state-lawn_mower-error-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-lawn_mower-mowing-color: var(--teal-color);
    --state-light-active-color: var(--amber-color);
    --state-lock-jammed-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-lock-locked-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-lock-locking-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-lock-unlocked-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-lock-unlocking-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-lock-open-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-lock-opening-color: var(--orange-color);
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    --state-update-active-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-vacuum-active-color: var(--teal-color);
    --state-valve-active-color: var(--blue-color);
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    --state-sensor-battery-low-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-sensor-battery-medium-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-water_heater-eco-color: var(--green-color);
    --state-water_heater-electric-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-water_heater-gas-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-water_heater-heat_pump-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-water_heater-high_demand-color: var(--deep-orange-color);
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    --layout-end-justified_-_-webkit-justify-content: flex-end;
    --layout-end-justified_-_justify-content: flex-end;
    --layout-around-justified_-_-ms-flex-pack: distribute;
    --layout-around-justified_-_-webkit-justify-content: space-around;
    --layout-around-justified_-_justify-content: space-around;
    --layout-justified_-_-ms-flex-pack: justify;
    --layout-justified_-_-webkit-justify-content: space-between;
... had to trim as too long - lmk if you need this!

Is this what youā€™re looking for?

Iā€™ve tried copying all elements from the inspector and Iā€™m not convinced any are what you needā€¦

Element / OuterHTML

<div class="entity action undefined" tabindex="0"></div>


ha-card > div > div:nth-child(1)


document.querySelector("body > home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("home-assistant-main").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-drawer > partial-panel-resolver > ha-panel-lovelace").shadowRoot.querySelector("hui-root").shadowRoot.querySelector("#view > hui-view > horizontal-layout").shadowRoot.querySelector("#columns > div:nth-child(2) > hui-card:nth-child(1) > hui-vertical-stack-card").shadowRoot.querySelector("#root > hui-card:nth-child(2) > hui-glance-card").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-card > div > div:nth-child(1)")



Full Xpath


The image is:

<state-badge style="background-image: url(&quot;harley.jpg&quot;);"></state-badge>

The bottom text is

<div> <!--?lit$1714755762$-->Home </div>

No, those are just the root variables. Just take a screenshot of the HTML structure, it is easier to read than the paths.

Edit: In the Xpath I see that you are using a Glance Card, that is enough, I can reproduce it in local.

Go to 1st post of this thread - there is a link at the bottom - you will see a list - find Glance card.
Use it as a starting point.

As for grey image: an example is provided for Entities card, find it in that list.

1 Like


I am seeing that @Ildar_Gabdullin already gave you a post with multiple tips for the Glance Card. But try also this approach, it should add the proper styles only in those entities in which their state is off:

type: glance
  - entity: binary_sensor.harley
  - entity: binary_sensor.cocoa
  - entity: binary_sensor.blossom
    .entity $: |
      {% set entities = config.entities | map(attribute='entity') | list %}
      {% for entity in entities %}
        {% if is_state(entity, 'off') %}
          {% set name = state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name') %}
          .name[title="{{ name }}"] + state-badge {
            filter: opacity(0.5) grayscale(1);
          .name[title="{{ name }}"] ~ div {
            color: red;
            font-weight: bold;
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

A very brilliant use of templates ))

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Hi, can I customize Lovelace Badges with card-mod? I want to make this change its background color per condition, but canā€™t find any guide how to do that.

I am not using new badges (2024.x) - guess using card-mod is not possible.

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now if you could make the entity_picture of a person in Maps be grayscale() when not_home, I could finally get rid of my custom-uiā€¦

its the only reason for me to still use custom-ui, because I can do:



        entity_picture: >
          var id = entity.entity_id.split('.')[1];
          return state === 'not_home'
          ? '/local/family/' + id + '_not_home.png' : '/local/family/' + id + '.jpg';

and have the Map picture be grayscale

in all other cards I can use card_mod to have the picture be grayscale

# not_home_picture: #entities
    $: |
      state-badge {
          {{'grayscale(100%)' if is_state(config.entity,'not_home') else 'none'}};


# not_home_picture_glance:
style: |
  state-badge {
      {{'grayscale(100%)' if is_state(config.entity,'not_home') else 'none'}};

or a tile:

      ha-tile-image$: |
        .image {
          {% set zones = states.zone|map(attribute='name')|list %}
          filter: {{'grayscale(1)' if is_state(config.entity,'not_home') else 'none'}};

Only in Maps I can not get it to work.


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I donā€™t use maps, but I thinlk that they are separated from lovelace dashboards, it could be hard to achieve it with card-mod. Maybe it is possible with a custom card-mod theme. Iā€™ll mount a docker instance with a map to experiment a bit with it.

1 Like

so I am talking about the type: map card, but also with the panel view on a type map card. Not so much the left side menu Map, which I have hidden with your custom sidebar card :wink:

Ahh, in a map card. That should be easier and pretty similar to the code that I posted before. Let me make an example for you and it should do the same work