Card_mod for air quality sensor (AQI) colors

I had a terrible time figuring out how to get the gauge component to display the six colors indicating the various air quality ranges (as described by airnow). Now that I have it working using card_mod, I thought I’d share the configuration so others can benefit. I’m also interested if others have stumbled on better configurations; if you have a configuration for this data please share!

I’m using this card with the airnow integration, but it should work with any air quality integration that provides an AQI number in a sensor entity.



type: gauge
entity: sensor.airnow_aqi
min: 0
max: 300
name: AQI
unit: ' '
    ha-gauge$: |
      .value {
          {% if states.sensor.airnow_aqi.state | int < 51 %}
          {% elif states.sensor.airnow_aqi.state | int < 101 %}
          {% elif states.sensor.airnow_aqi.state | int < 151 %}
          {% elif states.sensor.airnow_aqi.state | int < 201 %}
          {% elif states.sensor.airnow_aqi.state | int < 301 %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %};
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Scroll thru this:
or for exactly what I do:

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I know this is an old thread, but I found it while searching for this solution.

Another option is to just use segment colors in the standard gauge card. You don’t need card-mod for this. Also I don’t think your colors are quite right, per the AirNow documentation.

Here is what I came up with:
Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 8.14.33 PM

And my code:

type: gauge
entity: sensor.airnow_aqi
name: Airnow AQI
unit: ' '
needle: true
min: 20
max: 500
  - from: 0
    color: '#00e400'
  - from: 51
    color: '#ffff00'
  - from: 101
    color: '#ff7e00'
  - from: 151
    color: '#ff0000'
  - from: 201
    color: '#8f3f97'
  - from: 301
    color: '#800000'

Old thread, but @fizz’s solution was the easiest and most customizable for me. :+1:

Thx, great job…