🔹 Card-mod - Super-charge your themes!

I’ve updated to 2023.5.0b0 and it appears there have been more frontend changes that affect card-mod.

Since 2023.4.0 I’ve used this in my themes to get the look of my dashboards;

HomeIQ Dark:
  card-mod-theme: HomeIQ Dark
  card-mod-root: |
    .header {
      display: none;
    div#view {
      margin-top: 0 !important;
  card-mod-view: |
    #view {
      height: 100vh !important;
      overflow: auto;

But since updating to 2023.5.0b0 setting the div#view margin to 0 isn’t working and I’m left with a blank space at the top of my screen.

Does anyone know how I can remove the space now?

Try the config here:

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Anyone know how to change the background of the assist popup? This one seems to work for all popups except the assist popup.

  card-mod-more-info-yaml: |
    $: |
      .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__content {
        background-color: var(--primary-background-color) !important;

I have this:

           ha-card {
                  background: url({{state_attr("camera.tpc2_sd_stream","entity_picture")}});
                  background-repeat: repeat;
                  background-size: 100% 100%;

thou unfortunately 5min refresh rate , dunno how to fix that, or whether it’s the card, or dashboard update-interval to address

that is for a view?

No sorry, it’s for a card (apex-chart ) maybe that’s where the 5min refresh-rate comes from
EDIT: Nope refresh-rate seems to be controlled by the view(or browser) :frowning:

after searching and trying for quite some time, if someone want´s to modify the back-arrow of a subview:


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Hi, what would be the correct way/syntax to display a card on card?

I am trying to put a windrose on a map via a picture elements card. I have 3 questions:

  1. How can I “size” a card.
  2. how can I rotate a card.
    3. How can I make a card transparent?

Below my result so far. I know it dos not makes sense what I am displaying here (PV etc.) but it is a sandbox to play with.

type: picture-elements
  - type: custom:windrose-card
    title: Windrose Buienradar
    hours_to_show: 24
    max_width: 400
    refresh_interval: 360
    windspeed_bar_location: bottom
    windspeed_bar_full: false
    wind_direction_entity: sensor.buienradar_wind_direction_azimuth
      - entity: sensor.buienradar_wind_speed
        name: Windkracht
    wind_direction_unit: degrees
    input_speed_unit: kph
    output_speed_unit: bft
    windrose_draw_north_offset: 0
    cardinal_direction_letters: NOZW
    matching_strategy: speed-first
    direction_speed_time_diff: 1
    transform: rotate(0.35turn)
      top: 32%
      left: 60%
      card_mod: null
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background-color: transparent
  - type: state-badge
    entity: sensor.pv_with_color
      top: 32%
      left: 60%
image: https://demo.home-assistant.io/stub_config/floorplan.png

Can anyone help me apply a background image to an entire page in a theme, including behind the header? I imagine I need to navigate the ShadowDOM but I’m having hard time figuring it out.

just for reference, I have to re-iterate on this. can not get the app-header, app-toolbar mod to work anymore, and only

      /* Set the toolbar background. */
      .header, .toolbar {
        background: {{'radial-gradient(var(--primary-color),var(--card-background-color))'
                       if states('input_select.theme')|regex_search('(ight|Dark|Matrix)')
                        else 'var(--primary-color)'}};
        color: var(--text-primary-color);

makes it happen.

I do still see app-header-text-color: to be functional in regular themes.

Anyone has a hint?

If you have the minimalist theme or otherwise have this piece of code in your theme under card-mod-root-yaml:

        transform: initial;
        padding: 0 !important;
        position: fixed !important;
        margin: 0 !important;
        width: 100%;

Then scrollin probably doesn’t work anymore in all dashboards, remove this piece of code and it works again

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Were you able to figure this one out?
Having the same issue on 2023.5.X
It’s not just the space at the top but the last card on the page is also cut off by the bottom navbar.

That’s interesting, I don’t use minimalist theme or have that code anywhere but I do have problems with scrolling.

It is intermittent and only affects HA but I have no idea what is causing it. Refreshing always bring back the ability to scroll so I just shrug and carry on. I know there have been a quite a few frontend changes recently and I am sure I read something about scrolling?

It’d be nice to know the cause (and a fix) though…

I have a lot of problems with scrolling on iPad as well, starting recently. Whole square sections are then empty, sometimes on top and sometimes on bottom of the screen or the menu-column is missing, … Very annoying. But I’m somehow sure, that it is not related to card_mod.

I used your solution after updating to 2023.4, thanks worked great. After updating to 2023.5 I have a large gap at the top, were you able to fix again?

yes i also found a solution for 2023.5, i thing the height of 100% should also work

  card-mod-root: |
    .header {
      display: none;
    #view {
      padding: 0 !important;
      height: 100vh !important;
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Back in business,Thank you

I’ve the following card:

mushroom-template-card-defaults: &mushroom-template-card-template
  type: custom:mushroom-template-card
  secondary: ""
  icon_color: blue
    action: more-info
  fill_container: true
    class: small-icon

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - <<: *mushroom-template-card-template
    entity: sensor.moon_phase_image
    picture: "{{ state_attr(entity, 'entity_picture') }}"
    layout: vertical
      style: |
        ha-card {
          margin: 12px;
          border-style: none !important;
        :host {
          --mush-icon-size: 55px;
  - <<: *mushroom-template-card-template
    primary: "{{ states('sensor.astroweather_moon_phase') }} %"
    icon: "{{ state_attr('sensor.moon_phase', 'icon') }}"
    entity: sensor.moon_phase
  - <<: *mushroom-template-card-template
    primary: "{{ (as_timestamp(states('sensor.astroweather_moon_next_rising'))) | timestamp_custom(('%H:%M') ) }}"
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-circle-outline
    entity: sensor.astroweather_moon_next_rising
  - <<: *mushroom-template-card-template
    primary: "{{ (as_timestamp(states('sensor.astroweather_moon_next_setting'))) | timestamp_custom(('%H:%M') ) }}"
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-circle-outline
    entity: sensor.astroweather_moon_next_setting
  class: vertical-stack-in-card-moon-card-spacing

Trying to move the remaining card_mod style into a theme with the class moon-image:

  - <<: *mushroom-template-card-template
    entity: sensor.moon_phase_image
    picture: "{{ state_attr(entity, 'entity_picture') }}"
    layout: vertical
      class: moon-image

ha-card under class is working fine.
The :host element NOT …

  card-mod-theme: 100_raeume
  card-mod-card: |
    ha-card.moon-image {
      margin: 12px;
      border-style: none !important;
    ha-card.moon-image :host {
      --mush-icon-size: 55px;
    ha-card.vertical-stack-in-card-moon-card-spacing {
      height: 160px;
      --mush-spacing: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;

Any help is appreciated.

Is it possible to replace the 3 dots menu icon that’s on the navbar with just the assist icon?