🔹 Card-mod - Super-charge your themes!

Nope, needs to be coded in first. You can create your own JS script though.

Thanks Kendell.
It tried

      paper-icon-button[icon="paper-tabs:chevron-left"] {
        display: none;
      paper-icon-button[icon="paper-tabs:chevron-right"] {
        display: none;

but the chevrons are still there.
I think i’m wrong with it?
I don’t understand this frontend stuff.

Answering myself with the answer:

      /* This forces background-color and text-color. */
      .edit-mode, app-header, app-toolbar {
        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) !important;
        color: #FFFFFF !important;

Hi there,
Is it possible to increase the size of the header bar icons ?


This work for me:

    paper-tabs$: |
        /* This hides tab scroll arrows, remove next 3 lines if you want them. */
        paper-icon-button {
          display: none;
        /* This makes it so arrows are only displayed when needed. */
        .not-visible {
          display: none;

On 0.117.x ?

No, 0.116.4

in an elimination process for a completely jibberish error I get in the template-entity-row, I was wondering if this card-mod style could be causing it, especially using the var --paper-item-icon-color. That hasnt been replaced yet has it? (seem to remember reading all --paper-xxx vars will be terminated any time in the near future)

               type: custom:template-entity-row 
                style: |
                  :host {
                      {% set id = config.entity.split('.')[1] %}
                      {% set repo = 'input_boolean.' + id %}
                      {{'gold' if is_state(repo,'on') else 'green'}}


an update has arrived: https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-template-entity-row/releases/tag/1.1.1

In the 117 version,

  /* This adds the time */
  paper-tabs::after {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 12px;
    height: 20px; 
    width: 100px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    content: "{{ states('sensor.time') }} - {{states.weather.dark_sky.attributes.temperature }}°";

Don’t show the content.

Change it to ha-tabs

  ha-tabs::after {    ??

Yes that’s right.

Many thanks and for hide microphone in 117 ??
And, now in 177 firefox i don’t show the bar in crhome perfect…bha,

If you want to hide the microphone, just disable Almond. Could you clarify your grammar?

I have use this for voice button;

  app-toolbar:not([class="edit-mode"]) mwc-icon-button[label] {
    display: none; 

Don’t work on 117

Please follow this advice.

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Any i idea about change the bar color under icon now is white.
Many thanks.

Schermata 2020-10-29 alle 01.08.55

whew Okay, it’s time for me to update the docs for 0.117. proceeds to open GitHub and search for card-mod in the quick bar and go to the right one and edit the wiki

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swap paper-tabs for ha-tabs

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I’m hoping someone can help. After upgrading to Home Assistant 0.117.0, Compact Header for Card Mod doesn’t work anymore. I don’t like the way the new Header looks. Is there any way I can get Custom Header for Card Mod to work again without having to revert back to Home Assistant 0.116? I tried the latest code from the link below: