šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Super-charge your themes!


has been moved to

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Weird that it only affected mobile.

ā€¦if I had a dollar for every timeā€¦

Itā€™s the wonderful world of caching.

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Except I did do a Ctrl + F5 on the desktop. Iā€™ll double check before I start updating all my cards.

Yep, just double checked, still working fine on desktop after a Ctrl+F5 and Ctrl+Shift+R on card-mod 3.0.1.

Also replacing this:

class: top-level-card
  - entity: sensor.uptime
  - entity: sensor.last_boot
    name: Last Boot
  - entity: sensor.cert_expiry_timestamp_mydomainredacted_duckdns_org
    name: Certificate Expiery
show_header_toggle: false
title: System Info
type: entities

With this:

  class: top-level-card
  - entity: sensor.uptime
  - entity: sensor.last_boot
    name: Last Boot
  - entity: sensor.cert_expiry_timestamp_mydomainredacted_duckdns_org
    name: Certificate Expiery
show_header_toggle: false
title: System Info
type: entities

Fixes the background and border on mobile but now does not display the border or background on the desktop (yes cache cleared).

With v3.0.3 this

  class: top-level-card

Now produces no background or border on mobile or desktop. And this:

class: top-level-card

Continues to display background and border on desktop but not mobile.

With 3.0.3 i now have a blinking header.
Latest chrome on ubuntu 18.04, no issue in FF.
This is the card-mod part of my theme

  # Card mod
  card-mod-theme: darkorange_rk_tpad
  header-height: 48px
  card-mod-root-yaml: |

    ha-tabs$: |
        /* This hides tab scroll arrows, remove next 3 lines if you want them. */
        paper-icon-button {
          display: none;
        /* This makes it so arrows are only displayed when needed. */
        .not-visible {
          display: none;

    .: |
      /* Let's get going! */
      /* We still need this, because we need to compact edit mode. */
      app-header {
        transform: translate3d(0px, -48px, 0px);
      /* Let's change the background. */
      app-header, app-toolbar {
        background: var(--primary-background-color) !important;
        color: var(--primary-text-color) !important;
      /* We're still going to need a way to see that we're in edit mode. */
      app-header.edit-mode {
        padding-bottom: calc(var(--ha-card-border-width, 2px) * 2);
        border-bottom: var(--ha-card-border-width, 2px) solid var(--primary-color);
      /* This changes the color of the currently selected tab. */
      ha-tabs {
        --paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: var(--primary-color) !important;
      paper-tab[aria-selected=true] {
        color: var(--primary-color) !important;
      /* This hides the help button. */
      a.menu-link[target="_blank"] {
        display: none;
      /* This makes the plus color the same as the background. */
      #add-view {
        color: var(--primary-background-color);
      /* This hides the title. */
      [main-title] {
        display: none;
      /* This hides the app-toolbar in edit mode. */
      app-toolbar.edit-mode {
        height: 0;
      /* This moves the edit mode buttons back in. */
      app-toolbar.edit-mode > mwc-icon-button {
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        top: 0;
        z-index: 1;
      app-toolbar.edit-mode > ha-button-menu {
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        top: 0;
        z-index: 1;
      /* This adds a bit more padding, mainly for unused entities. */
      app-header.edit-mode > div {
        padding-left: 5px;
      /* This hides the help button, menu button and title */
      a.menu-link[target="_blank"], ha-button-menu, [main-title] {
        display: none !important;
      ha-menu-button {
        display: none !important;
      @media (orientation: landscape) {
        ha-tabs::after {
          font-size: 20px;
          content: "{{ state_attr('sensor.date_time_formatted', 'friendly_name') }}, {{ states('sensor.time') }}";
          text-transform: none;
          white-space: pre;
      # More Info
  card-mod-more-info-yaml: |
    $: |
      .mdc-dialog {
        backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
        -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
      .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
        #background: none !important;
        #box-shadow: none;
        border-radius: 1em;
      $: |
        .mdc-top-app-bar {
          background: rgba(38, 49, 55, 0.8)

Back to 3.0.2 fixes this.

This line:

app-header, app-toolbar {
  background: var(--primary-background-color) !important;

should really be

app-header-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)

and not be the concern of card-mod at allā€¦

But I can reproduce the problem and have a fix ready. Look forward to 3.0.4 soon.

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I blindly copied parts of code in this topic without understanding it. :upside_down_face:

EDIT: From the Theme cookbook.

Hello everyone after updating card-mod my graphs that I use with min graph card do not work correctly if I move the mouse over the bars of the graph the card changes size and the blinkano bars I have to stop on a bar and this defect disappears but how I move it starts again. For the sake of completeness, I would like to point out that not doing this update everything works regularly

Thatā€™s my fault. Although if you want edit mode compact header to work, I believe this is needed.

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If this was the same problem as before, then the latest release should fix it.

Hi I tried to load 3.05 but the problem I described above only persists when I move the PC mouse on the graph, if instead I access the mobile interface with Home assistant the problem does not occur

Hi, Iā€™m looking for a bit of help. Iā€™ve just updated card-mod to the latest release and my theme broke. I need to bring the header to the bottom instead than the top. In the previous version it was working fine and I canā€™t really understand why it is now back to the top of the page. Hereā€™s the code, any suggestion?

  card-mod-theme: dark_custom
  header-height: 75px 
  bg-filter: blur(5px)
  card-mod-root-yaml: |
    ha-app-layout$: |
      #contentContainer {
        padding-top: 0px !important;
        padding-bottom: 75px !important;
    .: |
      ha-tabs {
        height: var(--header-height);
        --paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: var(--primary-color) !important;
        color: var(--app-header-text-color) !important;
        margin-bottom: 20px
      paper-tab[aria-selected=true] > ha-icon, paper-tab[aria-selected=true] {
        color: var(--primary-color) !important;
      app-header {
        top: calc(100vh - 75px) !important;
        bottom: 0 !important;
        transform: unset !important;
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); !important;
        backdrop-filter: blur(7px);
       -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(7px)
      ha-menu-button {
        display: none !important;
    paper-tabs$: |
      paper-icon-button {
        display: none;
  card-mod-more-info-yaml: |
    $: |
      .mdc-dialog {
        backdrop-filter: blur(17px);
       -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(17px);
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
      .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
        background: none !important;
        box-shadow: none;
        border-radius: 20px;
      $: |
        .mdc-top-app-bar {
          background: none !important;
  card-mod-card: |
    ha-card {
      backdrop-filter: var(--bg-filter);
     -webkit-backdrop-filter: var(--bg-filter);
 # Header:
  background-image: url ("/local/wallpaper/19730")
  app-header-background-color: var(--secondary-background-color)
  app-header-text-color: rgb(229, 229, 234)
  # Main Interface Colors
  primary-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  light-primary-color: var(--primary-color)
  primary-background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)
  secondary-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
  divider-color: rgb(44, 44, 46)
  accent-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  # Text
  primary-text-color: rgb(242, 242, 247)
  secondary-text-color: rgb(174, 174, 178)
  text-primary-color: var(--primary-text-color)
  disabled-text-color: rgb(72, 72, 74)
  # Sidebar Menu
  sidebar-icon-color: rgb(199, 199, 204)
  sidebar-text-color: var(--primary-text-color)
  sidebar-background-color: rgb(28, 28, 30)
  sidebar-selected-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  sidebar-selected-icon-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  sidebar-selected-text-color: var(--sidebar-selected-icon-color))
  # Buttons
  paper-item-icon-color: rgb(174, 174, 178)
  paper-item-icon-active-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  # States and Badges
  state-icon-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  state-icon-active-color: rgb(174, 174, 178)
  state-icon-unavailable-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
  # Sliders
  paper-slider-knob-color: rgb(242, 242, 247)
  paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-pin-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  paper-slider-active-color: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--paper-slider-active-color)
  # Labels
  label-badge-background-color: rgb(28, 28, 30)
  label-badge-text-color: rgb(242, 242, 247)
  label-badge-red: rgb(255, 69, 58)
  label-badge-green: rgb(48, 209, 88)
  label-badge-blue: rgb(10, 132, 255)
  label-badge-yellow: rgb(255, 214, 10)
  label-badge-gray: rgb(72, 72, 74)
  # Cards
  card-background-color: var(--secondary-background-color)
  paper-listbox-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  ha-card-border-radius: "20px"
  ha-card-background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.4)
  paper-card-background-color: var(--ha-card-background)
  paper-card-backdrop-filter: blur(5px)
  code-editor-background-color: var(--disabled-text-color)
  # Switches
  switch-checked-button-color: rgb(242, 242, 247)
  switch-checked-track-color:  rgb(48, 209, 88)
  switch-unchecked-button-color: rgb(242, 242, 247)
  switch-unchecked-track-color: rgb(99, 99, 102)
  # Toggles
  paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: var(--switch-checked-button-color)
  paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: var(--switch-checked-track-color)
  paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: var(--switch-unchecked-button-color)
  paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: var(--switch-unchecked-track-color)
  # Table
  table-row-background-color: rgb(28, 28, 30)
  table-row-alternative-background-color: rgb(44, 44, 46)
  data-table-background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)
  # Dropdowns
  material-background-color: rgb(28, 28, 30)
  material-secondary-background-color: rgb(44, 44, 46)
  mdc-theme-surface: var(--secondary-background-color)
  # Pre/Code
  markdown-code-background-color: rgb(58, 58, 60)

Well. Iā€™m usually the person who handles this kind of stuff; however Iā€™ve been holding off on the 3.0 upgrade. The next time I feel like investing some time into HA, Iā€™ll try working on this. For now, your post is going into my bookmarks with a reminder.
Anyway, we might still be able to debug this. Could you show a screenshot, first of all?

You were right of course.

Despite trying Ctrl+F5 and Cltr+Shit+R the Firefox browser inspector still showed v2 installed. Loaded in private mode and all was well with this:


I guess Iā€™ll have to trash my entire browser history to get rid of the cached version.

Apologies for the confusion.

In chrome F12 and right click refresh icon ā€˜empty Cache and Hard Reloadā€™ followed by a couple of CTRL+F5
Maybe Firefox has similar?
Or in the iOS app reset frontend cache optionā€¦
Bloody annoying though

Scorched earth did the job. Just logging back into my accounts as I use them now.

Over 600 instances of class: to replace. Iā€™m 2/3rds of the way through. Cant just use bulk find/replace as they all have different levels of indentation.

As you may imagine, caching can be kind of a problem when developing this thing.

Iā€™m getting pretty good at recognizing he signsā€¦ :wink:

Sorry about the inconvenience with moving stuff.

Iā€™m sure you had your reasons for the change. Itā€™s no biggie. Iā€™m all done.

I was considering simplifying things and removing as much custom card use as I could. I made a test dashboard and after looking at it for 10 seconds decided not to go that way. I like the customisations that are possible thanks to your excellent card that isnā€™t a card. :+1: