šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Super-charge your themes!

  1. May be the style is incorrect, i.e. not the mentioned ā€œindentationā€ or ā€œpipeā€ problem. Is it your code? The code must be written based on actual DOM paths.
  2. This is not related to card-mod-themes, suggest to ask in the main card-mod thread.


I use the tile card with input selection to select a room. I was already able to hide the icon and title so that there is only the selection part. But I canā€™t figure out how to reduce the size of the selection menu. Does anyone have a little tip for me? Thanks in advance

      - type: tile
        entity: input_select.media_select_room
          - type: select-options
            hui-card-features $: |
              hui-select-options-card-feature {
                margin-bottom: -10px !important;
                margin-left: -10px !important;
                margin-right: -10px !important;     
            .: |
              div.content {
                display: none;

Wrong thread. At least example is not related to a theme modding.

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Oh sry. I should read the complete title of the topic. :sweat_smile:

I figured out the problem ā€“ I needed to remove the whitespaces. Iā€™ll leave this in case someone finds it useful in the future. This comment explains how to use classes and the shadow DOM.

I have a div in a card that I am trying to target that requires going down the shadow DOM. I can target it just fine with card-mod-card or with card-mod-card-yaml. Iā€™m trying to figure out if there is a way to assign a class to the card and only select the div if the card it is in matches the class.


card-mod-card-yaml: |
   "div hui-horizontal-stack-card $": |
       div {
           justify-content: flex-end;
           gap: 0 !important;

This works just fine, but ideally Iā€™d be able to only target this div if the ha-card has a particular class. I can target ha-card with a class if I use card-mod-card and specify the class there, but then I canā€™t access the div because I canā€™t navigate the shadow DOM. Iā€™ve tried multiple different configurations and canā€™t seem to get it working, so I figured Iā€™d ask here if its something that is even possible. TIA!

Sadly the Dashboard has had some changes, with the view set to panel, box-shadows is disabled for the card, and therefore all the nested cards, see this ticket: Theme variable box-shadow / ha-card-box-shadow doesnā€™t work with Dashboard view type ā€˜panelā€™. Ā· Issue #21038 Ā· home-assistant/frontend (github.com)

So this seems to be the way forward, not a bug. Which lead me here.

Does anyone know a way to add in global shadows to all the cards again by using card-mod in the them yaml?

Ignoring box-shadow for nested cards IS a bug.
I guess there is an error, described here.
As a temporary fix:

  card-mod-theme: test_panel_fix
  card-mod-view-yaml: |
    hui-panel-view $: |
      hui-vertical-stack-card {
        --restore-card-border-shadow: 5px 5px 8px red, 10px 10px 8px green, 15px 15px 8px blue;
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Thank you for the temp fix, will try out. Also thanks for researching and mentioning it is in fact a bug!

Hi, I tried that code in my theme, but it doesnā€™t work. I think itā€™s because I use a grid card and in there I have layout-card. Do you happen to know what the correct code might be? I tried changing hui-vertical-stack-card to some variations with grid and layout, but didnā€™t manage to get it t to work.

This is my basic dashboard setup:

  - title: Home 
    path: home
    type: panel
    icon: "mdi:home"
    badges: []
      - type: grid
        columns: 1 
        square: false   
          -  custom:layout-card

The code I posted is for a simple case: a stack card on a panel view.
In other cases you will probably have to add alterations(

Thanks, this seems to be the correct code for grid-card, in case somebody else also comes across this

  card-mod-theme: theme-name
  card-mod-view-yaml: |
    hui-panel-view $: |
      hui-grid-card {
        --restore-card-border-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16);
      hui-grid-card > * {
        box-shadow: var(--restore-card-border-shadow) !important;

Keep in mind, this not a solution, but just a bandaid. Since itā€™s using card-mod, itā€™s delayed when refreshing browser. So youā€™ll see the shadows get added in in a split second.

Hello forum :slight_smile:

maybe you can help me a bit.
I have created an entities-card, to each entity I have added an image.
Now I would like to get the image bigger.
How can I best realize this with card_mod?

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.abfallrestmuell
    image: /local/Bilder/Muelltonnen/restmuell.png
    name: ' '
  - entity: sensor.abfallgelbersack
    image: /local/Bilder/Muelltonnen/gelbersack.png
    name: ' '
    secondary_info: none
  - entity: sensor.abfallbio
    image: /local/Bilder/Muelltonnen/biomuell.png
    name: ' '


Wrong thread, should be asked here.
This thread is for THEMES.

Off-topic: increasing an image size may cause increasing a whole rowā€™s height.
If you need to make the image more vivid - consider using a button-like card instead of Entities card.

Not sure if I am being a bit stupid! New to YAML, so I am trying to add a image to one of my dashboard cards instead of the name, when I add this below, i have created the file in the www/views/ folder which I created and has this:

title: ā€œRachel Test Tabā€
path: card-mod-themes-rachel

icon: mdi:car



  • !include www/views/card-mod-themes-rachel.yaml

I get this error . I am sure I am doing something stupid!

Include works in yaml mode dashboards only.

@Ildar_Gabdullin / anyone - can someone give me a pointer as to how I might change the title of my view dynamically?

In my case Iā€™d like to adjust the ā€œHeatingā€ to be ā€œHeating :fire:ā€ when the heating is on.


How do I remove the 'unit_of_measurement from an entity in an entities card?

My example entities card now looks like this:
Power Card

The code for this card:

type: entities
title: Power [Watt]
  - entity: sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption_phase_l1
          $: |
            state-badge {
              display: none;
            .info {
              display: none;
  - entity: sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption_phase_l2
          $: |
            state-badge {
              display: none;
            .info {
              display: none;
  - entity: sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption_phase_l3
          $: |
            state-badge {
              display: none;
            .info {
              display: none;

I want the card look like this:
Power Card Modified

In other words I want to remove the ā€˜Wā€™ indication and just have the numbers shown.
Have tried without success:

          .unit_of_measurement {
            display: none;


         .value {
         --secondary-text-color: transparent;

How can I remove the ā€˜Wā€™ indication after the numbers for the unit of measurement?
Many thanks in advance.

this might be better served with another card, why eg not simply list those values in a Markdown if you want to hide everything, except a value?

Also, if you want to move to card-mod thread that would help you better, this is the card-mod-theme thread, and not about per card mods

I havent seen it done though, and

          $: |
            .text-content:not(.info) {
              display: none;

hides both value and unit, because the unit does not seem to have its own element to mod.

reason to again to point to other solutions, in core use markdown,

or, in custom, use template-entity-row, and simply dont set a unit

  - type: custom:template-entity-row
    # name: []
    # icon: []
    state: >

although that would list the value at the right side of the card, in its regular spot

Anyways, hop over to card-mod thread and get more assistance there

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Dear Marius [Mariusthvdb],

Thank you very much; I have used your ā€˜template-entity-rowā€™ solution.

Apologies for using the wrong thread.
I donā€™t see/know how to move my question to the card-mod thread; maybe a moderator can do this?

itā€™s fine, just use the other thread next time.
glad I could help you, thx for the feedback

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