Card Tools popup? (Homekit style card )


I am a beginner with home assistant.
I have found the light-popup-card but i have problems to run it.

Is this function possible?

I have a rest sensor witch have a value from alarm system (that already works)
When i tap on the sensor a popup with 3 buttons should appear.
When i tap on a button an action should be execute. (the action already works)

How i must configurate the popup function in the ui-lovelace.yaml?


Typo! backgrund should be background

Has anyone tried to have 2 (or more) light sliders in one popup. Use case: I have a tablet controlling various things in a bedroom, I would like all lights within a light group controllable within one popup.

Basically, this part of the smart-home-panel-card but within a popup

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Hi @DBuit. Great work on the Hometkit styling. So much easier to use on a phone or tablet!

I’m using this for lights and switches popups but would also like to use it for an input_number. Is there a way to do that?
I use the input number to set volume directly on my Denon Amp with some automations so I can’t use your media_player-popup-card either. When I tap on the Volume Display I get a popup which I would like to look like the other homekit sliders I’m using of yours. This is my volume display (using button card for this)

Currently the input number slider looks like this and is hard to use on a tablet or phone:

This is my current volume popup code:

        - entity: input_number.avr_volume
          icon: 'mdi:volume-high'
          show_name: false
          type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
      show_header_toggle: false
      type: entities
    large: false
    title: Lounge Volume

I too am after this for input_numbers… @DBuit, any chance you can create us one of those? I’ve tried pulling apart your light-popup-card but I’m no programmer so that hasn’t been working out for me so far…

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hi @DBuit

Since upgrade to 1.3 Browser_mod my popup are not working anymore what i need to modify ?

                      - entity: cover.sejour_nord 
                        name: Séjour Nord
                        offStates: "closed"
                        offIcon: mdi:window-shutter
                        icon: mdi:window-shutter-open
                        state: sensor.cover_pos_sejour_nord
                          type: custom:cover-popup-card
                          sliderService: cover.set_cover_position
                          sliderColor: "#ddd"
                          sliderTrackColor: "#FFF"
                          sliderThumbColor: "#ddd"
                          sliderThumbBorderColor: "#FFF"
                          sliderTrackStripeColor: "#ddd"
                          actionsInARow: 3
                          brightnessWidth: 130px
                          brightnessHeight: 350px
                          sliderWidth: 110px
                          slliderHeight: 300px
                            - service: cover.open_cover
                                entity_id: this
                              name: open
                              icon: mdi:window-shutter-open
                            - service: cover.stop_cover
                                entity_id: this
                              name: stop
                              icon: mdi:stop
                            - service: cover.close_cover
                                entity_id: this
                              name: close
                              icon: mdi:window-shutter
                            - service: cover.set_cover_position
                                entity_id: this
                                position: 30
                              name: 30%
                              icon: mdi:swap-vertical
                            - service: cover.set_cover_position
                                entity_id: this
                                position: 50
                              name: 50%
                              icon: mdi:swap-vertical
                            - service: cover.set_cover_position
                                entity_id: this
                                position: 80
                              name: 80%

Since upgrade to 1.3 Browser_mod my popup are not working anymore what i need to do?


I also have same problem…what do i need to modify?

Hi Glenn,
How did you get the percentage in the middle of the slider please?

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@alanthewild did you find a solution to this? I’m trying to do the same for a Bose CSP

@brycew I have just worked it out now… by butchering the code but working is working :slight_smile:

I noticed a fork of @DBuit by @neoantox where he made some minor tweaks to add a maximum volume…

So I added a hard-coded maximum. Which worked! Yay!
Then, based on this code from the slider-entiry-row, I added a min and step setting…

<input type="range" max="-10" min="-80" step="0.5" style="--slider-width:

So after i got that working, I changed it to use the values from my entity:

<input type="range" max="${stateObj.attributes.max}" min="${stateObj.attributes.min}" step="${stateObj.attributes.step}" 

The other changes I made were to use the stateObj.state rather than the volume attribute and changed the setVolume commands to call the input_number.set_value service.

    _setVolume(state, value) {
        this.hass.callService("input_number", "set_value", {
            entity_id: state.entity_id,
            value: value

Then I changed the units to those from my input_number as below:

 <h4 id="volumeValue" class="${stateObj.state === "off" ? '' : 'brightness'}" data-value="${this.currentVolume}${stateObj.attributes.unit_of_measurement}">

Then I dug deeper and decided to just fork @DBuit original media_player-popup-card and make it work for me properly with optional settings on the card.

So now we have this:

Hopefully @DBuit will see this and build a real one and fix my current bug (I can’t display the units while changing the slider. The number shows but not the units.)

Big thanks again to @DBuit for all the work in creating the homekit styled popup cards in the first place. They are way easier to use on a phone/tablet than the slider entity row was.

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Has anyone by any chance modified the light popup to work with a fan entity and percentage attribute. My fan is now showing up as only a fan entity (it used to be a light entity I made a template_fan out of) so I just used the light popup card with the light entity, but I’d like to control the real fan entity directly.

I saw this question asked a little further up in the thread but I too was wondering about it and didnt’ see an answer.

Is there a way to get multiple sliders in one pop up card? I’ve tried using horizontal-stacks and that didn’t seem to work. I like the idea of a Picture card of a room, and then a popup card with sliders for the lights in that room. So one popup card with multiple sliders.

Hello @martheijnen
Did you find a solution to reduce the padding ?

Thanks :wink:

No, sorry. I switched to another way of working so this is not in my card anymore

Hello everyone,

Got a update for the light popup card: Release Version 0.5 · DBuit/light-popup-card · GitHub

Some new options added:

  1. hideIcon → hides the icon above the slider / switch
  2. hideState → hides the state above the slider / switch
  3. actions got extra option action which you can set to call-service or fire-dom-event (if not set it will use call-service so existing configuration won’t break)
  4. image option for actions to use image in the action button.

Below example of the hideState and hideIcon and the image in a action button:

I’m trying to spruce up my dashboard and have stumbled upon these 2 HACS components:


To be brief: I use “fire-dom-event” to generate a custom popup (with light-popup-card) on prolonged pressure of a light entity.
It works very well on my smartphone (Android-Xiaomi) with the official HomeAssistant app while it doesn’t work on Firefox (or Edge) on two of my Windows PCs or on my girlfriend’s smartphone, again with the official HomeAssistant app (Android-Xiaomi).

Here’s what the popup looks like: mDs2HTf

Anyone have any ideas?

Here is the code:

type: glance
  - entity: light.flos
    name: Flos
      action: toggle
      action: more-info
      action: fire-dom-event
        command: popup
        title: Flos
          type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
          entity: light.flos
          icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
          settings: true
            type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
              entity: light.flos
              hide_header: true
              brightness: false
              smooth_color_wheel: true
          actionsInARow: 2
          brightnessWidth: 150px
          brightnessHeight: 400px
          switchWidth: 150px
          switchHeight: 400px
          borderRadius: 12px
            - service: scene.turn_on
              color: '#FDCA64'
                entity_id: scene.scrivania_relax
            - service: scene.turn_on
              color: '#FDCA64'
                entity_id: scene.test
            - service: scene.turn_on
              color: '#FDCA64'
                entity_id: scene.test

my popup light-popup-card and other custom popup are not working anymore what i need to do? while the standard properties on popup works wery well

          - title: Light
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
              - entity: light.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2_level_4
                name: Light

I’m experiencing the same problem and I can’t seem to get to the bottom of it.
The popup works perfectly on my phone but not on all other devices.
Unlike you though I use fire-dom-event but can’t seem to style it properly… Can you help me?

I’m having issues with the cover-popup-card. I just want to display with just one tap. I’ve been searching and trying possibilities for hours but im stuck.

Can anyone help?

Kind regards