Card Tools popup? (Homekit style card )

Hey @DBuit is there also a possibility to add a input_selector in the media-popup similar to this? it is described here

Good evening , maybe i lost some break changes but my cards do not popup anymore…

Is there any change on the build 103 that broke the card ?

The new home assistant version broke it, yes.

Could you please tell me how did you build this layout? Is it with homekit-card or custom-layout card?

Really nice setup, do you care sharing your code for above setup?

Hi , is custom button card

Do you know if there will be a fix ? or if it has been already released ?

Just updated browser mod… all fixed…

Hi there.

I’m totally new with this and only just starting to fumble my way through customising Lovelace. I absolutely love this card together with your Homekit card - thank you - amazing work.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a black background to the popup. Both of your cards are otherwise working really well, though the popup just has a transparent background.

I have both Browser_mod and Card_mod installed and have tried working with your example configuration (I should mention that I’m using the GUI card configuration rather than editing lovelace-ui.yaml directly).

Any suggestions? Apologies in advance - I’m very new to HA.

Hi guys does anyone have any idea why this written test appears? Thanks in advance for your help.

I think you need to update homekit card maybe?


I’m using the Homekit-panel-card for my light switches to get a homekit style button, but the problem is I’m can’t get it to center it.

I don’t want to use the panel mode, because this will align all the buttons to the left like this with almost no space:

What I prefer is that it’s like a normal card like this:

When I disable the panel mode, it centers the card in the middle. With multiple buttons, it just adds them to the right and don’t center them like this:

Can someone help me with this?

First of all thanks.

I am running into an issue.
When I set settings: true I get a red message saying
“Set settinigsCustomCard to render a lovelace card here!”

I am able to set a settinigsCustomCard however, I really just want to toggle the old more_info screen. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @MrKuenning

in v0.113 of home assistant they removed the more_info card that contains the whole more_info popup so you cant just load it in like that :frowning: that are custom cards that give you the same options like this one:

1 Like

Hey @DBuit, I’m trying the media popupcard combined with browser mod, but i get the error: you need to define entity. I can not see any entity configured in your example on github (media popup card).
However, if I add entity mediaplayerspotify (media_player.spotify_mart), i get a blanc popup screen.
What am I doing wrong?

edit I found out that it has to do with the mediaplayer spotify. What’s different that the popup won’t work for spotify media player?

             action: call-service
             service: browser_mod.popup
               title: Popup example
               hide_header: true
                 - this
                 type: custom:media_player-popup-card
                   - service: media_player.media_previous_track
                       entity_id: this
                     name: previous
                     icon: mdi:skip-previous
                   - service: media_player.media_play_pause
                       entity_id: this
                     name: play/pause
                     icon: mdi:play-pause
                   - service: media_player.media_next_track
                       entity_id: this
                     name: next
                     icon: mdi:skip-next

If I delete entity, i get error screen.

             action: call-service
             service: browser_mod.popup
               title: Popup example
               hide_header: true
                 - this
                 type: custom:media_player-popup-card
                 entity: media_player.spotify_mart
                   - service: media_player.media_previous_track
                       entity_id: this
                     name: previous
                     icon: mdi:skip-previous
                   - service: media_player.media_play_pause
                       entity_id: this
                     name: play/pause
                     icon: mdi:play-pause
                   - service: media_player.media_next_track
                       entity_id: this
                     name: next
                     icon: mdi:skip-next

@DBuit I see you were already aware of the more info card changes. I did a FR on your repo in the hopes that we can call a core more-info card when pressing the settings button (more-info-card and light-entity card both no longer work).

For now I use a workaround by adding a button card or entity button to the settingsCard and have that invoke a more-info window. It works fine but is an extra button press. I hope that you will find the time to look at it (and hope that you can/will want to change it)

Hi @martheijnen,

not sure if there is any difference but i use this:

                      type: custom:media_player-popup-card
                      settingsPosition: top
                      actionSize: "100px"
                        openButton: Instellingen
                        closeButton: Sluiten
                        - service: media_player.media_previous_track
                            entity_id: this
                          name: previous
                          icon: mdi:skip-previous
                        - service: media_player.media_play_pause
                            entity_id: this
                          name: play/pause
                          icon: mdi:play-pause
                        - service: media_player.media_next_track
                            entity_id: this
                          name: next
                          icon: mdi:skip-next

Thank you @DBuit!
Is it possible to add haptic feedback?

I created (misused) your button popup card for selecting a spotify source in a media card and would love haptic feedback on selecting the device.

                  type: custom:switch-popup-card
                  noActiveState: 'Select speaker'
                  entity_value_path: state
                  - media_player.living_room
                  - media_player.all_audio
                  - media_player.bedroom_speaker
                  - media_player.living_room_and_kitchen
                  - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                    value: "Office"
                    name: "Office"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: script.spotify_continue_office
                  - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                    value: "Living room"
                    name: "Living room"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: script.spotify_continue_living_room
                  - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                    value: "Everywhere"
                    name: "Everywhere"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: script.spotify_continue_all_audio
                  - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                    value: "Bedroom"
                    name: "Bedroom"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: script.spotify_continue_bedroom
                  - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                    value: "Living room & Kitchen"
                    name: "Living room & Kitchen"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: script.spotify_continue_living_room_and_kitchen
                  - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                    value: "Kitchen"
                    name: "Kitchen"
                    color: "#FFF"
                    icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                    service: script.spotify_continue_kitcen

Hey @DBuit, is there a way to smaller the padding size for the switch popup card? Green part i want to smaller.

I see it’s listed as “.multi-switch li” but can’t get it working in my css config style. Where do I put it?

                                        action: call-service
                                        service: browser_mod.popup
                                          title: Select 
                                          hide_header: true
                                            - this
                                            $: |
                                              .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container {
                                                width: 100%;
                                              .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
                                              .multi-switch li {
                                                padding: 10px 0px !important;
                                            .: |
                                              :host {
                                                --mdc-theme-surface: rgba(0,0,0,0);
                                                --secondary-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
                                                --ha-card-background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
                                                --mdc-dialog-scrim-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
                                                --mdc-dialog-min-height: 70%;
                                                --mdc-dialog-min-width: 100%;
                                                --mdc-dialog-max-width: 100%;
                                                padding: 10px 0px !important;
                                              mwc-icon-button {
                                                color: #FFF;
                                            type: custom:switch-popup-card
                                            noActiveState: 'Select speaker'
                                            entity_value_path: state
                                            - media_player.living_room
                                            - media_player.all_audio
                                            - media_player.bedroom_speaker
                                            - media_player.living_room_and_kitchen
                                            - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                                              value: "Office"
                                              name: "Office"
                                              color: "#FFF"
                                              icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                                              service: script.spotify_continue_office
                                            - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                                              value: "Living room"
                                              name: "Living room"
                                              color: "#FFF"
                                              icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                                              service: script.spotify_continue_living_room
                                            - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                                              value: "Everywhere"
                                              name: "Everywhere"
                                              color: "#FFF"
                                              icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                                              service: script.spotify_continue_all_audio
                                            - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                                              value: "Bedroom"
                                              name: "Bedroom"
                                              color: "#FFF"
                                              icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                                              service: script.spotify_continue_bedroom
                                            - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                                              value: "Living room & Kitchen"
                                              name: "Living room & Kitchen"
                                              color: "#FFF"
                                              icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                                              service: script.spotify_continue_living_room_and_kitchen
                                            - icon: "mdi:speaker"
                                              value: "Kitchen"
                                              name: "Kitchen"
                                              color: "#FFF"
                                              icon_color: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
                                              service: script.spotify_continue_kitcen
                                        haptic: medium

Hi @martheijnen,

you can’t style it like that. The html of the popup is rendered somewhere else on the page because it is in the popup so the style part won’t reach that.
I think there is no way atm in my card but it you just use browser_mod and use the popups part to overwrite the default more-info popup for an entity you can overwrite styles.

@DBuit Can you in the next version add switchValue in line 3857 of the java file just as you added brightnessValue in the one at line 3852? So that we can style that also with cardmod.
Thankyou :smiley:
I think i just created a pullrequest for it