Caule Themes Pack 1 - by

Thank you so much! That worked fantastic!

An update is just released. All the workarounds are not needed anymore :wink:

The themes bachground not work anymore since last update.
Did someone know why?
or is a Probleme in my config?

Hi there,
after the last HA update (2023.12.1), my icon colors of button cards changed when using “caule dark grey”. Prior to the update they were grey (according to the primary color defined in the theme “acacac”), an now chnaged to blue (which makes no sense for the grey theme :slight_smile: , according to the primary color set for HA). However, the dashboard is still defined to use “caule dark gray” as theme to be used with my wall panel. I can change the primary color for my entire user but this changes all dashboards. Did anyone else observe this and does anyone know how to change this back to the primary color defined in the selected theme for the dashboard? Thank you, a lot, and all the best!

Thanks for making this theme pack. FYI, the installation instructions did not work for me.
The instructions say:
The final path to the file folder should be **config/www/caule-themes-pack-1/**

Instead, I had to put the helper files in /config/www/community/themes/caule-themes-pack-1
I had to remove the nested folders for icons and backgrounds so it would appear as follows:
And the browser looks for them here:

Thank you for this post. I’ve been trying to resolve the “Which path, again?!” question for weeks. You got me working.

How can i place navbar at the bottom like the images?

What icons are the light bulbs from the sample screenshots? I like them but don’t know how to configure or where to get these.
Stuck with the default bulb icon.


If we are looking at the same thing, that’s just mdi:lightbulb-outline isn’t it? I presume those are button cards.

[Although looking more closely, they have the last-changed attribute when on, so that might mean they are some kind of custom card,. maybe this one.]

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thanks. I think it must indeed be the outline version. I overlooked that one.