Ceiling fan with Tuya integration. Fan works but light is nowhere to be found

I am having trouble setting up a ceiling fan with light. After setting up the Tuya integration following the instructions from the integrations page, the device appears on my dashboard with 1 entity that controls the fan and that works perfectly. However I haven’t been able to find a way to control the light.

The fan/light controller that I’m trying to set up is this one. The amazon page says that the brand is Aubric, although the user manual that came with it says qiachip. I initially set up the device with the Smart Life App and everything works through that app. IR remote remote works without problems. I can also see it on my google home app and control both the light and fan (although there’s no option to control the fan speed through google home).

I also discovered that I can control everything (light, fan speeds, timer for sleep, beeping sound) through the project that I created on the Tuya IoT Platform when setting up the Tuya integration for HASS.

I downloaded the diagnostics from the device page in HASS and all the information seems to be there (switch for the fan, fan speed, light, countdown for the sleep function, beeping) and the status values in the diagnostics reflect the changes that I make with the Smart Life App.

Searching through the topics here I found this post which seems to be pretty much what I want (I think?), adding a new entity to the device to control the light. But here is where I get pretty confused. That post and others that I’ve seen talk about the “Local Tuya” integration but I don’t see any option to add “local tuya” only the “tuya” that is in the integrations page. The post mentions that there should be a dropdown menu to “add entitiy” but I don’t see that option at all when I set up the Tuya integration.

I also took a quick look at the logs through the GUI but there wasn’t anything related to Tuya or the ceiling fan

I’m pretty new to HASS (just installed in yesterday). I’m running Home Assistant core-2022.7.6 using Hass . io with the HassOS image on a raspberry pi 3 model b.

Local tuya is a custom integration, available through HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

You will need to install hacs to use local tuya as it is not included with Home assistant by default. Here’s the documentation and install info for hacs.

I wrote up that linked post, and have the Aubric, and can confirm it’s working still, locally without the API, with local tuya. It’s a bit complex to setup, but worth the trouble.

Thank you so much. I hit a bit of a bump trying to get the local key, but I managed to figure that out and it works now!


Can you please post your settings for both fan and light?
I have the exact same controller and I am hitting a wall getting to work

Trouble here aswell. The integration only switches the light, not the fan.

The settings are in my post that’s linked here