Change state name (rename) in template binary sensor

Good day All,

Coud you please help me to configure binary_sensor tempale to remane state.
I can’t found any solution, that why I was forced to write this topic.
For the sensor it works, but for binary_sensor not.

Please follow Questions Guidelines #14 & 11 by posting configuration as properly formatted text, not screenshots.

The actual state of all binary sensors if “on” or “off”, no other options are allowed. The frontend representation of those states can be other preassigned values. That representation is assigned based on the device class. You can change your binary sensor to any of the available device classes if you prefer its frontend representation, but you cannot customize the value in any other way.

If you want the state to be something different than “on/off” you will need to use a sensor instead of a binary sensor.

I think I didn’t clearly explained my problem.
I have put device_class: door for my binary_sensor and state by defoult is Open and Closed, i just what to rename that state name to different.

For below sensor i did it and state name changed, but i can’t change it for binary_sensor

I think you explained well, but the answer is: besides choosing another device_class, you have little control over what is displayed for binary sensors.

As explained: Internally the state for binary sensors always on or off. The device class changes the displayed words in the user interface to what is in the documentation that was linked to. For a door, that is Open and Closed. Home Assistant then translates thos words using the built in translations to your language. But the translations are not for you to choose. So what is shown is not a “default”, it is what it is and you cannot pick anything else. You can only pick another (existing) device class.

The other sensor you made is a text sensor, where you choose whatever text you want as the state in the template. You could create a text sensor to display any words you want. In that case the state is exactly these words, and that means it is no longer a binary sensor. But it might not matter for you that it isn’t a binary sensor.

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Thank you for your detailed answer.

Can I then ask another question in this same topic about sensor template?

I have below configurations for sensor in template configuration.

everything is working fine here ( animated icon and state rename, but i can’t configure value template for icon color. like on - yellow off - white

Well, that is one of the advantages of binary sensors, that Home Assistant has a color for on and off (also chosen by HA and not configurable built in).

Home Assistant has no built in support for icon colors on regular sensors. You need custom front end components for that. Either card mod or other cards that provide support. If you search the forum there are many topics on it.

Thx a lot. i did by

entity_picture_template: >-
{% if is_state(‘binary_sensor.dver_prikhozhaia_contact’, ‘on’) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

What about cover template ? can i change state name for it ( from open/closed to differet name ?

for now my config is ( cover for curtains - PS. working fine ) just need to rename state

None of the defined types have states you can name yourself except select and sensor. Cover, humidifier,fan, thermostat, etc. all have HA defined states. Maybe if the translations for your lnguage are absent or bad, you can join the translation team for HA.

So, i can’t create some value_template for cover templae to rename manually states for it ?

No, the automations and user interface components would get very confused if you tried. Internally states are fixed because they need values the system can recognise. Only when stats are shown on screen the components may translate it for you.

So as someone previously said: the short answer is No. The long answer is Nooooooooo.


as i understand renaming view states working only for sensors template ?!


First, you ignored a strong recommendation to follow Community rules about posting a code.

If you set a language to “Russian” you will see corr. states in your language.
If you do not like a particular wording (assume you need “Нараспашку” instead of “Открыто”) - you may contribute a translation (as it was advised above).

Was explained above - binary sensors have FIXED states “on”/ “off”.

You may use a normal binary sensor (on/off) and display a particular label replacing standard translations “Открыто/Закрыто” to “Нараспашку/Наглухо” on a PARTICULAR card which supports templates (but not in more-info & history-graph). For instance, a custom:button-card supports JS templates; a custom:template-entity-row supports jinja templates; and almost none of stock cards support template (except Markdown for a “content” option). Alternatively - using card-mod with “:after / :before” pseudoclasses allows to replace labels (jinja supported), see examples in the main card-mod thread.

Also, a code from the 1st post seems to be a mix of a “template” integration & legacy template sensors.

Sorry for a posting screenshots. Thx for your explenation