Do you know if it’s possible to change the device_tracker location in automation action?
Unfortunately iOS app is not very reliable, so I’ve added additional ping tracker to check if device is at home and would like to update the original tracker location.
Don’t know if it’s possible to change it, but the IOS app would eventually change it back anyway. Agreed, it’s too unreliable to be useful for location tracking.
Instead, it’s best to use multiple sources for location tracking, and base your automation off of the aggregate location instead of the single source.
You can use the service device_tracker.see. You should be able to pass it a device name and a location. It’ll get updated by iOS the next time iOS reports.
Yes, I’m doing the aggregation now, but I want to have nice “bubbles” with people photos in it on top of the home screen and these can be only generated by device_tracker. Sooo… maybe it’s time to create a dummy tracker that could be updated by an automation rule.
The whole point of a sensor template is to create a sensor that you manipulate however you please. You can set a picture on the sensor template in the customization section.
This statement is wrong, my last post was correcting you. The bubbles you are refering to are sensors, binary_sensors, or known_devices.
I think you don’t understand. Device_tracker “bubble” has two features that other sensors don’t have:
It displays a photo instead of a sensor value
In place of measurement unit (which is constant in normal sensor) it shows current location
There is no template for measurement_unit, only for value and icon.
What I would like to do is create a fake device_tracker “bubble” to get a summary of all device_trackers assigned to one device (like iOS app, ping, ibeacon, etc.).