Checking calendar item at specific time

I wanted to do this in node-red:
at specific time every day (say 8am every day), check if an calendar item topic contains ‘xxxx’, if yes then do something, if no then do something else.

I’m using “Sensor” node from node-red-contrib-ical-events, it almost do what I needed, but the config is only check calendar very xx seconds/minutes/house/days, I tried to put an inject node in front of it, but no use.
I could add a time range node after that node, but seems very wasteful that let this node running every xxx seconds or minutes, while I only need it runs once.

Is there any other node I can use to achieve what I need?


I would try and get the ical into HA as a sensor.
People seem to be having success by using the CalDav sensor.

Then you can add an inject node before a current state node to check if a calendar has an event that day etc. That’s how I work it using Google Calendars.

thank you. this should work. would you mind post your config for connect to goolge calendar?

There isn’t much too it in terms of config. Just setting up the Google Developer Console.

Instructions are pretty good on the integration page:

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seems worked fine. Thanks!