Chime tts error

it does not work .
maybe only with nabu casa??
using the alexa player poses a lot of problems I can’t send an mp3 or a radio browser with my echo dot I think you need to register on nabu casa?? I don’t have all these problems with a google player

alias: chime tts on alexa player
  - service: chime_tts.say_url
      chime_path: mp3_path_placeholder-bells_2
      tts_platform: google_translate
      message: This is a Chime TTS test on Alexa speakers
      language: en
    response_variable: chime_tts
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      message: |
        <audio src='{{chime_tts.url}}'/>
        - media_player.echo_dot_carlier
        type: tts
mode: single

get the message : chime tts on alexia player triggered

and after :
strange audio script response:

‘sorry I can’t access the script…at the moment!!!’

I don’t have any Alexa speakers so unfortunately I can’t help you troubleshoot these hardware issues.

I suggest you search the forum specifically for playing mp3s on Alexa speakers, I am sure you’re not the only one with this issue.

Hi, in my case the logs show the file is being written but it doesn’t actually to be the case?