Chime tts error

it does not work .
maybe only with nabu casa??
using the alexa player poses a lot of problems I can’t send an mp3 or a radio browser with my echo dot I think you need to register on nabu casa?? I don’t have all these problems with a google player

alias: chime tts on alexa player
  - service: chime_tts.say_url
      chime_path: mp3_path_placeholder-bells_2
      tts_platform: google_translate
      message: This is a Chime TTS test on Alexa speakers
      language: en
    response_variable: chime_tts
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      message: |
        <audio src='{{chime_tts.url}}'/>
        - media_player.echo_dot_carlier
        type: tts
mode: single

get the message : chime tts on alexia player triggered

and after :
strange audio script response:

‘sorry I can’t access the script…at the moment!!!’

I don’t have any Alexa speakers so unfortunately I can’t help you troubleshoot these hardware issues.

I suggest you search the forum specifically for playing mp3s on Alexa speakers, I am sure you’re not the only one with this issue.

Hi, in my case the logs show the file is being written but it doesn’t actually to be the case?

Good morning everyone, i use chime tts on home assistant, everything goes very well until at some point even forcing the various scripts where i start the tts over the mp3 stored locally the whole thing stops. i installed the beta version hoping this would fix the problem but nothing. everything works until after n times it stops working. i attach the logs this way you tell me what you think. i think that when he wants to start and finds the media. player stay inactive it puts the task in the queue and does nothing else… from there on all scripts will go in the queue. i tried using clear cache but nothing changes, the only way to restart it is to restart HA which is probably equivalent to clearing the queue. is there a command i could use before fixing the queue? or just make it so that if it finds unknown the mediaplayer status it forces the volume for how i put the script in. below i also put the script example

service: chime_tts.say
    - 390a59438e130f9ca39bf2d7b654bb7c
  message: Sono le tredici e trenta minuti, sto chiudendo le tende dell open Space
  volume_level: 0.5
  chime_path: /config/www/musica/IronMan_backinblack_cut_11s.mp3
  offset: -10000
  tts_speed: 110