Choosing Zigbee or Z-Wave radiator valve (TRV)

@MarhyCZ, I also want to buy these TVR. Please are these TVRs capable of continously regulate the flow or are they just on/off TVRs? Thank you

@iqlogic - I could not find a Zigbee endpoint that would report a current valve opening, but they seem to be able continously regulating. When I turn on a boiler I hear them one, two times as they are trying to match the temperature and then I dont hear them the whole evening, so I would guess they are partially open.

And its working great so far. No dropouts from the Zigbee network, responding like in 1s. I would like to find out, if Zigbee allows group binding of radiators - so if you have 2 in the room, if they can regulate themselves together.

Do the Danfoss show humidity as well? I’m thinking of replacing my Tado’s because it’s the only cloud-dependent service I have left. Having their gateway plugged is also a little annoying. Would prefer something locally controlled.

FYI You could use the homekit integration to locally control the Tado valves


I’m curious if these, or any TRV controllers could be used to adjust the knob on a baseboard heater. Most baseboard heating units have a “relative” display of warmer vs colder. They are not actual temperature control units. This could be a nice intelligence upgrade.

These TRV as they stand for, Thermostatic Radiator Valves.

For baseboard control look at this topic/post:

For custom solution turning a knob, I have just seen this post. But this is a convection gas heater:

Sorry, I forgot to mention, as a TRV it physical controls a valve on the radiator by pushing a pin in to close, or let it out to open the valve.
Electric TRVs does this by a motor and measuring the temperature and comparing with the setpoint.
A traditional TRV has some sort of heat reactive material inside which changes physical behaviour hardens and softens with temperature change. The turn knob adjust the position of the material to physically open/close the pin with temperature.

If your knob does similar task, then you might can fit a TRV instead the knob, but I believe you better with line voltage control or a device which turns the knob as I wrote above.

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Where are you based? I recently looked into it and in the end decided to go with the Drayton Wiser system - to say I am happy is an understatement. It works superb, every room is its own zone, it has scheduling, burst and eco modes, adapts to the outside temperature etc - if you havent made you mind up give it a go - batteries last apparently 18months I was told by someone who uses it a bit longer

Have you seen this review? I think it is absolutely genuine.

I am using some Wiser TRVs without the Hub as I have a complex heating system and cannot be replaced by the Hub. The TRVs are communicating on the Zigbee protocol, but it is not listed anywhere that Wiser uses that for the TRVs and Range Extenders (pocket socket).

I’ve created my own integration last Winter for SmartThings and using the valves since that. They are really chatty creatures, they send messages every minutes or even more often. The battery life maybe 18 months if you keep them shut or open all the time and the motor doesn’t have to do any work. But I haven’t managed to get more than a few months. When the battery starts to be depleted the TRVs are unable to fully close the valves and the room keeps overheating.

It is a good choice if you can get the TRV for some discounted price. (I did get my TRV for about 10 Euro each as they were display models somewhere.) But honestly a Tuya Zigbee TRV can do more.

Otherwise they (Wiser TRV) should work with Zigbee2mqtt without any issue.

Hi Marhy, are you able to set the temperature through the interface with ZHA?

When I for instance set the temperature to 6 celcius, I don’t hear the motor whirring. But if I use the physical thermostat, it whirs after a few seconds.

I got my Danfoss Ally thermostats today. I’m using ZHA with a Conbee 2 stick. They paired with no problems, even though my network is pretty large and one of them is far away. Regulating from HA works, and the display on the unit updates. Regulating on the unit also updates to HA. They’ve been installed for 9 hours now, and as far as I can tell everything works beautifully.

Feature wise they are pretty boring. At least with ZHA, what you get is only the climate device and a battery sensor. Will miss the sensors (temperature, humidity and especially “heating”) that came from Tado, but getting to remove my last bridge and cloud service is so worth it.

Looking forward to make some neat automations with “proximity”, weather etc.

Ok, so I found this “pi_heating_demand” attribute on the Danfoss Ally and it looks like it’s reporting the opening of the valve (went from 71 to 9 when I decreased setpoint temperature by one degree). So with some template sensors, the *_heating sensors I used from Tado are back! :slight_smile:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Soveværelse opvarmning"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.bedroom_thermostat', 'pi_heating_demand') | int }}"
      friendly_name: "Stue opvarmning"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.livingroom_thermostat', 'pi_heating_demand') | int }}"
      friendly_name: "Børneværelse opvarmning"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.sofias_thermostat', 'pi_heating_demand') | int }}"
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This might help others also.

Today I got my Danfoss Ally thermostats. My plan was to set them up with the Ally Gateway, so they would be updated. After I got them all updated and tried to pair them with ZHA it would only show the temperature and not let me set the temp etc. I tried all of them thermostats and repairing a gazillion times. Then I took the power to the Ally gateway and tries and now it worked. All paired and are fully controllable by ZHA.

tl;dr Make sure the Ally gateway is not powered on when pairing with ZHA

It would be beautiful if Danfoss would publicly release the firmware, so they could be automatically updated in a similar fashion to the Trådfri bulbs.

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With the new release yesterday at the conference I am seeing this quite a lot, when trying to control the valves. It almost never works 1% success rate.

2020-12-14 09:28:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 130, in async_init
    result = await self._async_handle_step(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 213, in _async_handle_step
    result: Dict = await getattr(flow, method)(user_input)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 318, in async_step_discovery
    return await self.async_step_pick_implementation()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 243, in async_step_pick_implementation
    return await self.async_step_auth()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 267, in async_step_auth
    url = await self.flow_impl.async_generate_authorize_url(self.flow_id)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 147, in async_generate_authorize_url
    redirect_uri = self.redirect_uri
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 131, in redirect_uri
    raise RuntimeError("No current request in context")
RuntimeError: No current request in context

I’m using both ZigBee and Z-wave for different devices int my house. For most of the lighting and sensors I use Zigbee, and for heating Z-Wave. I have a few sockets for zigbee and z-wave and I’m not sure why but z-wave seems to be more stable.

For TRV I’m using Danfoss Z-wave valves. Battery life is something around a heating season but I’m checking most of them every 2 month and replace just for my patience.

TRVs are quite reliable I would say. If your radiator installed properly it doesn’t overshoot or make noize. Here’s a graph of the temperature from TRV:

This is a graph from the independent sensor in another part of the room (like ~2m direct sight but installed at the top of the wall and on the sunny side):

I’m using those TRVs with OTGW and biggest problem I found is that for certain radiators non of the TRVs works anyhow good. For example, this valve always overshoot but not because of the valve.

Hot air goes up and temperature sensor in the TRV very sensitive and switch it off very quick. So it opens and closes all the time what drains the battery. As a solution I found that I can set temperature for 28°C and then measure real numbers on the independent sensor. If I need to switch it off I set it to 16°C.

P.S. I wrote down about my setup here: OpenTherm Gateway (OTGW) or smart boiler in your house

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Hi, I would like to take this Tuya ZigBee3.0 model enticed by the price. I have a conbee stick and was wondering if they work well with deconz software too.

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How are people faring with there choices?

I am also looking at the Tado solution as well as options from Danfoss and Tuya.

I’m very happy using Danfoss (Zigbee) with ZHA.

I’m able to update the firmware with the public released firmware. And able to make it adhere to external sensor, as the onboard thermometer is usually reporting warmer temperatures than what’s real.

I’m also able to link the devices, with the custom component climate group so I can control multiple units from one Lovelace thermostat card.

In addition I’m able to link the units with automations, so if I turn the temperature dial on one physical dial, it will adjust the others in the same room. This is good for the WAF.

The last thing I need to implement is create automations that closes the valves, if window sensors report windows being open. This is something that others has reported is working.

Tado is to my understanding much easier to setup, but it’s very rewarding to me that I could go around having a cloud connection.

Hi Bjorn,

Could you add a link to the exact model you are using? I’ve been looking for a TRV which would properly adhere to an external temperature sensor!

Do you know if the Danfoss model you have reports a valve position, like open percentage?
