Chromecast Radio with station and player selection

One way you could neaten it up is to add a ‘footer’ to you entities card and have the play and stop buttons in the footer.

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Thank you very much!
Works fine and looks nice.

Hi Will,

thank you for the code. But can I ask a stupid question?
How can I get this on my lovelace dashboard?
I thank you in advance.

You will have to add a “Entities Card”

Have a look at for an example.

Look at the ChromeCastRadio file.

Hi @ASNNetworks

Can you share the card config, not everything behind, but the build-up of the card and the styling?

Unfortunately not. I use LMS for music now, which renders my previous setup redundant. I used that for Google Cast service calls which I no longer use.

But basically what you see there is:

  • Input select playlist
  • Input select speaker
  • Script to start service call for selected playlist over the selected speaker
  • My custom media player based on picture elements and mini media player (see this)

This all inside a vertical stack, which opens through popup with browser mod.

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Thanks for the quick reply!

I’ll se where I get to

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Oh yeah, I forgot. To make things more complicated (lol) I put multiple custom media card inside a swiper card and each custom media card is inside a conditional card. So I could swipe between currently active speakers and only see those that are playing/paused.

Yeah, I realized that from the forum posts. I’ll skip that, what I’m looking for is anice popup to handle selcetion of source, playlist and maybe the group management.
Have you seen my question in your Fully loaded tread? Fully loaded media player card (picture-elements project)

I don’t use group managing options, so I can’t help with that sorry. You could try with card mod to get the styling fixed, like how I edited the below bar of mini media player with card mod. You could maybe also create button cards and use those control the group. Each button could represent an input_boolean, which you can tie to a speaker through automations. But you will need to go a little deeper with automations.

1 Like

Makes sense! Thanks

Works great thanks,

just one question, I would like to display the artwork cover is that possible with this option?



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you need to create a camera that points to a jpg file.
I retrieve artwork, artist and track via a separate python script (scrape using BS4 and send to HA via MQTT)
Then I use a template sensor to figure out which station I’m playing and a picture-glance lovelace card to display the template sensors (artist, track, artwork camera):

Lovelace config extract for that:

  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: vertical
    - type: picture-glance
      camera_image: camera.chromecast_radio_pic
        - entity: input_select.chromecast_radio_station
        - entity: input_text.custom_station
        - entity: input_select.chromecast_radio_speakers
        - entity: switch.chromecast_radio_vol_down
        - entity: switch.chromecast_radio_mute
        - entity: switch.chromecast_radio_vol_up
        - entity: switch.chromecast_radio_stop
        - entity: switch.chromecast_radio_play
    - type: conditional
        - entity: binary_sensor.radio_is_streaming
          state: "on"
        type: entities
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: sensor.stream_artist
            name: Artist
            secondary_info: last-changed
            icon: mdi:account-music
          - entity: sensor.stream_track
            name: Track
            secondary_info: last-changed
            icon: mdi:music-circle
1 Like

Great howto, I will try it tonight.

Can you please share this script? I’m not familiar with BS4, can you explain?

BS4 is Beautiful Soup. It’s the engine that’s used by the Scrape Sensor
But the scrape sensor only refreshes once every min and I find it a bit more complicated than using BS4 directly. In addition I want a single call per radio, as opposed to 1 call per attribute, which might end up black listing me as spam/DDOS
Here is the python script I’ve written to extract artist, track and album art from the various radios I listen to:

Show Code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
from threading import Thread
from datetime import datetime
import json

import secrets

MQTT_Host = secrets.MQTT_Host
MQTT_Port = secrets.MQTT_Port
MQTT_User = secrets.MQTT_User
MQTT_Password = secrets.MQTT_Password

client = mqtt.Client("HA_Scraper") # must be unique on MQTT network
client.connect(MQTT_Host, port=MQTT_Port, keepalive=60)
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}

class Radio:

	# Initializer / Instance Attributes
	def __init__(self, name, url, pic, pic_sel, pic_att, artist, artist_sel, artist_att, track, track_sel, track_att): = name
		self.url = url
		self.pic = pic
		self.pic_sel = pic_sel
		self.pic_att = pic_att
		self.artist = artist
		self.artist_sel = artist_sel
		self.artist_att = artist_att
		self.track = track
		self.track_sel = track_sel
		self.track_att = track_att

class Podcast:

	# Initializer / Instance Attributes
	def __init__(self, name, url, track, track_sel, track_att, mp3_url, mp3_sel, mp3_att): = name
		self.url = url
		self.track = track
		self.track_sel = track_sel
		self.track_att = track_att
		self.mp3_url = mp3_url
		self.mp3_sel = mp3_sel
		self.mp3_att = mp3_att

RTL2 = Radio("RTL2", "", "", ".ecfper-2", "src", "", ".ecfper-6", "", "", ".ecfper-5", "") #
Absolute_Radio_CR = Radio("Absolute_Radio_CR", "", "", " > div:nth-child(3) > a .main-img", "style", "", " > div:nth-child(3) > a > .text-wrapper > div > .artist", "", "", " > div:nth-child(3) > a > .text-wrapper > div > .track", "")
Absolute_Radio_CR2 = Radio("Absolute_Radio_CR2", # Name
                "", # URL
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > .image", # Picture Select
                "style", # Picture Select Attribute
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > > div > .title.extended-info", # Artist Select
                "", # Artist Select Attribute
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > > div > .track.extended-info", # Track Select
                "" # Track Select Attribute
Absolute_Radio = Radio("Absolute_Radio", "", "", " > div:nth-child(1) > a .main-img", "style", "", " > div:nth-child(1) > a > .text-wrapper > div > .artist", "", "", " > div:nth-child(1) > a > .text-wrapper > div > .track", "")
Absolute_Radio2 = Radio("Absolute_Radio2", # Name
                "", # URL
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > .image", # Picture Select
                "style", # Picture Select Attribute
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > > div > .title.extended-info", # Artist Select
                "", # Artist Select Attribute
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > > div > .track.extended-info", # Track Select
                "" # Track Select Attribute
IoT_Podcast = Podcast("IoT Podcast", "", "", "item:nth-of-type(1) title", "", "","enclosure:nth-of-type(1)", "url")
Hass_Podcast = Podcast("Hass Podcast", "", "", "item:nth-of-type(1) title", "", "","enclosure:nth-of-type(1)", "url")
Chill = Radio("Chill", "", "", ".js-lazy", "data-src", "", ".now-playing__text-content__details__artist", "", "", ".now-playing__text-content__details__track", "")
Scala = Radio("Scala", "", "", " > div:nth-child(1) > a .main-img", "style", "", " > div:nth-child(1) > a > .text-wrapper > div > .artist", "", "", " > div:nth-child(1) > a > .text-wrapper > div > .track", "")
Scala2 = Radio("Scala2", # Name
                "", # URL
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > .image", # Picture Select
                "style", # Picture Select Attribute
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > > div > .title.extended-info", # Artist Select
                "", # Artist Select Attribute
                "", #Leave Blank
                ".now-playing-wrapper > > > > div > .track.extended-info", # Track Select
                "" # Track Select Attribute

def bs_get_value_radio(radio):
	req = Request(radio.url, headers=headers)
	content = urlopen(req).read()

		raw_data = BeautifulSoup(content,"html.parser")
	except Exception as e:
		print("%s Unable to get BS from URL" % e)
		if(radio.pic !=[0][radio.pic_att]):
			radio.pic =[0][radio.pic_att].replace("background-image:url(", "").replace(")", "")
			client.publish("RadioStream/""/pic_url",radio.pic.encode('ascii'), qos=0, retain=True)

	except Exception as e:
		print ("Can't get "" Image")
		if (radio.artist_att):
			if(radio.artist !=[0][radio.artist_att]):
				radio.artist =[0][radio.artist_att]
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/artist",radio.artist, qos=0, retain=True)
			if(radio.artist !=[0].text.title()):
				radio.artist =[0].text.title().strip()
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/artist",radio.artist, qos=0, retain=True)
	except Exception as e:
		print ("Can't get "" Artist")

		if (radio.track_att):
			if(radio.track !=[0][radio.track_att]):
				radio.track =[0][radio.track_att]
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/track",radio.track, qos=0, retain=True)
			if(radio.track !=[0].text.title()):
				radio.track =[0].text.title().strip()
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/track",radio.track, qos=0, retain=True)
	except Exception as e:
		print ("Can't get "" Track")

def bs_get_value_podcast(podcast):
	req = Request(podcast.url, headers=headers)
	content = urlopen(req).read()

		raw_data = BeautifulSoup(content,"html.parser")
	except Exception as e:
		print("%s Unable to get BS from URL" % e)

		if (podcast.mp3_att):
			if(podcast.mp3_url !=[0][podcast.mp3_att]):
				podcast.mp3_url =[0][podcast.mp3_att]
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/mp3_url",podcast.mp3_url, qos=0, retain=True)
			if(podcast.mp3_url !=[0].text.title()):
				podcast.mp3_url =[0].text.title().strip()
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/mp3_url",podcast.mp3_url, qos=0, retain=True)
	except Exception as e:
		print ("Can't get "" MP3 URL")

		if (podcast.track_att):
			if(podcast.track !=[0][podcast.track_att]):
				podcast.track =[0][podcast.track_att]
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/track",podcast.track, qos=0, retain=True)
			if(podcast.track !=[0].text.title()):
				podcast.track =[0].text.title().strip()
				client.publish("RadioStream/""/track",podcast.track, qos=0, retain=True)
	except Exception as e:
		print ("Can't get "" Track")

def planetradio(name, url):
    url = url + str('%Y-%m-%d')) + "/" + str('%H:%M')) +"/1"
    req = Request(url, headers=headers)
    content = str(urlopen(req).read()).replace("b'","").replace("'","")
    json_content = json.loads(content)
    client.publish("RadioStream/"+name+"/pic_url",json_content[0]["nowPlayingImage"], qos=0, retain=True)
    client.publish("RadioStream/"+name+"/artist",json_content[0]["nowPlayingArtist"], qos=0, retain=True)
    client.publish("RadioStream/"+name+"/track",json_content[0]["nowPlayingTrack"], qos=0, retain=True)

def streamguys(url):
    # url = ""
    req = Request(url, headers=headers)
    content = str(urlopen(req).read()).replace("b'","").replace("'","")
    json_content = json.loads(content)
    metadata = json_content["StreamTitle"].split(" - ")
        client.publish("RadioStream/Radio_Fiji_Two/artist",metadata[-1], qos=0, retain=True)
        client.publish("RadioStream/Radio_Fiji_Two/artist","N/A", qos=0, retain=True)
        client.publish("RadioStream/Radio_Fiji_Two/track",metadata[-2], qos=0, retain=True)
        client.publish("RadioStream/Radio_Fiji_Two/track","N/A", qos=0, retain=True)

Refresh_Timer = 0

	Thread(target=bs_get_value_radio, args=[RTL2]).start()
	Thread(target=planetradio, args=["Absolute_Radio_CR",""]).start()
	Thread(target=planetradio, args=["Absolute_Radio",""]).start()
	Thread(target=planetradio, args=["Scala",""]).start()
	Thread(target=streamguys, args=[""]).start()
	Thread(target=bs_get_value_podcast, args=[IoT_Podcast]).start()
	if(Refresh_Timer == 240):
		Thread(target=bs_get_value_podcast, args=[Hass_Podcast]).start()
		Refresh_Timer = 0
	Thread(target=bs_get_value_radio, args=[Chill]).start()
	Refresh_Timer = Refresh_Timer + 1

it probably needs a bit of cleaning… I originally scraped content of the html player page, but that would fail every now and again. I then found out that some radios offered a json page with the details I needed (e.g. planet radio stations) so I adjusted.
I then call the script at HA startup and it keeps running…
Hope it makes sense / is helpful to others


Hi @ASNNetworks

So I’m getting there now.

But I’m going crazy over the gap between the buttons in the top. I tried with padding 0px, margins: 0px, etc…
Here’s my config:

Are you able to see my mistake?

Thanks in advance!

Use stack-in-card instead of vertical-stack. That allows you create vertical and horizontal stacks where the button cards have no gaps and look like one single card. This is what I use for most of my UI to give it a more clean look.

For example:

These are all stack within stacks, but they appear as single cards.

Make sure you use 0.1.1, 0.2.0 has a bug with nested cards.

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I’ll give a go

Thanks man! :slight_smile: :ok_hand:t3:

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Streaming to Sonos will not work by me. Streaming to googlehome mini or Chromecast is no problem. What should be the problem?