Cielo Breeze Support

@studiozepp active the cielo log debug on you HA in configuration.yaml file.


Do the same action in HA and send me both messages. You should see the data in HA log file.

(post deleted by author)

I added the lines to my configuration.yaml:

  default: info
  logs: debug
    homeassistant.components.cielo_home: debug

But I’m not seeing any extra lines in the log. All of them just refer to the cielo setup and all are successful. Can I upload the log somehow?

(Sorry for the deletion, I was worried about sharing password for something on configuration.yaml)

@studiozepp sorry i made a mistake for the logger it’s my dev debug config.

Use this one

   default: info
      custom_components.cielo_home: debug

Here are the only log entries I found:

2023-02-22 13:57:57.964 WARNING (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration cielo_home which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

2023-02-22 13:58:10.375 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setting up stage 2: {'file_upload', 'tag', 'upnp', 'hardware', 'hardkernel', 'met', 'roku', 'hue', 'auth', 'default_config', 'device_automation', 'homeassistant_sky_connect', 'switch_as_x', 'lovelace', 'synology_dsm', 'dlna_dmr', 'sonoff', 'persistent_notification', 'image_upload', 'homekit_controller', 'mqtt', 'cast', 'trace', 'group', 'scene', 'sun', 'script', 'radio_browser', 'discord', 'google', 'braviatv', 'search', 'counter', 'input_boolean', 'application_credentials', 'schedule', 'timer', 'zone', 'onboarding', 'logbook', 'conversation', 'wake_on_lan', 'tts', 'plex', 'media_player', 'alexa_media', 'sensor', 'media_source', 'input_button', 'ibeacon', 'yamaha_musiccast', 'bluetooth_adapters', 'input_datetime', 'energy', 'samsungtv', 'tplink', 'homeassistant_hardware', 'lyric', 'person', 'hacs', 'my', 'accuweather', 'input_number', 'mobile_app', 'diagnostics', 'xbox', 'map', 'cielo_home', 'zha', 'system_health', 'repairs', 'homeassistant_alerts', 'history', 'input_text', 'blueprint', 'input_select', 'blink', 'config', 'local_ip', 'lutron_caseta', 'automation', 'analytics'}

2023-02-22 13:58:10.724 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:58:10.724 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain cielo_home took 0.0 seconds

2023-02-22 13:58:18.949 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Connected success

2023-02-22 13:58:23.403 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:58:23.409 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:58:23.412 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setting up switch.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:58:23.414 INFO (MainThread) [] Setting up select.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:58:23.417 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Setting up binary_sensor.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:58:23.418 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.number] Setting up number.cielo_home

2023-02-22 13:59:52.438 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Connected success
2023-02-22 13:59:54.062 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:59:54.062 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:59:54.063 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setting up switch.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:59:54.063 INFO (MainThread) [] Setting up select.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:59:54.063 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Setting up binary_sensor.cielo_home
2023-02-22 13:59:54.063 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.number] Setting up number.cielo_home

I really appreciate the help.

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did you restart your HA after change for the good logger config?

you should see something like this after you made a action on you cielo lite :

To have less logs you can put this one :

   default: warning
      custom_components.cielo_home: debug

I did restart, but it may have been after the initial change and then I didn’t do it after I made the updated edit to the configuration.yaml.

Stand by…will reset.

For some reason, the edit to the logger entry didn’t take. I thought the file was saved, but apparently, it was not.

Here are the entries:

2023-02-22 19:43:05.199 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "off", "temp": "79", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1677116421", "fanspeed": "auto", "turbo": "off", "end_turbo_timestamp": "1677029328", "mode": "cool", "swing": "pos2", "followme": "off", "light": "on", "ontimestamp": "1677029382", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1677029328", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1677080867", "timestamp": "1677084179", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "5443B2F998C8", "mid": "Device", "stateSync": "0", "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "79", "humidity": "48"}, "device_status": 1, "accessToken": "*****", "refreshToken": "*****"}
2023-02-22 19:43:08.626 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "5443B2F998C8", "deviceTypeVersion": "BL02", "fwVersion": "1.0.0,1.0.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1662, "actionType": "temp", "actionValue": 76, "connection_source": 0, "token": "*****", "mid": "chrome-1677116507", "application_version": "1.0.0", "ts": 1677138188, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "auto", "temp": "76", "swing": "pos2", "turbo": "off", "oldPower": "on", "light": "on"}}

@studiozepp i need the data of StateUpdate who happen after the actionControl. actionControl do the action and StateUpdate confirm it.

Are these what you need?

It appears that when I make a change on the Cielo Lite, it only sends the actionControl JSON:

{“action”: “actionControl”, “macAddress”: “5443B2F998C8”, “deviceTypeVersion”: “BL02”, “fwVersion”: “1.0.0,1.0.0”, “actionSource”: “WEB”, “applianceType”: “AC”, “applianceId”: 1662, “actionType”: “temp”, “actionValue”: 75, “connection_source”: 0, “token”: “*****”, “mid”: “chrome-1677116507”, “application_version”: “1.0.0”, “ts”: 1677140338, “actions”: {“power”: “on”, “mode”: “cool”, “fanspeed”: “auto”, “temp”: “75”, “swing”: “pos2”, “turbo”: “off”, “oldPower”: “on”, “light”: “on”}}

There is no StateUpdate following the action control for the Lite.

When I make a change on my Breeze Plus I get the behavior you said to expect, with an actionControl followed by a StateUpdate.

I DO get a StateUpdate for this device right after a “ping connection reset” message in the log:

2023-02-22 20:27:41.985 DEBUG (Thread-49) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Ping Connection Reset

2023-02-22 20:28:11.239 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {“message_type”: “StateUpdate”, “action”: {“uirules”: “default:default:default”, “device_status”: “off”, “temp”: “79”, “action_source”: “WEB”, “statustimestamp”: “1677116421”, “fanspeed”: “auto”, “turbo”: “off”, “end_turbo_timestamp”: “1677029328”, “mode”: “cool”, “swing”: “pos2”, “followme”: “off”, “light”: “on”, “ontimestamp”: “1677029382”, “start_turbo_timestamp”: “1677029328”, “power”: “on”, “mode_timestamp”: “1677080867”, “timestamp”: “1677084179”, “moderules”: “default:default:default”}, “mac_address”: “5443B2F998C8”, “mid”: “Device”, “stateSync”: “0”, “lat_env_var”: {“temperature”: “79”, “humidity”: “48”}, “device_status”: 1, “accessToken”: “", “refreshToken”: "”}

{“message_type”: “StateUpdate”, “action”: {“uirules”: “default:default:default”, “device_status”: “off”, “temp”: “79”, “action_source”: “WEB”, “statustimestamp”: “1677116421”, “fanspeed”: “auto”, “turbo”: “off”, “end_turbo_timestamp”: “1677029328”, “mode”: “cool”, “swing”: “pos2”, “followme”: “off”, “light”: “on”, “ontimestamp”: “1677029382”, “start_turbo_timestamp”: “1677029328”, “power”: “on”, “mode_timestamp”: “1677080867”, “timestamp”: “1677084179”, “moderules”: “default:default:default”}, “mac_address”: “5443B2F998C8”, “mid”: “Device”, “stateSync”: “0”, “lat_env_var”: {“temperature”: “79”, “humidity”: “48”}, “device_status”: 1, “accessToken”: “", “refreshToken”: "”}

@studiozepp The only difference i see it’s the value connection_source in my integration it’s set 0, because i have no idea what attribute do. When i test my 2 cielo on the website it’s alway 0 but on your ceilo lite it’s set to 1.

You can try to change the default value 0 to 1 in the in your ha.

Path : \config\custom_components\cielo_home\

Restart after that.

I will give it a shot! I am out of town right now, but I will be home tonight and will make the change then. Thanks for all the help.

That did it! I changed “connection_source” to 1 from 0 and now the Lite is responding to commands from HA. I also made sure my Plus was still working…and it is as far as I can tell.

Thanks for all your help. This helped me understand how your integration works too…thanks.

@studiozepp good news! :grinning:

I will make a new version with only the cielo lite to 1 and other device to 0. You should be ok after that.

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Excellent. Thank you so much!

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big thank you from the dominican republic

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Hmmm…My issue with my BL02 (Breeze Lite) is back. The device is not updating temperature when I adjust in HA and I’m not seeing any confirmation of the adjustment in the logbook in Home Assistant.

It was working fine for a while, but I don’t know exactly when it stopped since we don’t use the office the AC resides in often. I checked the python file we edited above…saw the modification and tried just changing the “connection_source” from the modified code to “1” and this did not fix the problem. I wonder if Cielo has changed something…

I may just spring for the normal Breeze as the one we have installed in our Gym is working flawlessly with this integration.

Hi, it’s really weird. Without the device it’s hard for me to test it :wink: I’ll will maybe need a other one, if yes i’ll buy a Breeze Lite. i’ll keep you updated if i find something. @studiozepp

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No problem. I’m going to pick up the “normal” Breeze and switch it out…it’s working flawlessly with the integration. Thanks for all the help! Wish I knew more so I could do more troubleshooting.