Circadian Lighting [Custom Component]

Changing the elevation didn’t seem to make any difference :man_shrugging:, but setting sunrise/sunset offsets works like a charm :smiley:

@claytonjn - regarding sunrise_offset & stuff… guess I didn’t understand what that was for the first time through. Makes sense now, and thanks! Follow-up question: In my configuration.yaml, I have:

  min_colortemp: 2700
  max_colortemp: 6000
  sunrise_offset: -02:00:00
  sunset_offset: -02:00:00

2700k should be “CT 500” in Tasmota, but when I look in the bulb console, they never get warmer than “CT 370.” What am I missing?
Thanks again man, this is really a great plugin!

I’ve not used Tasmota - is it using mireds? If so the conversion is 1,000,000/Kelvin = Mireds, so 2700k is ~370 mired and 2000k would be 500 mired.

Well I just checked my config and the lights which are showing a very pink colour even in the middle of the day are in fact set up as lights_ct. So now I don’t know what else to try…

Well, sir… thank you for that! I swear my bulbs say “2700 - 6000k” but changing min_colortemp to 2000 gave me the CT 500 I was looking for. So either the bulbs are mis-marked or there’s a miscalibration somewhere, but I don’t really care. Thank you!

I love the Circadian Light Component and use it permanently.
But sometimes it is working contrarily to what I want. It would be great if it were possible to adjust the sunset_offset per day of the week. I would like to change the offset on Friday and Saturday. Preferbly via Node Red. Is this somehow possible?

Since the Sunrise/Sunset offsets are Component Variables, I do not believe that is possible. If they were Switch level variables, you could just make multiple switches for specific days, and then have an automation turn on/off the appropriate switch(es).

I have just recently setup CL and absolutely love it so far.
I am trying to setup an automation to where when I click on a button, the bulb turns on to the corresponding sensor.circadian_values values (instead of turning on and then updating), but when I put this in the Call Service data box, it breaks the automation. Any idea why?
color_temp: "{{ ((1000000/state_attr('sensor.circadian_values','colortemp')) | int ) }}"

You don’t need an automation for that, the color will automatically be set to the correct level when the light is “part of” a circadian-switch.

I would like to use the build-in sleep functionality for my bedroom, but i’m unable to set “sleep_brightness”
to 0. Is this on purpose, if so, why?

Not immediately, what do the logs show?

Based on HA standards (or maybe my testing?) 0 brightness turns a light off, so it doesn’t make sense for CL to ever set a light to 0. I think some integrations don’t follow this. What are you trying to achieve by setting brightness to 0?

I think I have figured out the issue with my pink lights… They are flashed with ESPhome and in the log from the light itself I have just seen thefollowing:

[06:52:23][W][light:392]: 'Ensuite Downlight' - This light does not support setting color temperature!

So I’m wondering what my options are… try colour_xy?

EDIT: changing to color_xy made no effect on the overly pink output during the day / almost all the time. (these are RGBW lights)

First off thank you for this awesome integration @claytonjn, circadian lightning improved my life alot!

I got a suggestion for your integration that rethinks how nights and especially brightness control is handled in circadian lighting.

in my opinion the brightness should not be reduced after dusk (or to be more clear astronomical dusk) is reached. lights should only dim between sunset and dusk. this is a time period of about 2 hours, depending on where you live and what time of the year it is. in this case the Synchronisation of our lights would feel way more natural.

people could configure an offset to dusk and dawn and remove this function completely if they want. sleepmode would stay as it is.

the only thing people may want to do is adjust the min brightness to a higher value like 25%-50% instead of 1%. this way users can setup a comfortable night brightness way easier that will slowly and natural fade in. without having to effect the whole curve.

english is not my mother language, so sorry for my grammar and spelling.

I did a quick sketch to give everyone a better idea of what I mean.

let’s discuss why this is a bad idea :smiley:

edit: everything “above” the x axis is the color temperature part

everything “below” is the brightness part

Edit: Updated Sketch


To explain your idea better, you should show two curves in your sketch: a colortemp-curve and a separate brightness-curve.

fair. I updated a short explanation and I will redraw this sketch if needed.

I’m having trouble with the sleep_entity and sleep_brightness functionality working correctly. Basically, my thought is if input_boolean.night_mode turns on, then if this light turns on, it should be at the sleep_brightness percentage? However, when the associated input_boolean turns on, the light goes to whatever percentage it should normally be if sleep_mode wasn’t on.

  - platform: circadian_lighting
      - light.living_room_lamp
    name: circadian_lighting_living
    sleep_entity: input_boolean.night_mode
    sleep_state: on
    sleep_brightness: 5

If anyone has an idea on how to fix this, I’d be very appreciative!

I read down the thread a bit but wasn’t quite certain- did you resolve this? If so, please share with me how! My coworker is having the same issue. He doesn’t seem to have any scenes or scripts associated with the problematic entities.

Had similar behavior and moved to node red for setting the lights, using the HA component only for the calculated color.

I performed a clean installation of the home assistant (via docker) and I am not able to make circadian work, I copied the same configuration from my old configuration.yaml however when I click on the toggle I get the message "Failed to call the sensor / turn_off service. Service not found. "

I saw that someone had the same problem but did not post the solution, I noticed that the service is also duplicated (switch.circadian_lighting_circadian_lighting)

Here is my configuration.yaml:

   - platform: circadian_lighting
       - light.lampada_positivo_quarto

Could you please help me?

Thank you

This name is because you didn’t specify a name for your CL switch, ie:

  - platform: circadian_lighting
    name: Lamp
      - light.lampada_positivo_quarto

I also noticed an additional space in your indentation which I have fixed.

You can’t turn off a sensor, it needs to be calling the switch.turn_off service