Clarification on a change in 0.86

Can anyone (@thomasloven :slight_smile:) explain what this means exactly? It sounds interesting!

Allow other icon prefixes than mdi: (@thomasloven - #19872)

What it means is that things like this actually works.

Previously the configuration checker mistakenly disallowed any icon that didn’t start with mdi: even if it actually worked to use them.
There are a few built-in icons (prefixed by hass:) that were’nt usable before because of this, but mainly it allows custom iconsets.

The icons in the hass: domain are

  • hass:calendar
  • hass:settings
  • hass:home-assistant
  • hass:poll-box
  • hass:format-list-bulleted-type
  • hass:mailbox
  • hass:account-location
  • hass:cart

Most of them are actually copies from materialdesign, I think…

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Hi @thomasloven,

This is so much appreciated! Can’t +1 enough :wink:

What we really need also is native support for .svg icons…

Adding to that it would be very nice if we were able to customize the icons (flip horizontal/vertical and use color templating on the svg’s)…

Use svg natively in HomeAssisant?,
Local .svg icons not loading,
Custom monochrome icons dynamically recolored in same way the MDI icons are

Since you’re in the act of upgrading icon support, please consider adding that too?


Which begs the question: What is the point of these built-in icons?

They are for internal use by Home Assistant. They’re not meant to be used by end users, but as a secondary effect of #19872 they can be.

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btw, and these:

  'clear-night': 'hass:weather-night',
  'cloudy': 'hass:weather-cloudy',
  'fog': 'hass:weather-fog',
  'hail': 'hass:weather-hail',
  'lightning': 'hass:weather-lightning',
  'lightning-rainy': 'hass:weather-lightning-rainy',
  'partlycloudy': 'hass:weather-partlycloudy',
  'pouring': 'hass:weather-pouring',
  'rainy': 'hass:weather-rainy',
  'snowy': 'hass:weather-snowy',
  'snowy-rainy': 'hass:weather-snowy-rainy',
  'sunny': 'hass:weather-sunny',
  'windy': 'hass:weather-windy',
  'windy-variant': 'hass:weather-windy-variant'

icons for the weather cards :wink: