Clear Theme

Btw, nice work. Some good ideas here, like the Recycle Bin days! :slight_smile:

Thanks! It was a battle to get that working because my council has no API and the results are all generated in-line by javascript - see here:

I also have a dark theme but it’s not quite as refined as @naofireblade’s:

I totally forgot to add the fonts to my theme in config.yaml though, will give that a go now! Thanks!


Font: Poppins


Thank you!
Can you also share your config for your presence card at the top right?

That one also has a button to open a text field where I can enter a reminder for a person and this person get’s a notification as soon has she comes home.

You first have to set up a device tracker for each person:

After that you can include the card.

The Card

type: horizontal-stack
title: Familie
  - type: glance
    columns: 2
      - device_tracker.iphone_user1
      - input_text.reminder_user1
    show_name: false
  - type: glance
    columns: 2
      - device_tracker.iphone_user2
      - input_text.reminder_user2
    show_name: false

Configuration for Input Field

    name: "Reminder"
    name: "Reminder"

Automation for Reminder

- alias: Reminder for User 1
  - platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.iphone_user1
    to: home
  condition: []
  - service: notify.ios_iphone_user1
      title: Reminder
      message: "{{ states.input_text.reminder_user1.state }}"
  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: input_text.reminder_user1
      value: ''

- alias: Reminder for User 2
  - platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.iphone_user2
    to: home
  condition: []
  - service: notify.ios_iphone_user2
      title: Reminder
      message: "{{ states.input_text.reminder_user2.state }}"
  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: input_text.reminder_user2
      value: ''

Is there another way to call the background image into Lovelace? I use an automation to select my theme based on day/night mode and I want to be able to automagically switch between clear light and clear dark with their associated backgrounds. If I put “background: center / cover no-repeat url(”/local/background.jpeg") fixed" into the Lovelace config it will apply to ALL themes.

I found no way yet :confused:

Maybe you could create a custom_component with a service to overwrite the image in the WWW folder at certain times. But I guess the problem with this approach is the browser cache.

with an individual card I do this with card modder:

  - type: custom:card-modder
      background-image: url("/local/lovelace/images/weather-background-[[ sun.sun.state ]].png")
      background-size: 100% 400px
      --primary-text-color: var(--primary-text-color)
      --secondary-text-color: var(--secondary-text-color)
      --paper-item-icon-color: var(--primary-text-color) #small variation icons

I imagine one could create a template sensor which is called in the Lovelace configuration, if this would be possible directly? (haven’t done a thing like that myself for global setup, but seems like it should be possible…

But can anybody write step by step how setup background as in the first post ?

Have your automation call a shell command that copies the appropriate background file to one place.

But i dont know how do it…

Do you know how to get into the UI raw config editor?

If so, here is a sample of my one background code. you can also link it to a local image

My question for the day, I manage to get working Except for on my tracker panel card. All loads except this one:

But if I want change theme for day and night also with background? But how I can do it?

You will need to do this in automation I assume. sorry havent done that yet so will wait to see what the others say :slight_smile:

It’s a card not an entity

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oh crap! haha sorry, you right - very new still to hassio

Hello! I was just trying to “install” this theme - also tried others.

Is there a detailed documentation how to install them?
I’ve used this official docu.

Here is what I’ve done:
In configuration.yaml:

  themes: !include themes.yaml

In themes.yaml I’ve copied your code above beginning with:

text-color: …

Can anyone help me?

Looks good so far. Everything beginning from #Colors must be indented by 2 spaces.
After restart home assistant you should be able to select the theme in your profile (click on the circle with your initial letter in the top left corner).