Hi GeoffAtHome, I’ve used the hass.io raspberry pi image for my Home Assistant. I’m trying to install your GeniusHub component - is it possible to install this component in the hass.io raspberry pi build? I couldn’t find a custom_components to install the .py files into! Any help appreciated!
I install the files by using the Samba Share component to gain access to the file system on the pi. When this component is install, if you browse to the pi (on Windows use the file explorer and enter \ip_address_to_the_pi and you will see a few directories. On mine these are: addons, backup, config, share and ssl. Open the config directory and create the folder “custom_components”. Copy the files you need there not forgetting to create new directories for light and switch.
Good to hear that you have it working. I do need to resolve an issue with it. When HA is restarted, sometimes the connection to the hub fails. I am slowing getting to understand the problem and will push out a fix.
A workaround for now is to restart home-assistant which is far from ideal.
I hope to have this component added into the main build of HA and will be generating a PR before Christmas.