Climate_IP - ClimateDevice for IP based units (not only Samsung AC)

I’ve managed to set it up correctly, having a 2878 version, but even though my unit supports auto_clean and special_mode, these are not available in the HA card

Any idea how can I fix this?

Since 2022.7 it doesn’t work. Maybe Python 3.10 is the problem?


I have no real idea how to fix the loop issue with this in, I know this is causing the script to fail:

    if update_tasks:
        await asyncio.wait(update_tasks, loop=hass.loop)

Which is related to the term ‘loop’ be depreciated in Python 3.10

Pretty sure the code in the (i don’t know python) is looking at update_tasks array and if it is true it is meant to be kicking off an hass process. hass looks to know that “loop.loop” was going away, but I have no idea what to replace this piece with to make it work. Ill probably just start hacking about and see how we go…

ciao all,
i’ve the problem that after some days, the airconditioner are not connected to the wifi anymore. do you have the same issue? how did you solve it?

@prates did you managed to turn-off the display?

Not really, sorry. But I don’t have this AC for more than a year, so not the best person to check about updates.

That’s OK appreciate your quick feedback mate!

Hi there.
I got HASSIO installed.
When trying to find the token, I got this error:

[core-ssh ssl]$ python3
-bash: python3: command not found

I did not found python in usr/bin
Do I have to use HASSIO? Can I use a different PC in the same net?
Is there any way to find this token?


@Silicon_Avatar appreciate this update works on 2022.12 fixing some issues introduced with 2022.07 GitHub - atxbyea/samsungrac: Home Assistant Climate Device for controlling (not only) Samsung AC

Hi Fam,

I’ve recently bought the mim-h02. Setup using the above notes but isnt working. Anyone got any tips?

Since October ‘22 MIM-H02 is discontinued. Sorry. I’m angry too

Hey, I know this was a long time ago but this worked for me. Replace 159-167 in with the following…

        update_tasks = []
        for device in devices:
            if not hasattr(device, "async_set_custom_operation"):
            await getattr(device, "async_set_custom_operation")(**params)

        if update_tasks:
            await asyncio.wait(update_tasks)

Hey everyone! I know it’s been here for a long time but I’m in Brazil and it’s getting really, really hot so I’m planning to buy new Acs. Thinking on the wind free ones from Samsung. Did anyone manage to integrate them using this integration?

Thanks! =D

I have MIM-H04EN ,

does it works?
With this, could I solve my problem? SmartTings missing settings


Like most of you here, I’ve struggled to obtain my token from my samsung aircon on port 8888

I’ve just created some instructions that simplifies existing methods (especially given python 2 isn’t easy to install on most recent OS)

I hope this helps you integrating your aircon into homeassistant

Dear All,

Im facing the issue that the certificate ac14k_m.pem provided for Samsung is not working with SSL v3…

in homeassistant.log:

home-assistant.log:2024-07-10 18:24:14.348 ERROR (SyncWorker_49) [custom_components.climate_ip.climate] Request result exception: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8888): Max retries exceeded with url: /devices (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL] unsupported protocol (_ssl.c:1000)'))

When I test with curl:

 curl  -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer hehesecret" --cert /config/custom_components/climate_ip/ac14k_m.pem -X GET | jq | grep -A1 '\"id\": \"032'

curl: (58) could not load PEM client certificate from /config/custom_components/climate_ip/ac14k_m.pem, OpenSSL error error:0A00018E:SSL routines::ca md too weak, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)

I’ve tried to fix it specifying DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=0 , but it does not help …

any ideas?

Anyone for my question, please? :wink:

Have you read this?

Try to use 6.1 version.
Version 6.2 has a problem (TLSv1 explicitly needed for TP6X_RAC_16K · Issue #101 · atxbyea/samsungrac · GitHub).