Despite the terrible name, I do like the sound of the Spacelogic unit… It is pricey but Im thinking so is the standard 5500CN and the cost difference between the two maybe isnt so bad.
Time to do some price checking on the hardware before I go too much further.
I run using a SHAC unit. It works well. One warning is that Clipsal are not good at support and updates and tend to just discontinue a product , ‘disown it’ at almost nil notice and launch a newer version. I have been caught so many times on this. The SHAC is an OEM product.
One advantage of the SHAC / later approach is you can code it to support nearly all the C-Bus applications not just lighting. I use it for HVAC and the measurement app.
Thanks for the helpful Scripts. awsome work!. i got it running for lights and with cards, it works well for on/off devices like lights… For Blinds, is there a simple method to add an up:stop:down button? i can control via MQTT messages, just not sure on best practice to add these messages to a button.
I have made a major refactor on the cgateweb implemention, and published the solution as 3 containers to isloate the parts.
Specifically for the C-Bus to MQTT setup, this now uses the C-Bus project file, to ensure discover of Dimmer, Relay and Phantom groups, and I also enabled Trigger Application with MQTT Events entity!
some Features
Build containers for all the parts
Refector the C-Gate to MQTT bridge
Supports the C-Bus project file
Discovers all Lighting Groups and Publishes for MQTT Discovery
Only Defined Groups Published
Home Assistant configuration automatically for
Group Names from Project
EntityID locked to network ID
Relays, Dimmers and Phantoms Auto-Detected and Configured
Extended Attributes for Outputs -
Unit Type, Index, Model, and Channel number
Trigger Application
Published as new Home Assistant MQTT Event
Trigger names and groups published
Bug fixes, etc.
Only defined groups are discovered, and configured correctly as Switch, Dimmer or Phantoms
Jaysus Damian, you were busy.
This is very timely because cbus2mqtt broke for me in July after a HA update.
Your version sounds good. I think I’ll adopt it as my new Cbus/HA solution.
I’m a bit dumb though. (Not much changed from the CQC/Elve days. LOL).
Where do you have Cgate installed?
I only fire up cgate when I need to get to toolkit or PICED on a windows PC. My HAOS is running on a dedicated Intel NUC - I could install cgate there too I suppose.
All the best, good to see you again here! Enda in Barcelona
Oh my gosh. It’s been far too long Enda. How have you been keeping.
I was in France last week and just catching up now - sorry about the delay.
So I have an old PI3 stuck beside the C-Bus CNi 5500 in the panel (the PI is housed in a 15€ DIN rail enclosure to keep it safe and look pro!
The pi has nothing installed. Just Raspbian OS; updated and the current version of Docker. That’s it!
Then I connected a USB to serial from the PI to the C-Bus CNI to get them connected.
Finally I grabbed the docker-compose.yaml file that’s in the readme of the repo which lists the 3 containers. Put the cbus project file in the corrrct folder and run
docker compose up
The logs will start with the serial2tcp first making the connection to the CNI.
Then the second container will load which is cgate. It will read its configuration and open the cbus toolkit xml file from the folder. Open the network and start the cgate connection. (Hint here. In the xml file we May need a quick edit to make sure the project is using a network connection and the IP Should be that which is assigned to the PI).
Finally - if Cgate loads the cgate2mqtt container will start, connect to both mqtt and the cgate server and then just smile
I’m home assistant we should see under mqtt the cbus environment and all your triggers and lights.
As for toolkit. When I need it I open it on my laptop, and connect it to the ip of the pi on port 10001 which is the same port the ser2tcp setup earlier. Makes the whole thing super clean to manage.
Hi all, I moved into a house with C-Bus in March and used @Samsonsite’s add-on to get HA talking to C-Bus. It was nice and easy but I have a problem where it works 99% of the time but also lights randomly don’t react some times. As that isn’t an active project I wanted to migrate to something that will get my lights reacting 100% of the time.
There seem to be multiple projects and ways to solve this so before I go down a rabbit whole I was hoping someone could advise which project is best for the Spacelogic 5500AC2 controller. I’m only using lights and exhaust fans. I’m running HA in a VM with all my other stuff in docker
You can implement MQTT through the SpaceLogic controller. I have done that but can’t vouch on the stability as that’s not something I use 24/7 mainstream. It’s still running after many months, certainly better than the 99% you’re quoting. The 99% could be a C-Bus wiring anomaly or more likely a dropped command if you’re overflowing the buffer. Does the ‘missed’ command make it correctly onto C-Bus?
SpaceLogic can support lighting as well as all the other C-Bus apps so it’s a flexible prospect and should work well I believe. I use this for the C-Bus measurement app for my voltage and temperature sensors and also for climate/heating.
I use a no longer available C-Bus to Ethernet device for C-Bus lighting and triggers which has worked flawlessly for 15 years.
+1 for the MQTT method. I haven’t used the add-on as I had MQTT already setup in my Spacelogic but I can confirm in my install it’s been 100% stable. Never had any lights or switches not respond on the C-Bus side or the HA side.
This looks perfect for my needs/ abilities. I purchased a home assistant green to give it a go. When I try to add your github link to repositories
it comes up with:
Cmd(‘git’) failed due to: exit code(128) cmdline: git clone -v --recursive --depth=1 --shallow-submodules – /data/addons/git/bca28fb7 stderr: 'Cloning into ‘/data/addons/git/bca28fb7’… fatal: could not read Username for ‘’: No such device or address ’
No idea how to get around this or what the problem is, any chance of help
A solution was very kindly provided over at git hub: