Did anyone ever figure out the “battery” value? Is there any way to convert it to voltage or percentage? The SmartDry is pretty battery hungry, and it would be great to be able to get a warning before it dies. Otherwise this solution has been fantastic for our laundry home automations.
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This works great with the Theengs plug. I haven’t needed the Dryness value since the humidity is pretty linear - 16% is a little damp and 12% is perfect. What I was wondering was if there is a way to use the smart plug feature of the Theengs plug to turn the dryer power off when the clothes are dry and then switch it back on again. That’s the way the plug worked that came with the original Smartdry. Any ideas?
Thank you very much.
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Here’s the answer from Theengs Support:
You could create an automation that switches off "actuatorONOFF’ when the humidity goes below 12%, and start a timer to put it back ON after X minutes.
I would verify first that the dryer can be switched Off like that without risks.