Clothes dryer no motion - send notification

it’s under “add action” tool (i didn’t realize it was under building block until you said it)

just hit add action and type “wait”

wasn’t intending to insult… :slight_smile: was more trying to set the right mental model for how to think about things.

the other thing that i did wasn’t to key off the “off” for 1 minute… which i suspect in your mind you were thinking “i want to do this when it’s off… but there’s this scenario where it’s off briefly, so how can i exclude that?” that approach is one that is going to be a bit more fragile.

instead the mental model i took was “how might i know it’s running”. how might i have higher confidence it’s done?

what i did has a definite vulnerability if there’s a restart of home assistant during the wait. home assistant won’t resume in the middle of an automation. you could conceivably do something as simple asthis… but that will also notify if you tap it on, then off w/o running for reals… not sure if that matters.

alias: Clothes Dryer Stopped Notification Everywhere In The House.
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.dryer_vibration_sensor_moving
    to: "off"
    from: "on"
      minutes: 2
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_cellphone
    metadata: {}
      message: dryer stopped
mode: single

finally, while i agree with the comments about using power monitoring as a potentially more reliable approach, i think you’re still going to want to have this same framework of code because i suspect you will still open the door and muck with something in the middle of a cycle. which will cause the power consumption to drop…

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@armedad No, no - no insult taken. :ok_hand: I was laughing at myself :laughing:…all good.

Have completed running my scenarios (less HA doing a reboot, loss of power, etc.) and the code works as I was hoping and was trying to get to. THANKS !

Yes - to all your feedback and perspective on the mental concept of what is happening. I kept getting wrapped up on several of those aspects. Basically, I got stuck in my thinking - tunnel vision or something.

I like the power monitoring aspect, and do that on the clothes washer and it works well. The dryers high voltage / amps drove me to the vibration sensor aspect. But as @nickh66 pointed out - I did have to move and remount in a different way, the sensor to get accurate readings - but for now - the sensor and software automation are solid.

BTW, I adjusted the dryer done notification aspect to announce via a couple amazon echos in the house - its kinda like Iron Man “Jarvis” now…

Many thanks to all !

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Can you show your final yaml? @dwdonnelly

alias: Clothes Dryer Done Notification
description: “”

  • platform: state
    • binary_sensor.dryer_vibration_sensor_moving
      to: “on”
      minutes: 3
  • condition: time
    after: “08:00:00”
    before: “19:30:00”
    • sun
    • mon
    • tue
    • wed
    • thu
    • fri
    • sat
      enabled: true
  • wait_for_trigger:
    • platform: state
      • binary_sensor.dryer_vibration_sensor_moving
        to: “off”
        minutes: 2
        continue_on_timeout: false
        enabled: true
  • service: chime_tts.say
    chime_path: ding_dong
    message: The clothes dryer is done.
    volume_level: 0.75
    tts_platform: cloud
    - [my device]1
    - [my device 2]
    - [my device 3]
    mode: single
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