Color Loop Blueprint with Configurable Colors and Transition Time

Hey everyone, I just added a new version 2.0 of the Color Loop blueprint.

Here is the gist of the changes:

  1. Changed it from being a Script Blueprint to an Automation Blueprint:
    • Unfortunately this means its a breaking change so all existing Scripts using the blueprint will need to be re-added as Automations (see below)
  2. I have added a new input for a Toggle element to control the color loop:
    • This will allow a separate toggle entity to turn the color transitions on/off.
    • You can use the same toggle for multiple separate color loops to turn all of the loops on/off.
    • This vastly helps when using light groups and you want to turn off the color loop.
    • If you leave the toggle on and turn the lights off, when you turn the lights back on they will start looping again.
    • This toggle is somewhat optional, where if you want to always have the color looping whenever the light is on, you can add the light itself as its own toggle.
  3. Fixed issues with light groups:
    • With the new toggle it is easy and (hopefully) bug free to turn off the color looping when you are using light groups.
    • While the color is looping, you can now turn off individual lights and they won’t turn back on.
    • Turning off some lights will keep the color loop running.
    • Turning off all lights will stop the color loop.
    • When all lights are off, turning any lights in the group back on will restart the color loop (provided the toggle is on).
  4. Fixed issue with lights sometimes turning themselves back on:
    • There is now logic to not only help prevent this from occurring, it will also ensure that the light is left set to the color where it was stopped on.
  5. Updated the blueprint docs:

How to update from version 0.1 to 2.0:

  1. Download / install the new blueprint from above.
  2. Have two windows/tabs open.
  3. Window 1:
    1. Go to Settings > Blueprints > Automations & Scenes > Blueprints
    3. Click the button in the top-right and select Edit in YAML
  4. Window 2:
    1. Edit the old script-based color loop you want to transfer over
    2. Click the button in the top-right and select Edit in YAML
  5. Copy over the relevant YAML from the old script to the new automation:
  6. Window 1:
    1. Click the button in the top-right and select Edit in visual editor
    2. Add the required toggle (or set it to the same light)
    3. Save!
  7. Window 1:
    1. Delete the old script.
  8. Repeat for any other color loop scripts.
  9. Delete the old blueprint.
  10. Consider adding the new toggle(s) to the overview for an easy way to turn on/off color loops.
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