Thanks for this, I;ve used this script to program my STYRBAR left / right to change color temp using the ZHA - IKEA four button remote (Styrbar) for lights (E2001, E2002) blueprint.
In this scenario I’ve had the issue that when the lamp has been off the color_temp value is None so parsing it to an int causes an error. I’ve solved it by adding the following filter:
{{ state_attr('light. livingroom_lights', 'color_temp') | default(0,True) | int + 50 }}
The default(0,True) sets the value to zero, True is required to make it work.
Entire Yaml script for the left button:
service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.livingroom_lights
color_temp: >
{{ state_attr( 'light.livingroom_lights', 'color_temp' ) | default( 0, True
) | int + 50 }}
Right button uses the same script, but with - 50.
I hope this helps someone.