Combining Lights and switches

Hello People,

I tried to figure this out myself but I couldn’t, I have 3 lights in my backyard that two of them are z wave switchs and the other one is a tuya, what I want to achieve is having one button to turn all three lights on or off at the same time, I was able to combine the two zwave ones together in a group and name it “Backyard Lights” but i can not add the tuya to the group.

light groups


  • platform: group
    name: Backyard Lights
    • light.backyard_1
    • light.backyard
  • platform : switch
    entity_id: switch.01777782ecfabcb6eb71

This is what i have which doesn’t work

  platform: group
  name: Backyard Lights
    - light.backyard_1
    - light.backyard
    - switch.01777782ecfabcb6eb71

If you want the switch to actually look like a light you can use this to create a new light from your switch and use that in Lovelace dashboards instead of your switch.

Also in future please format your post correctly.

Unfortunately this is not possible from the new UI Groups Feature anymore.

You can create a helper of type “Switch as X” and create a new light entity based on your switch. Then you can add this new light entity to a group (which is also available as a helper). It works just fine.

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That works.


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