Command Line Sensor broke in 2024.7, How do I fix?

AH - You are using CoreSSH and not the Advanced SSH addon. Core doesn’t have access to Docker like Advanced does. I’ll make note to update that in the sourcing of the env. Replace Core with Advanced if you wanted more functionality like this. Go to the addon store and search for it like this.


I am using the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal.

I use putty to get into it.

I also tried this with/without zsh option

with zsh turned off, it gives me the core-ssh prompt.

Well, wait a minute,

I turned zsh back on and now when I ssh and login to the terminal,
I get this:

login as: root
[email protected]'s password:
Error: unknown command "bannersource" for "ha"
Run 'ha --help' for usage.
FATA[0000] Error while executing rootCmd: unknown command "bannersource" for "ha"
~ #

and I can’t execute FX_

Now I tried something else,

I did this from the Web window for Advanced SSH and it works.

Error: unknown command "bannersource" for "ha"
Run 'ha --help' for usage.
FATA[0000] Error while executing rootCmd: unknown command "bannersource" for "ha" 
➜  ~ FX_GetContainers

To be able to use this command, you'll need to disable
protection mode on this add-on. Without it, the add-on
is unable to access Docker.

 - Go to the Settings Panel.
 - Enter the 'Add-ons' menu.
 - Click on the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal add-on.
 - Set the 'Protection mode' switch to off.
 - Restart the add-on.

Access to Docker allows you to do really powerful things
including complete destruction of your system.
Please, be sure you know what you are doing before enabling
this feature!

➜  ~ 

Yep. Small bug in the bootstrapper as well as the requirement to be able to access docker. I updated the script above and put it into the revised env at Github. Once protection mode is turned off, you can just restart the addon and paste it in again.

It’s working.

Now I can poke around. Thanks.

root@a0d7b954-ssh ~> FX_LoginContainer
[INFO      ] Login to which container?
 1) QUIT
 3) addon_core_ssh
 4) addon_89275b70_dss_voip
 5) hassio_multicast
 6) addon_a0d7b954_vscode
 7) hassio_dns
 8) hassio_supervisor
 9) addon_a0d7b954_ssh
10) addon_cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
11) addon_core_zwave_js
12) hassio_cli
13) addon_a0d7b954_bitwarden
14) homeassistant
15) hassio_observer
16) hassio_audio
#? >
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