Command Line YAML configuration has moved error

For the record:

Iā€™m not certain what you are saying here and donā€™t think it has anything to do with my problem. In my case by moving everything to command_line.yaml the entity is now invalid. Commenting it out gives me the entity is not available.


My post was not addressed to you personally.
In your case you have a wrong syntax.
A valid structure is smth like this:


Check the documentation here.

I donā€™t see http_tasmota_switch1 as a possible option in the switch map, so just remove it, or change it to be the value of a unique_id key (without the colon at the end). Youā€™ll also need to change the friendly_name key to name.

If you add a unique_id key, you will be able to edit some of the entity properties through the UI.

This is what worked for me:
In configurations.yaml I added:

command_line: !include command_lines.yaml     

Then in the new command_lines.yaml file I had to remove the


line at the top. I guess it was redundant and was producing the same errors everyone was seeing.

This is the contents of my command_lines.yaml file in full as an example. Notice there is no starting line as ā€˜command_line:ā€™ as some were suggesting above.:

- switch:

      name: d_nvr

      command_on: curl http:/{edit}@192.168.1.{edit}/outlet?1=ON

      command_off: curl http:///{edit}@192.168.1.{edit}/outlet?1=OFF

  - switch:

      name: d_danmain

      command_on: curl http:/{edit}@192.168.1.{edit}/outlet?1=ON

      command_off: curl http:///{edit}@192.168.1.{edit}/outlet?1=OFF
- switch:
name: d_nvr`
name: d_danmain

So how do you get these to appear as entities so they can be added to the dashboard ?

My old dashboard worked as before. Use these entities:


Both appear on my custom outlet/switch dashboard I made and the on/off calls are working. I have them appear in my dashboard by just adding these two entities above. Hope that helps.!

Just chipping in with what worked for me - and thanks for the tips here, which helped me get this far.

I got this warning after upgrading to 2023.6.0

Command Line YAML configuration has moved. This stops working in version 2023.8.0. Please address before upgrading. Configuring Command Line binary_sensor using YAML has moved. Consult the documentation to move your YAML configuration to integration key and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue.

I use include files in my configuration.yaml - and the culprit was in my binary_sensor.yaml which looked like this:

- platform: command_line
  name: OctoPrint camera status
  device_class: connectivity
  command: >
    response=$(curl -LIk -m 5 http://octopi.local/webcam/ -o /dev/null -w 
    "%{http_code}\n" -s); test "$response" -eq 400 && echo "ON" || echo "OFF"
  scan_interval: 60
  value_template: '{{ value }}'

I removed that entry from the file and added this line to my configuration.yaml:

command_line: !include command_line.yaml

In command_line.yaml I added the following:

- binary_sensor:
    name: OctoPrint camera status
    device_class: connectivity
    command: >
      response=$(curl -LIk -m 5 http://octopi.local/webcam/ -o /dev/null -w 
      "%{http_code}\n" -s); test "$response" -eq 400 && echo "ON" || echo "OFF"
    scan_interval: 60
    value_template: '{{ value }}'

Rebooted and the warning disappeared. Hope that helps someone


Where exactly did you add the entities ?


I am trying to fix these sensors but was not able.

I get duplicate entry error when moving the command line sensor from sensor.yaml to command_line.yaml, and not able to move the btc_price template sensor to template.yaml without getting any errors.

I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

# CoinMarketCap Integration #
  - platform: command_line
    name: coinmarketcap_curl
    command: 'curl -X GET -H "X-CMC_PRO_API_KEY: my_api_key" -H "Accept: application/json" -d "symbol=BTC,ADA,BNB,LTC,THETA,DOGE,BAKE,DOT&convert=USD" -G ""'
    value_template: '{{ value_json.value }}'
    scan_interval: 900 #15 mins refresh (at 300 with 3 coins it will use 288 credits per day out of the allocated 333 credits)
    - data
  - platform: template
        unique_id: 'btc_price'
        friendly_name: 'Bitcoin Price'
        unit_of_measurement: 'USD'
        value_template: '{{ (( | float) | round(5) }}'


- platform: template


- sensor:
    name: ...
    command: ...
    value_template: ...


sensor: !include sensor.yaml
command_line: !include command_line.yaml

Any ideas how to make this work with command_line?

  - platform: rpi_gpio
      23: Tehnoruum
    invert_logic: true

Dear Community,

I had a command line switch, which I moved to command_line integration into a separate command_line yaml:

  - switch:
      name: dahua_gate_open
      command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -s --globoff --digest --user X:X ''"
      unique_id: dahua_gate_open

My problem is that I cannot call switch turn on service for this reconfigured switch, because I cannot reference the switch itself (not even in developer call service, not as a device, nor as an entitiy, and I donā€™t even see in the state list (not by name or unique_id), also not visible under Devices/entites listā€¦

How can I call turn_on service for a command_line defined switch??

Trying to call turn on service in developer tools, command_line switch is not found:

I had the same issue as OP. I thought Iā€™d post my previous YAML and my new YAML, which seems to be working now.


  - platform: command_line
        command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/pi -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now"

        command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp sd"

        command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp sd"

        command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp rb"

        command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp rb"

And now, Iā€™ve changed it to:

  - switch:
      name: raspberry_pi_shutdown
      command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/pi -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now"
      command_off: ""

  - switch:
      name: hallway_pi_shutdown
      command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp sd"
      command_off: ""

  - switch:
      name: master_bedroom_pi_shutdown
      command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp sd"
      command_off: ""

  - switch:
      name: hallway_pi_reboot
      command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp rb"
      command_off: ""

  - switch:
      name: master_bedroom_pi_reboot
      command_on: "ssh -i /config/ssh_keys/id_ed25519 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] pcp rb"
      command_off: ""

Iā€™m pretty sure this works.


I also had the same issueā€¦ Here is my code that now works.

Old - Switch.yaml

  - platform: command_line
        command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
        value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER == "ON" }}'
        friendly_name:    "Http_Tasmota 1"

        command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
        value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER == "ON" }}'
        friendly_name:    "Http_Tasmota 2"

        command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
        value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER == "ON" }}'
        friendly_name:    "Http_Tasmota 3"

        command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
        value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER1 == "ON" }}'
        friendly_name:    "Http_Combo Switch 1"

        command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
        command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
        value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER2 == "ON" }}'
        friendly_name:    "Http_Combo Switch 2" 

New Command_Line.yaml

- switch:
    # http_tasmota_switch1:
    command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
    value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER == "ON" }}'
    name: "Http_Tasmota 1"
    unique_id: http_tasmota_switch1

- switch: 
    # http_tasmota_switch2:
    command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
    value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER == "ON" }}'
    name: "Http_Tasmota 2"
    unique_id: http_tasmota_switch2

- switch:
    # http_tasmota_switch3:
    command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
    value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER == "ON" }}'
    name: "Http_Tasmota 3"
    unique_id: http_tasmota_switch3

- switch:
    # http_tasmota_combo_switch1:
    command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
    value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER2 == "ON" }}'
    name: "Http_Combo Switch 1" 
    unique_id: http_tasmota_combo_switch 1

- switch:
    # http_tasmota_combo_switch2:
    command_on:       /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_off:      /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X POST ''
    command_state:    /usr/bin/curl -s -m 5 -X GET  '' || echo -n {\"POWER\":\"OFF\"}
    value_template:   '{{value_json.POWER2 == "ON" }}'
    name: "Http_Combo Switch 2" 
    unique_id: http_tasmota_combo_switch 2

I always feel a bit stupid reading answers like this. ā€œThe solution is in this postā€
Why not being specific?


I think you need to get rid of the ā€˜command_line:ā€™ at the top. It already knows itā€™s a command_line when you included the command_line yaml file. This is what happened to me. Hope it maybe helps.

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Hello everyone!
At the moment I have managed to make the rest of the sensors work for me with the new method
The problem comes to me with the systemmonitor integration, since it falls under sensor.

   - platform: systemmonitor
       -type: disk_use_percent
         arg: /config
       -type: memory_free

Does anyone know how to make it accept it and the warning not come?

I also additionally gave an example that is listed in the breaking changes (2023.6: Network storage, favorite light colors, new integrations dashboard - Home Assistant) and the solution has a link to the relevant documentation.

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Hm, if Iā€™m not mistaken, thatā€™s not the case unfortunately, at least according to my previous experiences: the file name could be anything, the content matters. I splitted my configuration in to different yamls, and call them with ā€œinclude dirā€ in main configuration yaml, but it doesnā€™t look at the filename, rather the content.

if I don define command_line at the beginning of the file, I get the following error upon yaml config validation in developer tools:

expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['packages']['command_line']

But you gave me a good idea, to try out the command_line integration in the main configuration, maybe it works there.