Community project for which hardware (not) to buy?

Arrrrrgh! :scream:

The first post doesn’t have to be editable by everyone, it should contain a template for that device.
After that, the thread ideally would contain user experiences based on that template.

That’s why I wrote that these topics should be moderated in some way.

I agree that there are some drawbacks as well by using the forum but most users of HA search, read or write in the forum and therefor I think the forum is best place to do something like this.
To be able to add your experience with a device, one just copies the template in a new post and writes his/her personal view about this device.

Of course like any thread, unless sticky, these topics are not at the top of it’s category very soon.
In my example with the motion sensor, anyone who searches (in the forum or a search engine) for sonoff snzb-03 motion sensor will find that amongst the search results.

I’m looking at the advantage of such a system as opposed multiple topics about the same device and the off topic answers there.
Is it best solution? Maybe not but such a system can be valuable.

Yeah, you can’t do that and I’m not doing it for you.

Make a wiki.

  • You can moderate it yourself.
  • You can make an input template.
  • You can organise search reports.
  • You can correlate multiple device reviews based on model.
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It’s a different angle…

Let’s take my example with topic title: User experiences: Sonoff SNZB-03 (motion sensor)
That is very clear what the thread is about if you search for instance for Sonoff SNZB-03 or motion sensor.
After some time, it will become clear that there are user experiences for specific devices in the forum.

You know that if you start a topic about a Zigbee device, there will be someone else chiming about a WiFi version, it can turn to esphome or whatever integration and it becomes static/noise.

Come on Tom, your such a great guy! :crazy_face:

Do you mean a community guide?

That’s perhaps the biggest problem… (I mean, if it’s done the way I thought of doing it)

Creating the right template for that device can be discussed in another topic so that’s not a biggy.

Is that necessary/important?

No I mean this:

Okay, I cannot open this since that search engine is blocked here but from the link I think it’s clear what you mean but that’s outside of the forum which misses a lot of it’s goal.

And as I keep telling you this forum is not an appropriate place for your database of device reviews.

I use Miraheze for my personal HA documentation - perhaps @Nick4 should take a look. It’s free and you can make wikis public. Big undertaking, though. I’ve never managed to get my own docs under control.

Tom, these will be just threads like everything else in this forum.
Is there a problem so far? (except the manageability of course)

Doing something like suggested will be a whole different ballgame and my point was to use this community, how these devices are rated and in combination with HA.
Of course I know that it will be similar with other home automation platforms.

I know there a lot of these; I use DokuWiki for a lot of stuff besides HA.

@Stiltjack, @orange-assistant: it’s really nice to see that you are jumping on the wagon!

In this topic Which hardware to buy - IR blaster my point is proven that it becomes a ‘conversation’ about other things then just experiences.
From the 13 messages atm, only less then half of it are about user experiences.

I have seen so many times, here and in other forums, that at a certain point things get asked & repeated multiple times.
In my opinion, by not keeping these topics only about user experiences they become less interesting.

At this point, Tom was right that the forum is not the right place but I prefer to think what and how this can be done.

Yup. :grin:

Also yup. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Never mind, worth a try. Let us know if you come up with anything.