Compact\mini GPS tracker

Do you have some details on the ODBII device you use?

I just purchased one of these how did you setup the Traccar Server? Did you use the Addon? I’m struggling as where to even start I have it operating in the Sino Track App so far and understand I need to setup the tracker with a Traccar Server but not sure what to do from here.

I use a standalone server as I seem to recall there were some limitations with the addon. For example battery was not fed through if memory serves me correctly. I think there is also a demo server you can play with - Demo Servers - Traccar

If you really really really are stuck PM me and you can use my server wich is a full production version of traccar.

So in terms of steps:

  1. Install Traccar. - Linux Installation - Traccar there is even a specific guide for Digital Ocean if you want to install on there.
  2. Setup the corresponding support configurations - Quick Start - Traccar
  3. You will need to open the corresponding ports for the device on your firewall and port forward to the IP address of your traccar server. If memory serves me correctly Syno uses port 5086. You may also want to add the ports to track your phones. - 5005 I seem to recall.
  4. Reconfigure the device to point to your server and corresponding port
  5. Setup the device in the Traccar UI
  6. Create a new device tracker component in HA
- platform: traccar
  username: !secret traccar_user
  password: !secret traccar_password
  monitored_conditions: ['alarm', 'event']
  event: ['all_events']

and hey presto, you device should show up in Home Assistant!

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Did you do this via sms commands? I have tried multiple times and get sms command failed or does not support.

I seem to recall I used the software that came with the device. Plug the device in via USB and then use the software config to change the parameters (url/port/apn etc) How did you configure the APN or does your carrier use the default?

All good I was trying to use the software and it was making sounds like the commands were being processed but once I switched to using my phone to send the commands it worked. Thanks for your help.

Hi uiguy, can you give us some information about the data traffic that is generated with the gps tracker you provided above and the traccar integration?

It will depend on a couple of factors such as:

  1. Granular accuracy (the more decimal points in each lat/long reading)
  2. Frequency of updates
  3. How often the tracker is in deep sleep. (If your device has this function) or conversely how often you drive.
  4. What package and session charging your mobile carrier offers. With a lot of prepaid packages they will open/close a session for each payload as they are more used to people surfing the web than a tracker sending small payloads consistently.

I consult to mobile networks around the world so have a tailored sim card and package. I have a sinocastel tracker device.

I use around 3MB per month, but

  1. I live on a very small island
  2. I use that vehicle maybe twice a day driving no more than 2km per day

Hope this helps

I forgot to add, if anyone would like to, i am prepared to offer the use of our traccar platform (unlimited devices) and a sim card for a tracker device for £5 per month. (Or even just the sim card if you have your own tracking platform) I will however need a couple of hundred people to sign up to make this work. The sims will work on over 600 networks around the world and roaming is included in the monthly price. Please pm me if you are interested.

Don’t understand why there is no developer that made a Teltonika ODB or standalone tracker integration for Home Assistant yet. There are so many benefits from these professional and “open” Teltonika devices.