Condition in automation not evaluated

Actually, the troubleshooting guide is a section of the Automation chapter:

Screenshot from 2020-09-08 13-34-21

Can you explain how your post, the one you marked with the Solution tag, solves the original question? You stated the automation’s condition was not evaluated and the solution is: ‘Finding relevant documentation on this site is extremly difficult’. I fail to see how that solves anything.

It was explained, early in the thread, that the condition is not evaluated when the automation is manually executed. You replied:

So if ‘manually triggered’ is ‘not the case’ then how do you explain the condition was skipped even when triggered by the zwave event?

I’m lost, you have ignored the fact that Burningstone and I told you this very fact in posts 4 and 5 above.
You have now marked your own post containing no resolution information as the solution.
By clicking on your name, I can see that you joined on Aug 5 and have read 6 hours.
What do you see when you click on mine, Burningstone or 123’s (Taras) ?
The documentation you are referring to can be edited by anyone (click on the edit button) that will be notified to the admins and they will read your PR and merge it, if it meets required standards.

I corrected the solution for future comers to this thread.


Thank you petro

I’m sorry, I just re-read and see you placed the solution with me, I’d rather you gave it to burning who linked to the actual statement in the docs