Conditional Card and Divider Lovelace Issue?

After upgrading to 109.4, I am getting an error Custom element doesn't exist: hui-conditional-card. This error shows up for entity filter and for divider card as well. How do I fix this issue?

Sorry, being dense, are you saying that I need to install the hui-element card to make the following work and get rid of the error?

  - card:
        - entity: device_tracker.tim_phone
        - entity: device_tracker.julis_iphone_bt
        - entity: device_tracker.kathys_iphone
        - entity: device_tracker.dereks_iphone
      show_state: false
      style: |
        ha-card {
          height: 80px;
          padding-bottom: 1px;
      type: glance
      - entity: device_tracker.tim_phone
        icon: 'mdi:account-check-outline'
        name: Tim
      - entity: device_tracker.julis_iphone_bt
        icon: 'mdi:account-check-outline'
        name: Juli
      - entity: device_tracker.kathys_iphone
        icon: 'mdi:account-check-outline'
        name: Gussy
      - entity: device_tracker.dereks_iphone
        icon: 'mdi:account-check-outline'
        name: Derek
    show_empty: false
      - home
    type: entity-filter
  - entities:
      - entity: sensor.backporch_motion
      - entity: sensor.mudroom_motion
      - entity: sensor.frontroom_motion
      - entity: sensor.hallway_motion
      - entity: sensor.breakfastnook_motion
      - entity: sensor.basement_motion
      - entity: sensor.livingroom_motion
      - entity: sensor.outside_illuminance
    show_header_toggle: false
    style: |
      ha-card {
      margin-top: 0px;
      padding-top: 0px;
    title: Sensors
    type: entities
panel: true
type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'

Edit: Nevermind, I was being dense. I understand where to fix it now. Thanks!