Yea I mean it’s what tom said. You’re missing entity_id somewhere, you just have to find where.
It’s kind of weird that file is invalid, its only supposed to be configured by the UI which doesn’t allow invalid things to save. Did you make a change to the text file directly recently? If so I’d start there.
If you’ve made a bunch of changes in the text file then could start opening the automations one by one in the UI editor. I imagine one will have an error when you open it.
If that doesn’t work another option is to delete things and revalidate. I don’t know exactly how many automations you have in there but maybe start by deleting 2-5 automations at a time, save, and validate. If it still fails then undo and go to the next 2-5. If it passes then you know the error is in there so now delete one automation at a time from that block. And then once you find the automation start deleting triggers/actions at a time. Etc.
Just keep narrowing down the problem by deleting and undoing deletes until you can spot the issue.
- id: '1637612847219'
alias: Bedtime actions - Guest Bdrm
description: based on bedtime helper
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.bedtime
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.dnd
state: 'off'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.athome
state: 'on'
- service: script.guest_bdrm_lights_on_30
- service: script.mbdrm_lights_on_30
- type: turn_off
device_id: c6a5f6a8b28c683b259b2a23b1695391
domain: light
mode: single
worst case I can remove the orphan automation entity and re-create it, but perhaps someone can chime in what the problem actually is / how to avoid in the future.