Configuration of Aeotec Multisensor 6 - Parameter 7?

I’ve seen other posts about Aeotec Multisensor 6, but my question is once paired, 1 out of 5 of them showed a “Parameter 7” setting. This should be set to 22, I’m told. But why didn’t the other ones have it? Is it a firmware difference? And if so, how do I update either the old or new ones so they’re all the same firmware?


I have a few of these but I don’t see parameter 7 on any of them, what’s it supposed to do? I’m on firmware version 1.12, which is the next to last version released. Version 1.13 only relates to USB powered devices.
More info here:

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Here’s a thread that talks about Parameter 7: Setting a sensor as a binary sensor - #9 by Stimo

The Aeotec Multisensor 6 can enable a binary sensor for motion with parameter 5 (see config or this post from the linked thread). The parameter 7 mentioned in the specific post you linked is for a different brand and product, “Philio Tech Multisensor 3 in 1 Motion / Light / Temp”.

Interesting. Then HA mis-heard the node then. I deleted and re-added it and no parameter 7 was found. The issue I do have with these devices is if the device is originally added with a battery installed, it will sleep on the network most of the time. Even if I power it via USB.

There seems to be no command (or automatic sensing) to deal with “started as a battery but went to USB” scenario. Which sounds odd, because when started as USB I can query the node all the time. So there must be something exchanged during pairing that can’t be overriden.
