Hello community, this is the first question with regards to zigbee and homeassistant. We have successfully enabled ZHA as integration for zigbee. We are experienced with Zwave (ozw, zavejs, zwavejs2mqqt, etc.) where we can “set” configuration parameters like blind time, reset time, sensitivity, etc.
Where and how can these be configured for zigbee sensors/devices via the ZHA integration?
And if not possible is it possible at all to configure these parameters with zigbee?
Kunne ikke tilkalle tjenesten: zha/issue_zigbee_cluster_command expected dict for dictionary value @ data['service_data']. Got '“ieee”:“00:15:bc:00:1a:01:2c:18” “endpoint_id”:10 “cluster_id”:1030 “cluster_type”:“Uint16” “command”:0'
Thank you so much for this. I was banging my head against the wall trying to find these configuration settings. Home Assistant really needs to prioritize updating and improving their documentation.