Configured My first DHT11 Sensor

Configured my first dht11 temperature and humidity sensor.

I have One Google Home Mini and 3 Sonoff switches in home.

I don’t wanna flash Tasmota. Can it be configured without flashing?

What else I can do with Home Assistant? Suggest me. :grin:

DHT11 sensors are poor compared to DHT22. That said, I will only recommend jumping head first into the dark side by flashing Tasmota or ESPhome. :wink:

A better question would be… what can’t you do with HA?

I’m new to this stuffs buddy. And I’m from India. Things are super expensive here.

No idea what to do with Home Assistant :sob:

It’s all good, I totally understand what budget means. I just wanted to mention the 11 vs 22 thing because it does make a big difference in the quality of data you would get (both resolution and range are better with the 22).

HA is a big subject with a steep initial learning curve. So take your time getting acquainted with it. In the end, you would use it to automatically turn on/off your sonoffs using data from your sensors. When you say ‘configured my first…’ I assume that means you have them talking to HA already, correct?

If that is the case, your next step would be getting HA to talk to the sonoffs. Tasmota and esphome are good choices for that, but if you can’t flash then you’ll have to settle for some form of cloud integration. I’m not familiar with how to use sonoffs with stock firmware, because I chose HA for the fully local control (and sonoff + stock firmware goes directly against that idea). Flashing is a big subject for someone new to this hobby, and it may require soldering skills/tools to do, as well as a usb/UART adapter (for example, a cp2101, ftdi, or ch340 stick). If you have the skills/tools, then you are in luck because there is no shortage of clearly written flashing guides for all kinds of esp devices (sonoff basic is just one of many options).

Regardless how you do it, once you have your sonoffs controllable by HA, you would then proceed to add the magic automations to HA. Like for example, turn on fan1 when temp2 is over X degrees, turn it off if it’s below Y degrees. In HA, this can be done many ways, with yaml, gui, nodered, etc. Lots of examples how to do HA automations regardless what method you choose (I do all my automations in node-red).


This is Awesome. I’ll go ahead and flash Tasmota then. But after flashing Tasmota will it still work with Google Home Mini? That’s what stopping me from flashing custom firmware.

Yes it will

if you don’t want to flash, there are these :

I saw this thread buddy. But don’t know how to do this thing. I’m running HA in Docker.

Just install the custom component. It does not matter if you run HassOS/Hassio, Hassio on generic linux or HA in venv.

Although all my sonoffs are running Tasmota :slight_smile:

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Great. I have one Esp32 Cam. Planned to integrate with HA.