Configuring Hue dimmer switch

I have the Hue switch v2, and I’d like to configure the last button (the hue button) in order that if I press it, the light would change randomly. I have a philips bulb obviously.
I tried several blueprints and automation but didn’t succeed to configure them.

I have this version


Change what randomly, specifically?

This is not exactly what you are looking for, but the lessons can be applied.
Here are a bunch of things I use to make messages come up random. Using similar to apply code to randomize brightness, color, effect, whatever you want could work for you.

You would use these things in an automation, as this is part of a blueprint for TTS which is not what you need.

Change the color of the bulb.
For example If I press the hue button the color becomes yellow, If i press again orange and so on

If you follow that it generates a script. You can can then service call that script from your button.

If this solves your problem, please be so kind as to click the solution button below.