Configuring my ESP32-Wroom-32

your best chance is to flash it using the ESPHOME flasher in Windows rather than through the browser if you are having such problems

Thank you for the tip, so far no success. I’ll need to visit a friend, no Windows at home.

The tool is available for Linux.


Any success yet?
I’ve same device but still can’t connect to home assistant yet. Tried different things but no luck yet.

Try installing the driver,

Still haven’t made any progress. Also a bit annoyed that a moderator not only shouts at you but also doesn’t seem to understand there are different distributions in the Linux ecosystem, and not having your binaries means you need to compile everything by yourself.
I’ll update my status if/when anything happens on my side.
Thanks for asking :wink:

I was a bit annoyed that you did not indicate you had tried what I was telling you to do. Multiple times. Then when Thanasis posted the exact same instructions you did.

So apologies, but if you want help please indicate you have tried what people are telling you to do.

e.g. Did you try installing the driver?

I was finally able to get mine working through https install by connecting through Nabu Casa

  • install the cp2102 driver
  • holding down the boot button
    * Connect the device through USB
    * Select “plug into this computer”
    * Select the port and connect
    * Release the boot button once it says preparing to install.

Hopefully this works for you. If not, consider changing the USB cable because of my 4 cables, only one worked.


Hi Bfred,

I enountered the same behaviour. This may be a fairly obvious point, but I haven’t found a mention of it in this topic, so just in case:

Have you checked whether your user account has the relevant permission to access the serial port?

Typically (at least on Ubuntu), the serial ports have read/write for the dialout group. E.g.:

$ ls -lha /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Jan  9 15:01 /dev/ttyUSB0

There are many ways to check whether you have permission. One way woud be to just try reading the device:

$ cat /dev/ttyUSB0 | read -n 0
cat: /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied

If you need to add a user to e.g. the dialout group, you can try:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout <your user name>

You’ll need to fully log out and back in (or just reboot) for the new group to take effect. Hopefully that fixes the problem for you as well :slight_smile: . I could have sworn I had already granted my account access, but it turned out I hadn’t :smiley: .

I suspect this is a shortcoming of browsers, not informing the user that what they are trying to do can’t work because they lack permission (but if the page gets feedback about success/failure, maybe it could give a nice hint to check permissions).


Thanks for the hint. Enabled me to do it this way:

  • Connect via USB
  • Select “plug into this computer”
  • Select port and connect
  • Press and hold Boot while pressing EN. Keep holding Boot button.
  • Install (or adopt)… select file to install and start the install
  • Release Boot button after a second or two when it says “Erasing” (after first saying “connecting”).
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