Confused about notification for Alerts

Seems the biggest failing of the documentation is in the notify component.

A comment I found in another thread points to this blog post which gives a hint on how to use it, but only for Telegram not for basic phone alerts.

#Setup Telegram to send notifications
  - platform: telegram
    name: telegramBot1
    api_key: <apiKey>
    chat_id: <chatID1>
#send a repeating alert if the garage door is left open. I put '/ackGarage' at the end of the message to allow the 
#recipient to easily acknowledge it by tapping on it. 
    name: '{{now().strftime("%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d")}}: Garage door open for {{ relative_time(states.cover.garage_door.last_changed) }}. /ackGarage'
    entity_id: cover.garage_door
    state: 'open'  
    - 15
    - 30
    can_acknowledge: True  
    skip_first: True  
    - telegramBot1

I might be able to work with this but it’s frustrating the doc doesn’t make this clear. Nowhere that I’ve found at least.

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