Connected VAG/PON cars

Thanks Bram, seems to be an issue in the oauth lib that is checking a version. I found a post on the Lyric thread stating to modify the oauthlib (below) and that solved the issue for MijnSeat.

My work around until OAuth2Session requests.version TypeError gets fixed,is commenting out lines 9-12 in
/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/ Lyric component seems to be running great now.

Does this also work with the new version of the Mijn Volkswagen module?
I might be buying the new module for my car if Car Net is not working.

after vw updated their app nothing is working anymore

r MijnPon API: 503 Server Error: Temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. for url:

is here a solution for

regard m00s

Needs to be reverse engineered again, I suspect they are using a totally new platform PON build themselves instead of using Fleetwin. So not sure if and how it will work. (the app doesn’t really at least :grimacing:)

The app realy sucks
The app and my vw transporter are the same both iseus

I hope some body has a solution

is there any progress

A while ago I’ve captured the data that the app sends and receives. Not all data that app needs is in the data from the server.
I’ve complained at the car dealership, Volkswagen and finally I’ve put a message on Facebook about the app. They’ve now told me that there’s a deadline and the app should be working on the 1st of September. (Which I doubt they will make)
It’s ridiculous that they kill a working app, replace it with this shit and then need another 4 months to fix it.

But you’re probably more curious to get the module working in Home Assistant :stuck_out_tongue:
I’d love to help out and I can get the API calls from the app, however I don’t know anything about Python or how to create a module for Home Assistant.

For the ones interested, I reversed engineered the new API again today, and got it working with HASS again. I have to add all the endpoints and data now and will release it tomorrow probably…


Renamed to mind, from Mind Mobility the company from PON that now develops this crap. :slight_smile:

Here are the custom components, just drop them in the custom_components folder:


  username: [email protected]
  password: YoUrPaSsWoRd
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@Bram_Kragten, Awesome thanks for creating this component! It all seems to be working.
Does the state of parking brake and the state of the doors work for any of you?
I saw the parking brake state once last week, but that was it.

I couldn’t find the parameter for the doors in the API, so… parking break is not tested, but the value seems right here, also shows in the app.

No clue if it still exists, but when I had a look at the API They had this call /api/vehicles/{ID}/state.

“scoreType”: “doors_locked”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “parking_brake”,
“score”: false
}, {
“scoreType”: “range_fuel”,
“score”: 150.0
}, {
“scoreType”: “state_of_charge”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “battery_charging”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “fuel_level”,
“score”: 9.0
}, {
“scoreType”: “range_electric”,
“score”: null

And my app tells me the parking brake is on. In Home Assistant it tells me it’s ‘veilig’, but that’s never changed. Ignition is working.

Yes, that does exist, I might use that… but what does score null mean? :sweat:

I’ll try to check the status of my car tonight by connecting a proxy to my phone. I do notice that the location of my car doesn’t update in Home Assistant. In the app it is updated.
If I can help with anything else just let me know.

There is a delay in Home Assistant to not stress the API to much…

I understand. There’s a big chance the server might fall apart :stuck_out_tongue:
However all the data is updating except for the location. I’ve cleaned up my configuration a bit and I will keep an eye on it to see if it changes. The location hasn’t changed in over 5 hours at the moment.

Mmm weird, seems to be changing for me…

Today the location of my car updated correctly. I’ll just blame Mind Mobility for it :stuck_out_tongue:

In the morning the location was updated correctly, but now that I’m back home (for over 3 hours) it’s not updated. I checked it in the device_tracker.{LICENSE_PLATE} entity.

I also managed to get the data from the app when the parking brake is enabled, but I think that’s what you expected it to be:
“scoreType”: “doors_locked”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “parking_brake”,
“score”: true
}, {
“scoreType”: “range_fuel”,
“score”: 830.0
}, {
“scoreType”: “state_of_charge”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “battery_charging”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “fuel_level”,
“score”: 40.0
}, {
“scoreType”: “range_electric”,
“score”: null
}, {
“scoreType”: “battery_voltage”,
“score”: 12.2

It seems that you have to engage the parking brake when the engine is still running, then Mind Mobility will pick it up…

I have also some problems with the location update, doesn’t always update, will check that out when I have time…

Hopefully it’s an easy fix :slight_smile:
Should your script also work with Skoda? I tried to configure the component for him, but I got some errors. When I tried my login on his Home Assistant it did work.

Btw, it looks great in lovelace!